Charlie’s travels – New Zealand 1

Comments for Charlie86:you have 81 comments

No!! But the Ra Bar charity is now $10 richer, long story, and you owe me a beanie!

13 Aug 2006
Bike 4 rent and the
Hola seniorita! Ever find the owner of the infamous jeans? I am on my way to sunny california. “Take it easy!”

13 Aug 2006
yoyoyo well good to be on the move again anyway!

31 Jul 2006
Souds like you had an amazing time – I’m so jealous! Wish I was back there…. keep hiking!

28 Jul 2006
Hey Ho, glad Inland Revenue is not deadening the ole adventureous streak. I think the adventure place may be the same one we went to in ’96.

10 Jul 2006
As long as we get a supply of free chocolate!

30 Jun 2006
helooo, I gave them a call! The manager wasnt there but they said hey anyway! Just landed some Temp work in Dunedin for a couple of weeks so going to move into the backpackers there – think ive found some poeple with a car who are going to tour the west coast so might join them, hopefully stopping in Qtown on way back to dunedin for Nevis bunjy! (8 second free fall!!!) we’ll see – Uncle P has shown me some films he has done with it in and im not sure if i’ll actually be able to jump, might have to be pushed. hmm. well still no idea where im going or wot im doing next but will stay in touch.

ps went with my cousin Rose to cabury choc factory – Yum. no job vacancies tho. damn!

30 Jun 2006
Always a good idea to ask – tthey love pretty waitress’s so you should do fine! They’re a great bunch (well, were when i was there) and were great to Gemma when she was over there. Wanaka’s an amazing town, best in Nz, would be a cool place to live. ‘Wanaka Backpaka’ is the best backapckers there

23 Jun 2006
hey! sounds like a plan! Would they give me some work?! Im pretty desperate! I have enough to keep me in a backpackers for a week (if i eat nothing but potatoes.) Maybe I should head back that way – I dont want to leave the S Island yet… I shall keep u posted!

22 Jun 2006
Hey Charlie: you hit Wanaka yet? if you do, go to The Reef restaurant above shooters on the waterfront, if the head chef Rene (pronounced Renay) or a bar manager called Jill )blond hair english) is in, say you know me!


21 Jun 2006
I hear you! Send me the voucher and we’ll see what hapens, if you see a sudden rise on my bank statement u know i havent jumped!

17 Jun 2006
Personall I would flog the 20% vouther on e bay and stay on the bridge

16 Jun 2006
Hope you do manage to make the jump eventually, I know what you mean about not as much fun on your own. You can jump off up the top of Bob’s Peak aswell as other locations (Bob’s Peak is the one with the cable cars, and where Dad & I did the paraglide). If you go into the Info offices you may get tourist leaflets with money off vouchers. I’ve got one here with 20% off from a jump at the Kawarau Center, which is not much use to you there (I’ll post it to you, may get there in time)!! xxxxxxxxxxx

16 Jun 2006
well I still havent mastered waking up before 11am but yeah things r gd, – 4got to ask about pay tho – classic error!

08 Jun 2006
Well Done, you certainly don’t waste any time, can’t think where all that energy comes from!!


07 Jun 2006
just got some mail from Rhona who I was trekking with in Nepal!! She’s sent me 32 pictures, (all of which are pretty much identical to the ones I had so yay!)

06 Jun 2006
yeah i know – i can get them full size on my page though,- ive got them all on one cd now which i will post but most of Nepal got wiped cos my cd got scratched

06 Jun 2006
Nice pics but don’t rely on them as your album because they are at a very low resolution and even doubling them in size makes them too blurred to see.

06 Jun 2006
Thanks for the cash, I will transfer it back once i am in nz, but please no more advice about being conned I am fully aware, thankyou.

Don thats wicked abut your team winning! Unfortunately I wont be able to get to travel Oz really, but its on the list!

31 May 2006
ok, have just seen your acknowledgement to Uncle Peter.

Hope you now have the measure of the taxi drivers in HaNoi. Just remember nothing is ever ‘free’ so keep an eye open for the catches, and your fingers tight around your carrying-straps!!


30 May 2006
just to let you know that have deposited a crock of money to get you into NZ. Did you see Uncle Peter’s message with his contact details?


30 May 2006
Look forward to hearing that you have managed to connect with the flights and a bit of sanity in NZ. Do look after your important docs at all times. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30 May 2006
Vietnam sounds to be real extremes – either terrific or a real trauma. Just been reading what Peter said about the reef diving – I dived some of the Red Sea reefs when we did Jordan and it really was terrific; hope you do get to fit it in.

Karting was great and my team won! Hoping to test drive an AM DB7 this week and get down to Devon end of the week to see your Grans Peach and M&D.

29 May 2006
Thankyou so much! That is fab! but dont worry about meeting me if its out the way – I’ll make sure I have your numbers if theres a problem XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

29 May 2006
Cool cheers! Yeah have heard so many stories of people having stuff nicked on trains/buses – sara who im travelling with had her fone nicked just before i met her – it was on a bus in vietnam and the driver just laughed at her. Aslo did I say in the blog about Heidi in Cambodia? We hired a motorbike and were driving through town – these guys on a moto overtook us and snatched her bag with everyhitng in, luckily not passport cos we had to leave it with the rental company -but that was why i ended up staying a bit longer than planned cos it took her a couple of days to sort the cards and travelers cheques out (though she still lost out cos it cost $20 for the fonecall to american express and $30 for the police report – she only lost $50 travelers cheques in the first place!)

29 May 2006
just incase you missed it, Uncle Peter left a message on your 22/5 blog entry on the end of all the other messages. He provides you with all his contact details.


29 May 2006
hey… sounds fun, this is Matt BTW.

the folks say keep an eye on your stuff when u r on the train. Daniel Ashe had all his stuff nicked when he was on a train in Russia.

I wouldnt worry, your hairspray self defense system sounds pretty dangerous!

M (and rents) Xxx

28 May 2006
yeah I thought about that – dont worry I mean I ahve money to last, its just i dont have the specified amount for NZ, but whatever if theres a prob i can change my departing flight for free so on paper im only spending two weeks or sumthing in nz and then change it back again when im in the country maybe – i’ll sort sumthing out!

28 May 2006
mum & dad
I would think that as long as you tell Customs that you are staying with relatives in NZ, and being met by Uncle Peter (if you give him arrival times etc) then you prob don’t need to worry about proving the work permit conditions, you can get in on your visa alone. You can then work out the permit issue afterwards. We are away at present, but will check this out with Peter on our return home. We will also visit the bank on Tuesday and deposit the money.


28 May 2006
If its any help we can see you right once you get here unless you have to have your visa stamped at customs, though I would imagine the Internal Affairs office in Dunedin will stamp you visa.

If you need to get hold of me during the day my work number is
006434799805. (Calling from inside NZ it is 034799805). My cell phone is 0274780851. (0064274780851 from oversees). My work email is [email protected]

28 May 2006
Mum & Dad
sorry you are having a bit of a hard time. Susan Wooollacott also reported that the Vietnamese can be tricky to deal with. I have your bank details at home so can not do anything until Tuesday (its a bank holiday here). You should be ok using your credit card for the mo, because i believe your payment date is not yet due. Which account do you want it paid into. Don’t give me the details on line, just the title and I will make sure with the Bank that it goes in to the correct one.


27 May 2006
Hey, ok overload with the info! Basically I have no money so Oz is off the cards , plus like Peter said Cairns is ages from Sydney, where my flight is routed. At the moment my flight goes from singapore straight through to Dunedin on the 10th June, but I am getting a flight from Hanoi to singapore on the 31st, so will prob bring the flight forward. I need to have 700 NZD in some form to support the work visa, so i may have to ask for a two day loan, just so i can print off a bank balance!!!!! Really looking forward to NZ its utter madness here – will detail it in a blog but yeah, chaos everywhere!

27 May 2006
I’m told if you are a good diver there is great opportunity at TGBR but as a backpacker you get more bang for your buck in the islands like fiji or cook islands.

25 May 2006
Uncle Peter
As you will see on a map it would be easier to go from S/pore to cairnes than all the way down to Sydney then back up again. But you might find that doing the coral reefs in the Pacific islands might well be as good as the Great barrier reef. Certainly qicker to get to as you simply wade out to them rather than take a 2/3 hour boat ride. Right now I’m making a film on the Great barrier and Cairnes certainly has it well sorted with great trips but they are not cheap. The director I’m working with has all the details so if you have not already flown out to Oz I’ll email you tomorrow. From my experience at Cairnes I suggest you go for the furthest out you can as the reef is a lot richer with fish variety.

25 May 2006
Grandma S has volunteered to pay for an excursion to the great barrier reef in cairns oz if you want to go so that you can see the coral reefs. response required

24 May 2006
Grandma has volunteered to pay for an excursion in Oz for you to see the great barrier reef. Do you want to go?

24 May 2006
Uncle Peter
Dunedin will feel like a one horse town after the chaos of a big asian city. We do have the rarest penguin and sea lion and some dirty great big albatrosses but I’m guessing that doesn’t really count. When you get to Sydney check out the fruit bats. They fly into the city and feed on the huge fig trees in the parks.
There’s been a good dump of snow on the ski fields in Central Otago and Mt Hutt last week and the signs are good for a great season but they dont open till mid June. Looking forward to seeing you take care

24 May 2006
Mmm helmets are a rare sight indeed, – it was quite funny though, at one point we ended up on a vietnamese version of the M5, but not to worry, I am still alive! yeah trying to maybe start a myspace page, its not giong so quickly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

24 May 2006
Mmm helmets are a rare sight indeed, – it was quite funny though, at one point we ended up on a vietnamese version of the M5, but not to worry, I am still alive! yeah trying to maybe start a myspace page, its not giong so quickly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

24 May 2006
Great Stuff. Don’t suppose they have such a thing as a helmet or MOT’s!! How about a Highway Code??

I’m afraid Matt introduced me to your Myspace, you may get a wierd message saying do you want us as a friend, don’t worry if we are too old for youse!!


22 May 2006
Wicked! Let me know how you get on!
Ive just had more photos put on cds but this net place only has a place for discs – its a bit old!

22 May 2006
Just been catching up on your posts, and the seriously good time you’re having. Am now looking at doing a couple of months away myself as a result – probably Feb and March 07′.

I have been working over the last couple of weeks which is good, cos’ the weather is crap here. Had some great thunderstorms and struggled to try and get some photos’ of the lightning but gave up after 30 mins as I kept missing it. Spend a lot of time out with Satine at the mo’ and she is doing well with the rooks if you know what I mean. Been booked to lecture to a multi-national group of air accident investigators next week (so will put you off flying when I see you next) and hoping to trounce them at the karting event afterwards – will drive like those guys on the mopeds! Lets see some more photos’ soon.

21 May 2006
Left Heidi in Saigon, I met these girls on the bus to MuiNe Beach who all went to Plymouth Uni together! small world! Theyre going back to Saigon today but Im getting the bus onto Nha Trang or maybe I’ll stay on it all the way to Hoi An – Im not sure yet. Open bus ticket was even cheaper than the train and more convenient as it picks you up outside where you are staying – beats the Megabus! Booking flight bk to singapore for 25th I think, XXXXXXXXXXX

19 May 2006
Are you on your own now or still with Heidi? Looking at our Atlas Ha Noi is quite a long way up the coast, how are you doing for timing on the journey. How do the trains compare with UK?


18 May 2006
Its pretty deserted here – nice for a day but gets boring – the surf is prety rough so going to get the bus to Nha Trang tomorrow – a much busier coast line apparently. Its so humid im dying!

18 May 2006
Wow! the water is to die for.
I don’t think I would have made it across the bridge, is the river clear of predators?

Very cold and wet here today, Dad will be sailing in gales.


17 May 2006
Dads in scotland?! fair enough! Is that sailing with David A? Saigon is pretty mad, but theres not a huge amount here – its very similar feel to every other SE asia city – huge amounts of motorbikes and a lot of people hassling you. (Though they are a bit more aggressive in the markets here – they actually pull on your arm where as Cambodia was a lot more smiley!) Also I have gone from being a “Lady” to “Madame”! Heading to MuiNe Beach today – for some much needed peace and quiet (seriously – London is laid back in comparison) Hope chesterman is alright – theres not much to choose between them all really? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

16 May 2006
Hi, just read your emails. I will make sure about Chesterman’s being self-catered before filling in the form. The booklet they sent does not mention ‘catered’ at all.


16 May 2006
Wow! What’s it like, crowded, noisey? Is it hot and is the beach the sort you bathe from? Where are you staying? Dad is in Scotland, he was sailing round Skye yesterday, very cold. They stopped off at the Talisker Whiskey distillery – remember?


16 May 2006
grandma p
I’ll get there if it kills me – not before you are back!You are making Grandad and I really envious with all your travels.
Cant wait. Take care – see you in August. Loads of love. Granma & Grandad.

14 May 2006
Have sent an email to you about the accommodation.
Love Mum

14 May 2006
ok, well put dwn surrey house, its the one for 78 a week

14 May 2006
Hope you are still chilling out. Have papers from Goldsmiths that have to be returned regarding accommodation.

13 May 2006
howdyhey homie!
My tan is quite pathetic considering how long ive been here so dont worry! (Actually i think its mostly dirt!) Its funny – we all want a tan, and everyone here wants to be white (I even spotted some nipple whitening cream in the market today – WTF?!! )

13 May 2006
clarey fairey
sounds fantabulous! btw, have you developed a tan yet – because if so am very jealous and will refuse to stand next to you when you get back until its faded slightly. I like the sound of these mega cut-price/free drinks your getting – would imagine your alcohol tolerance is increaseing exponentially (although we all know that you are a very sensible drinker so no cirrhosis worries there). anyway, enough of my mouth diarrhea, ciao for now, luv clare xxxxxxxx

13 May 2006
I think I’ll be ok – i kept some cold weather clothes for nz XXX

12 May 2006
Golly that’s a long train journey. Hope they have good loo’s!!
Your parcel from Thailand has arrived. Do you want us to send on anything to NZ where the climate will be a little colder and wet?
I have also got the copy of your birth cert. It was really easy.


12 May 2006
Hi just spoken to Grandma Simkins she asks if you can send postcards because she unbeknown to me for the past 53 years collects stamps.
Have a nice day

09 May 2006
Good to see you are holding your own. What’s the food like in Cambodia? anything has to be more attractive than a pot of boiling chicken feet. Keep away from those live birds though!!

Keep us informed of where you are staying, esp now you are on your own.


09 May 2006
Yeah?! cool- well cant wait til Angkor, the more i read the more i wana go! I looked into train and bus travel through cambodia/vietnam – i can get from Siem Reap to Ho Chi Minh city for US$5!! And thats AC too! So maybe I will get to see Vietnam after all! (Though I have just spent ridiculous amounts on coffee here – I have a feeling I’ll be awake for about a week!) ugh. ASay hey to the spiders (small fry now!) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

06 May 2006
Sharing space with snakes and insects – a whole new experience – I’ll pass the word on to the spiders in the bath, they will be relieved!!

Grandad Simkins was in Penang during the 1930/40’s and also visited the temples at Angkor. Bit of a different world then though!


06 May 2006
why helllooo my seasoned traveller – good to see you’ve been keeping up with the randomness of your travels; red light districts/lady boys/dead monks etc etc – necessary to keep the mind boggling i’d think! BTW, I believe it is now an appropriate time to ask your advice on essential/v.usefyl travelling bits and bobs! I’ve already bought one of those quick-dry compact towels, and a little leatherman pen knife – but thats about it so far …..:-S please help o’fountain of travelling knowledge!! ok, now Im going to stop as I sound like im on something – which im not, i should add – well apart from a chair xxx

06 May 2006
Uncle Peter
How much you need all depends on what you want to do, but I guess as long as you arrive with at least $100 (about 40 quid) then you should survive a few days. It will be cold down here but warmer in the Bay of Islands. Richard is at Auckland University and it would appear the later you arrive the better as he will be on countdown to end of semester exams, likewise Rose who is here in Dunedin University. How long will you be here and what sort of job do you fancy? Have fun and remember to be old and wise you first have to be young and stupid.

Peter xxx

03 May 2006
yodelll!!! Hey good to hear from you! Im actually in Kuala Lumpur but the blog hasnt caught up yet !! Seriously looking forward to some colder weather in NZ but still havent made a final decision about when to arrive – how much money do u reckon i need on arrival bearing in mind i ahve a work visa? cos im thinking i might do some island hopping round indonesia before coming over? ive wacked some on the credit card at the mo but its gona catch up with me in May! Some info on job possibilities would be fab – i was recommended bay of islands up north – is Richard with u in Dun or Auck? I fly straight to Dun when I get to NZ but will keep you posted RE dates – It should be the 9th May but could well be a couple of weeks later now.. well will email with proper detail when i ave some time to breathe! take care XXXXXXXX

02 May 2006
Peter Simkins
I lost your url but I have now caught up, what fun you are having. Really looing forward to seeing all your picys when you get to Dunners. We’ve got some pretty cool mountains here too but they will pale before the might himalayas, hope you won’t be too disappointed. BTW Richard and I were stung by polyps (similar to jellyfish but attached) when on holiday in Cairns the rash took weeks to go down and itched for as long.
Is there anything you want us to jack up for you before you arrive,

Take care,

01 May 2006
my head has just recovered. Hello everyone! Clare I will email with details ho ho – ok its not that bad we just checked out the red light district – oh my god this country is wacked out!

28 Apr 2006
Gran & Grandad
Hi, this is Grandman and Grandad. Glad to hear you are safely in Thailand, our friend Bob is back from there and said it is very hot. Enjoying all your letters, you will never stop talking about it when you get home.
Love Gran and Grandad

27 Apr 2006
Clare Cadogan
how intrieguing….please tell me all the gossip from this highly censored night!! will email again soon xxx

24 Apr 2006
Hi, hope the highly censored night hasn’t left you with a hangover. How bizarre that you not only meet up with Kim but she also lives in same town etc, as Alison. Sounds like the start of a mystery novel. Keep your head out of the clouds, your feet on the ground and your hands in your pockets!!

23 Apr 2006
It seems you have managed to get out of Nepal just in time.
I am copying all your pics on to my hard drive.

20 Apr 2006
hey guys oh my god it is incredible here! Gem and annie you would probably buy the whole of khao san road if u could!!! So unc Don you recognise the plant? I was hoping someone would be able to identify it for me heehee! (Posed especially for ben and tom – the founder of the gentlemans club would be proud ho ho ho! – or possibly just turning in his grave in jealousy – the stuff was everywhere!!)

20 Apr 2006
gem ben and annie
your in thailand! wow! been reading ur posts, sounds like ur having the most amazing experiences, keep posting the pics and stay in touch, loads of love , gem ben and annie xxx

20 Apr 2006
Hi Charlotte,

Stunning pics – whats that plant youre taking a keen interest in then?? Looks like youre having a great time, can’t imagine how youre going to settle back here in blighty.

19 Apr 2006
Mum Simkins.
Hi Charlotte, I think I have worked out how to send message through travelog. Have enjoyed reading it and seeing your photos. Glad you have reached Thailand ok. Enjoy the sun and have a good soak. Take care. When does the next trek begin?

19 Apr 2006
Hey! thanks! yeah its a bit difficult here cos the computers are generally really slow in Kathmandu! Im slowly adding them in – but is there a way of rotating them? no worries if there isnt!

17 Apr 2006
I am very envious of your travels!

I see you’ve uploaded lots of photos, but not put them in your travelblog. I have made changes this weekend that should make it easier to do this. It would be great if you could put some photos on display. If you don’t have time I could set up a photo page for you. Leave a comment and let me know.
Best wishes

17 Apr 2006
cheers! will try later ? XX

15 Apr 2006
I added the photo that you uploaded. Hope you don’t mind!

13 Apr 2006
Hi, can now automatically resize your photos on the PC before uploading them. Hopefully this will make it easier to upload photos, so please try it out. I look forward to seeing your photos!
Best wishes

12 Apr 2006
Good plan – I got a couple of shots from my hostel window – thought about going to the top floor of the plaza hotel on the water front but decided they probably wouldnt let me in (been putting off the laundery for way too long…!)

30 Mar 2006
Peter Simkins
Good to hear you got to Hong Kong hope you found your way back to the hotel without getting too lost. See if you can find a skyscraper with a lookout might get some neat shots looking down.

all the very best


29 Mar 2006
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog


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