Charlie’s travels – Indonesia 26

Absolutely incredible storm last night! for about half an hour I seriously thought there was some army clash at the ringroad or sumthing cos the whole sky was lighting up and literally felt like the city was being bombed! Actually I was cacking myself earlier on cos I had been in the net cafe down the street and hadnt realised how late it had got- and on walking back to the hotel there was streams of police and army going by – probably no more than in the daytime but somehow its more threatening at night! but all is good – and first rain Ive seen in Kathmandu!

 Leave today, just waiting around for the money exchanges to open up (accidently got out 30 000 rs insetad of 3000 so am planning on changing it all to Thai Baht! hopefully they will accept my very ragged receipt which… actually I’ll tell u about the receipt later just in case it doesnt work and Im screwed I dont want to jinx myself.. tara from Nepal X
Posted from Indonesia:

posted Tuesday April 2006



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