Baaaackpacking across the universe….. 2 October 2024 – India 4

Hi all!!!Well here’s my first posting for the new blog, i hope it’s satisfactory for you all ;o)Landed safely, flight was quite funny (although uncomfortable) because i had a small child playing with the lights on his remote overhead and constantly ringing for the cabin crew!! so childish and yet highly amusing! Mumbai airport was nowhere near as hectic as i expected it to be which was a little light relief, so i went for the cheaper option of getting to my first destination….rickshaw to Adheri train station, then braved my first train journey which wasnt all that bad. They even have womens carriages here which i thought i’d take full advantage of, only to be met by men and not a single other female!! Anyways, i found a hotel to take the most deserved shower EVER in and decided to have a little knap. I was awoken by a member of staff and some man asking me if i’d be in a bollywood music video in north Mumbai tomorrow morning, expenses all paid, plus 500 rupees for my trouble!!! Think i’ll go along to meet some people more than anything else as they’re only looking for Westeners!Have decided to take a night wander so as to avoid the prying eyes…not enjoying being the centre of attention!Thinking of heading south to Goa for a few days in the hope to find some other backpackers.Anyways, im off to do some street eating, so love to you all and i’ll post some pictures once i’ve taken them….

Posted from India:

posted Sunday October 2024



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