20 Mar xxxx
well heeeyyyyy zeusssss
St Paddys – got on it about 2 pm, ended up downtown where they close of the streets, Liam was in full green jump suit, getting filmed by about 10 camera men and video cameras. stripped down to his speedos. flashes going off everywhere, made some online newspaper apparently. got back to hostel where we owned the dance floor, carving up to Queen etc.
Prob slept til about 2pm, which is normal for us. Quick lunch somewhere, well not quick cos they dont have bakeries or cafe type places to pick up food and even when we want something fast, we have to sit down, order, and everything takes so fricken long. needless to say, we have had to see if Big Macs are the same here as in NZ. But Steak here is awesome as Argies are well known for their steak.
The other 2 nites.. well… more of the same, “few” drinks and up til 5 or 6 am and sleeping til 2pm. after lunches we normally go for a tour of the city by running around, this is our daily exercise and we take a camera and get shots of important looking buildings (just for mum), bought a soccer ball too so have had some kick arounds… . then home about 6ish to either sleep again or have a few quiets. dinner is normally about 11pm, hence we dont get to sleep til 5am. Our stomachs seem so small, not eating much at all, no snacks, and hard to get convenient food.
most of our day is also spent trying to sort out shit we have caused while drunk. And none of us speaking english makes it bloody funny. If someone has to get something, the other 2 just follow him round into the store laughing at our useless attempts to communicate. Took 2 hours the other day for Bones to try to get a new phone he broke whilst being piggy backed, and in the end we couldnt even get one !
Currently, on “how not to travel 101” we (not just me) have lost or broken…. a phone, watch, camera, spectacles, towel, contact lens case, jandal, and numerous socks at the laundromat. so much fun trying to sort all that stuff out.
really like Buenos Aires , BA baby !!!! Went for dinner last nite with Liams mate who works here for Fonterra and his gf whose sister i flatted with in Dunners. A lot like Vienna, as already explained.
Might have to go see Evitas grave i suppose at some stage, then going to Boca Juniors football match on Sunday which will be crazy. Then we’ll prob get a catamaran to Uruguay on Monday. Where we’ve also heard the women are something else, not that im interested… much.
oh well, might be time to get into our new dorm room, as our private one we have been using is booked today. was sweet to get completely messy again with clothes everywhere and not worry about thieves in the dorm. looking forward to some more sleep, the 10am wake up this morning has killed us.
Hear the weather has been great in NZ, wish i could really be there… no really, i do ….
Hope this Easter weekend doesnt screw us with closures etc, prob will, but that’s half the fun, cant help but laugh at how sh1t we are.
Adios amigos
posted Thursday March xxxx