Bernard Logan BEESMEJ – USA 30

A brief update:

Our hosts have been most generous in allowing us to moor up, at no charge, against their pontoon, for an unlimited period. Not only that, but we are connected to their Mains supply; again, at no charge.

A brief weather window presented itself, yesterday, for us to cross the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas. However, there is a Tropical Storm approaching Cuba from Honduras and heading up into the Bahamas. By the time the Storm reaches Cuba, it is predicted to be a Hurricane, Category 2 or 3. Cuba has been, badly, mauled; first, by Gustav and, then, Ivan. I feel sorry for the Cubans. During its transit across Cuba, the Hurricane is, likely, to be downgraded to a Tropical Storm, again. Its track is likely to pass across the lower and middle sections of the Bahamas; but, it may cross the north section, where we would have been, had we crossed, yesterday.

I thought it prudent to wait for the next window, as Fort Lauderdale is, unlikely, to be affected.

Meantime, Gaynor has returned to the UK for an interview, next week. We will, likely, stay put, until she returns. But, if a window opens up, we will cross and await Gaynor’s return in the Bahamas.

Posted from USA:

posted Friday November xxxx


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