Charlie’s travels – Viet Nam 14


Im in Hue – having an amazing time, met a couple of brits, Catherine and Zara – out last night in Hoi An was crazy – every westerner in town got taken by moto to this “full moon” bar in the middle of nowhere, i think its illegal but it was so much fun – nearly didn’t make it back, they were trying to charge us 50 000 dong each! Anyhoo we fitted the three of us on the back of this one moto it was crazy fun! Have the fotos, which as soon as im in a net cafe with cd rom i will upload!

Hue is the coolest city – ive missed the bustle, Hoi An and MuiNe were so dead! We ahve just had dinner on a floating restaurant boat on the perfume river and my god the fish is to die for. Im not a fish fan usually but I have been converted! Going to rent motos tomorrow and go for a bit of sightseeing round the old quarter,

Posted from Viet Nam:

posted Wednesday March 2014



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