14 Feb xxxx
A magical hot pot We are sitting in a very popular Chinese restaurant. The room is filled with smells of fish, meat, cooking oil and spices, very stimulating the appetite. A hot pot belongs to our table as well as a rich supply of spices and vegetables. A waiter has served some slices of fish to put into the cooking pot – but first after adding spices. Ella is watching the spices to prevent us from taking an overdose of the strongest ones. Persons from Sweden are usually not used to Asian spices.There could easily be an accident followed by smile and laughter from the tables around. The dish in the hot pot is very delicious and is filling our sense of smell with appetizing delight. When we have finished the first fishes we are putting more and other spices into the pot. So we are adding new kinds of fishes to a new cooking with the earlier as starting point. The same thing is repeated once again with the same principal result, a new taste based on adding other spices, vegetables and new kinds of fishes.That is really a magical hot pot with an unbelievable and mystical power to make the eating an adventure. We are grateful to Ella and Perfect Holiday for that magical evening.
posted Thursday February xxxx