All this – this here – USA 7

So nothing much to write about Trim castle. It’s very cool, and I love the shots I got there, but I honestly couldn’t tell you what is significant about it, other than that parts of Braveheart were filmed there. We take a delf-guided tour of the Castle, and make quick work of it, since we’re doing a lot of sight-seeing in Dublin today.

This is a bird that was as fed up withthe cold ad the rain as we were:

This si the castle in color, and then in black and white

Here’s some pigeons that gather in what used to be the rafters where the wood beams were placed for the roof of the Castle.

This is the flag of Ireland, flying beautifully. A few days before, it would have been at half-mast, since one of Ireland’s former Taoseaich (like a president, sort of, but they have a “president”, so not really) had died.

Posted from USA:

posted Friday July 2006



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