Charlie’s travels – Thailand 22

hey everyone sorry i havent been in touch for a bit – its been crazily hot and humid here! I left bangkok the night of my last entry – we took an overnight train to Sarat Thani – these trains are awesome! So much better than china! In china the lights go out at about 9 and everyone goes to bed or sits sedately in the dining car – here we had a full on disco! The waiter (waitress?) – well the ladyboy waiter – was obsessed with really old school pop it was like a year 7 disco – He/She was called Nathalie and we got her/him drinking buckets (Buckets are basically a bucket of Thai Whiskey and coke or red bull – it is lethal! As I found out.. )ok so imagine the spinning sensation you get when you have had too much and you close your eyes – then times that by about 10 and put yourself on the top bunk of a bed on a moving train – eugh not an experience to be repeated. Felt so rough the next day (they had assured me thai whiskey does not give you a hangover and like a complete sucker I decided to beleive them)

Actually Ive missed a night out – the night before we got the train (the censored night :dont know why I put that I think I was just really tired and didnt want to write anymore) but yeah we went to the red light district – oh…my…lord… you have never seen anything like it – its just craaazy. we only went down one street – got pulled into a free club by a tout to see a show (dont worry nothing bad – just dancing and their clothes all remained on thank god) though after ordering a drink me n allison suddenly realised we were the only females in their – funny stuff. The guys were so embarrassed but we made them sit through the show anyway – I ahve never laughed so much! We didnt really stick around long after that but on the way back we passed a blimming elephant in the street???!? It looked highly doped up and the owner was tyring to get us to pay money to feed it – Apparently they pump them with amphetamines – seriously wrong.

So yeah after getting to Sarat Thani we then got a bus (or a truck!) to Khao Sok National Park – that was a rough ride. We stayed two nights in the rainforest there – eeeew the bugs the bugs I am bitten ALL over (so much for the six quid insect repellant – yeah right thanks Boots)  The place we stayed in was awesome though – we spent most of the first day Tubing (Tubing is basically floating down the river in a huge rubber ring with your bum planted in the middle and your limbs hanging over the outside – classic fun, though you had to watch out for the snakes in the water!!!! (they only told us that after we’d been going for about half an hour!) there were rope swings along the way which we  would swing off into the river which was wikkid though I have yet to master an elegant dive- mine was more of a rhino flop and a mouthful of water! The next day we went elephant trekking – awesome – and went walking through the national park to a temple nearby. A bit creepy- the monk that founded it was laid out in a coffin there with a glass lid – mank!
Posted from Thailand:

posted Wednesday March 2014



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