Yesterday i went off to the lava tubes on Santa Cruz. They where awesome; just big holes in the ground that you could climb down and they go on for about 1km. At points it was a bit claustrophobic as you were on your hands and knees scrabbling over the rock in water. It was cool though. I then met up with the two guys i met a few days ago and we messed around in the lagoon again.
Today ive just booked a place on the ferry that goes over to isabella island. Im planning to stay there for 3, maybe 4 days and do some guided tours, including a pony trek which will be good fun. They dont have a bank over there and i dont know about ATM machines, so ive had to get out the amount that i think i will need. Again, i found that the lonely planet guide was wrong when it said the boat goes 2 times a week; it is daily. I think a letter or email is needed to the lonely planet updating them on what it is like. It SHOULD be fairly accurate as the latest edition was only published a year ago in 2006, but oh well.
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does not exist
posted Friday August 2007