Went for a bit of an explore today with my room mate Kim – She’s from canada- we’ve been swapping vocab ( “WickedAwesome(est)” has become my new extreme superlative!)
Went round the forbidden city (half price for us cos it was national womens day – get in!) and went and stood in tianeman sq (its closed at night) – met some chinese art students from shanghai and bought some paintings from their exhibition – it was only later after the 27th “art student” had started talking to us that we decided we had been ripped off. beware!
Got the subway back (so cheap – 3 Yuen which is…25p?!)
Get the overnight trian to Xian tonight – (trust me to get landed with the top bunk!) The trains are pretty fun actually – they provide boiled water and they come by with food trolleys – still trying to work out the best way of using a squat toilet on a moving train…isnt pretty.
Posted from Hong Kong:
posted Wednesday March 2006