We have been in Bridgetown, Barbados, for the last two weeks. The trip from Rodney Bay was uneventful. We left St Lucia at 2pm and arrived in Bridgetown, next day, at 8 am. During the night, there was an almighty clunk, which came from the starboard side of the cockpit. I thought something must have fallen off the gantry and grabbed a flashlight. Imagine our surprise, to find a seagull lying on a narrow platform behind the cockpit! Poor thing looked somewhat dazed. It must have been sucked up by the water passing between our hulls; we have had this before, when we had a squid land in the cockpit. The bird disappeared a few minutes later.Barbados is not geared towards the yachting community. The is no fresh water supply for yachts; and no dinghy dock, anywhere. I wanted to join the Barbados Yacht Club, on a temporary membership; there was no dinghy dock. They did have a mooring buoy, which was in 6 feet of water; we would have to wade ashore! The Club required Appropriate Dress at all times; how could that be achieved by wading ashore”The Barbadian people are not as friendly as in Virgin Gorda; and the cost of living is even more expensive. We hired a car, over the last three days, and explored the island. The tour ended at the Barbados Concorde Experience. Despite the fact that Maggie’s brother was a senior Flight Engineer on Concorde, this was the first time Maggie had been on board the aircraft; it was an emotional moment for her .One of the carers, looking after Maggie’s mum, is due to land in Barbados, today. We will meet up with her, tomorrow and Monday. Two weather windows, for our onward journey to Bequia, are making themselves available, next week: Tuesday and Friday. We will move, sometime, next week.God Bless!
posted Saturday February 2009