Charlie’s travels – New Zealand 5

Working in dunedin as of monday, office work at inland revenue (stimulating stuff im sure!)

Not really much idea what to do next but got to bunjy b4 i leave the S Island! Uhmmm oh I went for a call centre interview and they seemed to like me – got me working for them for a few hours after the interview! Its pretty funny stuff, – made them $6000 in 30 mins, cant be bad – pity it wasnt in my pocket but heyho!

So after this couple of weeks at IR I should ahve enough cash to carry me (she says, after spending $20 on latte’s in the last two days..) anyhooo, met some people who had been to raratonga and recommended a cool hostel so thinking i might head up north after a bit more sightseeing down here and then onto a nice tropical island for a while, as i have now returned to my usual shade of luminous white… grr.

Been to some cool festivals here – Midwinter lantern festival and then the next night in was Maori New Year, cant accept its winter though, its just plain wrong.

Also had a tour with Rose to Cadbury choc facotry – mum/dad , how about I forget uni and become a chocolate taster? mmmm.

Posted from New Zealand:

posted Friday June 2006



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