Brazil – UK 47

This work is published under a Creative Commons Licence.EXCHANGE IN FREE OPEN CULTURE  from !!!PHOTOLOG!!!April 18th, 2007

RESEARCH IN FREE OPEN CULTURE EXCHANGE (Brasil ; Hrvatska) photos from 13th March to 11th April can be seen online on the photolog web


An autonomous place Improprioin eastern part of SP can host a concert, has a vegan restaurant, bar,workshop for wood and recording studio for bands. It has been workingfor four years already and in last year functioning with the bar andclub.

Foz gave us a short overview on how Improprio functions with DIY philosophy and recycling attitude.


This work is published under a Creative Commons Licence.

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Event @ EstrilingueApril 7th, 2007

On Thursday 05/04/07 an event has been organized by Drica Velose, Gastao Frota, Junia May Teixeira, Tanja Topolovec and Kruno Jost. Event was a collaborative work that included multimedia installation, audio and stage set, with digital visualization including feedback image.

April 17th, 2007

Last stop at our travel is Sao Paulo, biggest town in Brazil, and fifth in the world.

Event @ EstrilingueApril 7th, 2007

On Thursday 05/04/07 an event has been organized by Drica Velose, Gastao Frota, Junia May Teixeira, Tanja Topolovec and Kruno Jost. Event was a collaborative work that included multimedia installation, audio and stage set, with digital visualization including feedback image.

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During the evening some of the visitors followed Gastaos performance influence and started interacting with the visualization and stage set. In the atmosphere similar to Fluxus event, with naturally inborn feeling for interacting with the surrounding and taking part in action, visitors were discussing, reacting, taking part and helping with ongoing changes of the event.

Preparing for the event @ EstrilingueApril 5th, 2007

Different possibilities for live audio performance were shown in softwe such as: Jack, Creox, Jack Rack, Freebirth, Mixx and Darksnow on Linux as well as Rektor and Battery in Windows. Basics of audio editing and recordning were done in Audacity and Ardour.

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Preparation for the event that is planed for the weekend are in progress – sugesstion to make an interactive event, party and multimedi exhibition, all in one, went on to brainstorming with the group of artist and activists.

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Possibilities of using digital video cameras, mobile devices, digital sound, software such sa Resolume for VJing, as well as analoug devices and recyicled material for scenography are all carefully scetched.

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Espao Y (Estilingue) @ Belo HorizonteApril 4th, 2007

Capital of state Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (beautiful horizon) is third largest city of Brazil. <img src=”


Espao Y (Estilingue) is independent space that is orginized at the principle of volontary collaborative work in the new media culture as well as social activities. It is located in a building with a long history of community activities, that was aboundened at the time of dictatorship. At present commercial acctivities are mainly reserved for ground floors, while upper floors are preety much empty.

<img src=”
/03/estrilingue.JPG”> Estrilingue is space that is accepting proposals for different workshops that can help community gatthered around it, but also broather community of people that are in and around the building. A series of cinema evenings are organized, as well as other activities.

Free Culture/KnowledgeApril 2nd, 2007

Alexandre Freire, one of the participants on the Upgrade!Salvador gives a 10 minute insight into history and preasent of the workgroup des).(centro.

DesCentro @ Upgrade!SalvadorApril 1st, 2007

During lat week of March 2007
. a meeting was held in Salvador, Bahia. DesCentro members have met in order to make a firm base (functional as well as legislative) on further development of this network. DesCentro is de-centralized organizational node of collaborative actions, inserted in broader context of Brazilian media activism. This context is formed by group of organizations, researchers, activists, teachers, hackers and artists coming from all regions of the country. More details on DesCentro.

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Main DesCentros goal is to develop the methodological structural and approach to optimize network that has been working together for more than five years, avoiding the downsides of common institutionalization. Even the way DesCentro was established is deep criticism to the well-known NGO show business. Another situation DesCentro intends to provide is ways for people to carry out independent research and practice and still earn for their living, respecting the principles of collaboration, de-centralization, diversity and freedom.

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History of DesCentro has been a collective work of different groups and collectives. Through meetings and online contacts good conections were established inside Brazil as well as in the world, mainly India and Netherlands. Members took part in events such as Media Tactica Brasil, Next5Minutes4 in Amsterdam, Alternative Law Forum and Submidialogia. In October 2005. Submidialogia happened in Campinas, Brazil. A group formed by members of Metareciclagem, Tactical Media and Submdia emerged and decided to work together within the perspective of developing an organizing node for the Brazilian critical media networks, in to order to promote the development of tactical media exchange and projects.

Invitation for international DesCenters

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Invitation for international DesCenters

The Brazilian Art and Technology ExperienceApril 1st, 2007

The Brazilian Art and Technology Experience: A Chronological List of Artistic Experiments with Technosciences in Brazil, by Eduardo Kac. Compiled February 1986.

Find more about articles on the topic of Brazilian artists working with electronics and technology on the Leonardo website.

Free radio movieMarch 31st, 2007

Movie about free radio in Brasil by Bruno Tarin

Tin Ujević scoreMarch 28th, 2007

Glerm Soares made a score with famous lirics of Croatian 20th century poet Tin Ujević: We know, o we know that alcohol is bad, but give us Rakija because there is no relif in water (Znamo, o znamo, Znamo da alkohol kodi, No rakije, rakije, rakije amo, Jer utjehe nema u vodi).

1th day of Upgrade!Salvador – des).(encontroMarch 27th, 2007

First day a preparation for Upgrade!Salvador was held at theater Gregorio de Matos.

MAP salvador-descentro

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Upgrade! is an international, emerging network of autonomous nodes united by art, technology, and a commitment to bridging cultural divides. Its decentralized, non-hierarchical structure ensures that Upgrade! (i) operates according to local interests and their available resources; and (ii) reflects current creative engagement with cutting edge technologies. While individual nodes present new media projects, engage in informal critique, and foster dialogue and collaboration between individual artists, Upgrade! International functions as an online, global network that gathers annually in different cities to meet one another, showcase local art, and work on the agenda for the following year. From

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Disscusions on further tactics and strategic planing are held in the middle of exhibition showing jewellery of recycled plastic bottles.

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SalvadorMarch 26th, 2007

Salvador has around 2.7 milion inhabitants and was the first colonial capital of Portugese Brasil in 16th century. It has the highest proportion of people of African descent in the country, and one of the largest black populations in the Western Hemisphere. Gilberto Gil, present Brazilian Minister of the culture is born in Salvador.


Wikipedia (eng.) notices: Tourists must be aware, though, that they will be the preferential targets of the pick pockets and thieves, and hence should dress like the locals do.

Salvador sound

IP in Rio de JaneiroMarch 26th, 2007

IP is an autonomous space in the center of Rio with about 20 people working there from different areas: free radio, free software, indymedia, womens rights, artists, organic food, popular carnival culture, clown army etc.

On Saturday 24.03. there was GentleJunk co. (Tanja) was VJing together with Bruno Tarin. Tanja said: Earlier this day Bruno showed me a software PD so I decided to swich completly to this and with help of patches from build my own software for vjing.

An video interview was made with IP member Anna Sobczak who also organised Sharing Market (Feira de troca) in front of IP based on idea of exchange of goods and not money.

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Later the same day, atCinemateca do Museum of Modern Art a program Americana latina em transe was orginized by Coletivo FELCO and CMI Rio. Americana latina em transe is a series of short and full lenght documentary movies about Latin America. Exceptional documetary was La hora de los hornos: neocolonialismo y violencia shoot in 1968. that is possible reference to simmilar modern movies with simmilar thematics.

Disscusing online music @ UFRJMarch 25th, 2007

On 21th of March a disscussion, as a part of Chappa, was organized at UFRJ with the focus on online radios and podcasting

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Chappa is devided in themes that disscus: music production in Rio, online radios and podcast, artists, new music and its independent market. Giuliano Bonardi was speeking about free rradio concept and principles of sharing. Free radio network FRSM from Croatia was introduced and the network model disscused. Podcasting association of Brazil members were disscussing possiblities of charging podcasters and podcasting alike, and observations about necessity for new laws about charging independent web sites with music downloads suggested. Overall feeling is that marketing and financial structures were domminating the conversation.

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our march from conSertoMarch 24th, 2007

today is march 24th.

(seriecontrato was recorded at conSerto by Helinho Brando – sax, Sergio Albach – clarinete, Glerm Soares – microfones, webradio transmisso, orculos do momento e computador, Richard Rebello – texto ilada, Danilo – vibrafone, Ricardo Mardock – contrabaixo, Octavio Camargo- piano e orculos do momento, e Gabriel Schwartz – flauta)

The existence of two words with same sonority but different spelling in brazilian-portuguese: concerto-conserto, became the metaphor for the discussion of this two meanings putted in the same layer. In portuguese Concerto means musical ritual and Conserto means to fix something. Something is beeing lost since industrial revolution tossed us into a dimension where technonology is generelly understood just as devices for progress. Mankind has developed amazing skills in search for new languages. Computer Languages are something like Musical or Poetic languages. Open Source is a metaphor of a better aproach for exchange cultural specificities that makes each individual a unique part of our universe.

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FILEMarch 24th, 2007

(File International Electronic Festival) is electronic art festival sponsored by companies such as OI, one of the bigest IT companies in Brasil. FILE has been concerned with artist that use electronic art as media. Among others there were lectures and presentations by Ted Nelson

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(inventor of Xanadu) who was questioning systems of browsing developed by PC and MAC industrie (folders and hyperlinking)

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and Machiko Kusahara who presented Device Art, re-examining art-science-technology relationships.

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She raised questions about technology and art used by some artist in Japan.

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Of course, exhibition run in this way always has technical problems

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Even if some of the artists and presenters mention free licencing and open source used in some works, it is more as a follow up to trend than an idea of collaborative and open work. General feeling was that technollogy in art means playfulnes and interaction for purpose of itself, fun and leizure, where artist have a role of (tech) specialists that will humore consumers and market their goods.

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Radio Janela and Radio InterferenciaMarch 23rd, 2007

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Radio Janela is project that works as radio transmission(s) decentralized from its source. It is mixture of multiple radio transsmissions and street sound systems. Information (sound) comes from internet radio and is transsmited with small transsmiters locally, using sound systems so it can be publically accesed. Radio Janela is Djahjah (Giuliano Bonardi) idea that he has been practicing with other people in Brasil.

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Radio Interferencia (Radio Interferance) is another free web and FM radio project located in UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). Radio is powered by 50 watts transmitter and is accesible in some parts of the Rio. On Wednesday 21th of March a program was aired on Radio Interferencia focusing on Free Open Culture exchange between Croatia and Brasil. Also, bands like Negativeland and concepts of plunderphonics were disscused.

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Rio de JaneiroMarch 23rd, 2007

Rio is one of the biggest cities in the south east region of Brasil. It is famous for its carnival, turism and sex turism, drug trade and notorious for Favelas, nebourhoods ussualy controlled by its own police and laws.


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Instrumentals by Octavio CamargoMarch 20th, 2007

Here you can find two music pices from Octavio Camargo for download.

  icon for podpress  Adeus Robinson: Play Now | Play in Popup icon for podpress  Alice crescendo: Hide Player | Play in Popup podPressPlayerToLoad(‘podPressPlayerSpace_47’, ‘mp3Player_47_1’, ‘300:30’, ‘

CatMarch 19th, 2007

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Using command cat /dev/hda /dev/dsp we made Djahjah harddisk sing. We put it through some effects on his mixer and got out an interesting sound.

icon for podpress  Djahharddisksings:

Monsanto propagandaMarch 19th, 2007

<img src=”
/03/mnsnt-airport.JPG” title=”mnsnt-airport.JPG” alt=”mnsnt-airport.JPG” align=”left” border=”5″ hspace=”5″ vspace=”5″>On the airport of Curitiba we found a great example of subtle propaganda. Monsanto has a video stand with cellular phone recharging box.

We couldnt miss this photo oportunity.

Video playing on the screen is showing the beauty of the nature, smilling faces of the farmers and scientist in their sterile enviroment and white outfits.

Protest in So PauloMarch 19th, 2007

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George W. Bush visit to Sao Paulo on 2007
Latin America tour was accepted with massive popular protest. Have a look at short video from The picture above has been taken from the bus in Rio da Jeneiro.

Hrvatska ; BrasilMarch 18th, 2007

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picture from

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impromonday12feb07 – from gentlejunk

Conjugate deterritorialized flowsMarch 16th, 2007

{ () Conjugate deterritorialized flows. Follow the plants: you start by delimiting a first line consisting of circles of convergence around successive singularities; then you see whether inside that line new circles of convergence establish themselves, with new points located outside the limits and in other directions.()

The map is open and connectable in all ot is dimensions; it is detachable, reversible, susceptible to constant modification. It can be torn, reversed, adapted to any kind of mounting, reworked by an individual, group, or social formation. It can be drawn on a wall, conceived of as a work of art, constructed as a political action or as a meditation. () } Deleuze & Guattari in *A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia*

ConSertoMarch 15th, 2007

We have arrived in Curitiba (about), town of 3 million people 6 hours by buss, south of Sao Pulo (map).

<img src=”
/03/p3150131.JPG” title=”Ricardo Palmieri” alt=”Ricardo Palmieri” align=”left” border=”5″ hspace=”5″ vspace=”5″>A festival ConSerto is organizede by group Organismo that works here for three years. Interesting is that ConSerto is made in government run place, but tends to be completely independent. Event is happening at part of SEAE (Secretary of Developement) in charge of technological developement.

This is the invisible action, as participants are calling it, that focuses on acknowledgement of diferent individuals and groups working in different parts of Brazil. Our group is here to acknowledge that Free Open Source and Free Open Culture is a way for people to <img src=”
/03/p3150137.JPG” title=”p3150137.JPG” alt=”p3150137.JPG” align=”right” border=”5″ hspace=”5″ vspace=”5″>get conected and to percive their common language. We are not only a technological novelty says one of the Organismo group member and one of the ConSerto organizers, Glerm Soares. conSerto is a place where designers, programers, free media activists, musicians and artist meet to disscus future of Free Culture in Brazil.

Octavio Camargo helped us to understand how ConSeto works: Free and Open Culture is about coming somewhere and learning what is happening there before taking action. It is not imposing one owns culture but sharing experiance and working together. <img src=”
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/03/octavio-cigaretes.JPG” title=”octavio-cigaretes.JPG” alt=”octavio-cigaretes.JPG” align=”left” border=”5″ hspace=”5″ vspace=”5″>He gave us a gret example with a cigarete box. In Brasil cigarete boxes have hideus pictures depicting consequences of smoking. But he states that this pictures are imposed culture of western science. To tell us that smoking is bad and sell us cigaretes is funny. But not to realize the ritual in smoking is thing only western science can do.

Octavio is musician and artist. He is a member of where you can find more of his works and collaborations.

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Vanessa Santos from Belo Horizonte is working with FOSS programe for video editing called Cinerella, and has produced a video of conSerto.

Some photos of ConSerto:

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and Curitiba:

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Upgrade!SalvadorMarch 10th, 2007

Nowdays the research by this group: two researchers are guiding the work of the Descentro group this year: one of them shows the Brazilian focus of the media production with interactive web interface and the other searches to understand how Brazilian networks of culture and communication are connected.

As atuais pesquisas em desenvolvimento pelo grupo: Duas pesquisas norteiam o trabalho do Descentro neste ano: uma em que apresenta o contexto brasileiro de produo de mdia, com uma interface web interativa; e a outra, uma , que busca entender como o funcionamento das redes brasileiras de comunicao e cultura.

Places, travel, people, happeningsFebruary 6th, 2007

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News so farFebruary 6th, 2007

We already have tickets and are landing in SP on 13th of March 1/palmieri suggested we do something in SP together – we are still brainstorming and will reply on that one 2/ gabriel will check for DJ VJ session in the streets of recife 3/ chico suggested we should visit belem, but its kind of too far, so we leave it for next year. still would be nice to check non urban areas 4/ ricardo and tati will check for DJ VJ session on the beach of pipa 5/ chico, we can do a radio muda session again” 6/ thiago – we will meet and see how things are in brasilia, any suggestions” 7/ djah djah” shell we do a show in interferencia” 8/ felipe, when can we meet”

we will probably stay in sao paulo area for some time and than rent a car and head to rio, brasilia salvdor recife and pipa

if u have contacts on the way pls get us in contct with them

Posted from UK:

posted Wednesday May 2007



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