All this – this here – USA 8

So this is the view out of my amazing window at my amazing B and B in my amazing room.And all i can think about is my amazing family and amazing husband.

This is, obviously, a side note to the travel blog, and for those reading this who are interested more in my trip than in my personal journey, then you may feel free to ignore this.It is a totally self-indulgent thing to write about my own homesickness.

I called W today for Father’s Day, and he isn’t feeling well.He tries not to mention it, but I know him well enough to know anyway, and so instead he tells me it’s nothing, just doesn’t feel well, and don’t worry.But i will until I see him again.

I miss him more than I thought I would.I miss the kids, with their noise and enthusiasm.There is hardly ever a quiet moment with them, and I’ve had many of those here, especially at night.I miss my bed at home and my stuff.I miss my car, my house, my roads (haha).But mostly, I miss W.It is worst at night, when the quietness is the loudest and the day is done.There is no one to share my thoughts and feelings with, and they have usually changed the next morning, so it is pointless to call then.The beds feel lonely and unfamiliar.The room, no matter how cute, feels alien and unkind without him.He is my rock, and he shaves off my rough edges, andI miss him.

I rant for a few minutes in my journal, and it’s really not the same.But I love you, W, and I wish you were here.Mostly becasue youlisten to my rants and love me anyway.

Posted from USA:

posted Tuesday July 2006



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