Claire – ClairenJase – New Zealand 1

Comments for clairemccarthy80:you have 121 comments

Peter Hicks
It’s been a marvellous tour for us too. Wonderful photos. Hope to see you soon. Love Gwen & Peter & Jady

25 Mar 2024
Welcome home, can’t wait to see you! Hannah x

24 Mar 2024
Welcome home, enjoying the weather??? Glad you had a ball, I imagine you are still somewhere between time zones, so will catch up with you soon. What an end to 6 months eh? Love Fiona X

24 Mar 2024
Benedicte Foo
WOW! what a trip! Thanks for the pics.
BTW why did the oxygen masks deploy??

24 Mar 2024
Ali & May
Welcome back guys. we’re so pleased that you made it safely back home. Did you bring some snow back with you, or what””” Jase, I tried phoning you at home (as I lost your mobile no.) but you were probably chasing that illusive ring up. Man you look like you’ve piled on the FAT and that is even before getting married. I am dreading to think what would happen afterwards!! That picture of both of you in front of the Opera House is superb by the way. We look forward to speaking to (or possibly seeing) you soon.

24 Mar 2024
A. Gill
Welcome back to Scotland. Congratulations on your engagement. Now that we will no longer have the pleasure of viewing fabulous looking dishes of haute cuisine, manifold bottles of wine, breathtaking landscapes and alcoholic adolescent kangaroos, how about a blog of the ring—hunt et al until it makes it to Claire’s hand”

24 Mar 2024
Peter Hicks
Marvellous photos and so glad that you visited our New Zealand Family. You both look so very very happy and hope you always remain so. Please dont stay in N. Zealand. Scotland is also very beautiful and we would miss you Gwen & Peter and Jady

03 Mar 2024
Fiona Forsyth
Claire, you are so brown so there, it is not a fantasy, you have managed to gain enuff freckles to look pure tanned, I am so fed up now, I got over the fish chat, then you moved onto good food chat, then you got tanned, huh, enuff, get your butts home and enjoy our current blizzards!!!
Not missing you at all, can’t you tell

03 Mar 2024
Dearest Jase and Claire,
We’ve been watching with envious gazes throughout your time in NZ, congratulations on what seems an amazing trip-you seem to have done it all. Looking forward to catching up once more in person soon. Andy and Henrietta

03 Mar 2024
Ros Ron and Jenny
A bit late with the full ‘congratulations’ on your engagement and can’t wait to celebrate with you on return to Darnick. So far 1 plant has died-probably from my over -watering but now trying harder! Glad that your family made it and hope they enjoy Colleen’s Sydney apartment too. Where have the months gone? You have done so much and have lots to show for it and must feel that you’ve been on a whirlwind and the engagement will have made it all even more memorable. Keep in touch from Oz if you can.

25 Feb 2024
Hi Jase and Claire.Really pleased to hear your news!
We have been looking at your photos with great longing and envy – why are we stuck here in cold Scotland?
I am working away at a locum consultant job for a few months – it is quite a leap from my nice leisurely SPR job.
Hope to see you when you return. The little one is not so little anymore.
Love, Hilda

22 Feb 2024
Fiona Forsyth
Claire CLAIRE – you almost look brown!!! Is it the haze from the freckles??? Your folks look great, I hope you have a ball, speak to you soon. Fiona X

20 Feb 2024
Peter Hicks
Lovely to meet Claire’s family in photos, Hope we will meet them in England or Scotland. John says you will be visiting them this Saturday. Don’t believe a word he says about us. Love Gwen & Peter & Jady.

20 Feb 2024
Roger Brown
Glad to hear from you again.In case you are worried about stuff you might have read in the UK press, THERE IS NO NEED TO PANIC ABOUT BEING OPEN ALL HOURS WHEN YOU COME IN THE SUMMER. It is all being negotiated at the minute, and it does look like surgeries will have to extend opening hours by 30 minutes per 1000 patients per week, which is about 5-6 hours for us. We are looking at the options….and thought you could just do it all!
Keep in touch. Have a great time down South. If you are in Dunedin, and fancy a trip to the University, a certain Scottish Professor of Respiratory Medicine called Robin Taylor, ( from Perth Scotland)is a good friend of mine, and would love to meet you two I’m sure. Just mention my name!

20 Feb 2024
Sandra Kilby
Congratulations to you both on your engagement thats wonderful news but so sorry to hear about your Gran Jason. Sandra Kilby

19 Feb 2024
Corinna & Clem
Dear Claire and Jason – we got your congratulations fine and would hereby like to pass similar ones right back onto you, what great news!! I actually had some tears in my eyes when I read about this romantic proposal, clem very much liked the sporty aspect of it! we feel very happy for your both, sorry to hear about jason’s gran, but how nice you came to see her before she passed away. We have to catch up soon – hope to find time to may be see you before august, lots of love corinna & clem

13 Feb 2024
So totally delighted for you both. What a way to finish of your trip! We wish you every happiness for the future. Love from Marie-Louise, Will and Isaac

13 Feb 2024
Congratulations!I’m so happy for you.
Lots of Love

13 Feb 2024
Oh my goodness Claire and Jase thats just sooo cool! I’m so over the moon for both of you. Thats just great news. Congratulations! Must have another chat soon xxxxxx

13 Feb 2024
Fiona Forsyth
I haven’t stopped smiling since yesterday!!! Great to speak to you both, if you can, log onto today’s Glasgow Herald, interesting article from a Hamilton GP!!! Anyway, Nowt to tell as nowt happened in last 36 hours, so I will catch you two lovebirds soon. All the very very best. Fiona XXX

11 Feb 2024
I’ve already said it – but congrats to you both! Lisa xxx

11 Feb 2024
Congrats to you both. Will pass on the good news to everyone back at the Ranch!

11 Feb 2024
Vik & Sanjana
Hey Guys….Congratulations on the wonderful news!!!!…..It has been a pleasure to follow you guys on your blogs and this is definitely the best part!!!!!!Enjoy the rest of your stay in NZ and shall catchup with you back in Scotland.
Lots of Love.

11 Feb 2024
Ja (ver 2)
p.s. Claire, what’s your mobile number over there?!

11 Feb 2024
Jason (ver 1)
Claiiiiiiree!!!!!! Jason 2,Sorry for delayed response. Lorn got your text message and I’d guessed right!!! Congratulations. That is fantastic news. Cant wait to see you. And Lorna can talk weddings with another person! fantastic!!!Jaaaaaaaaa

11 Feb 2024
Ali & May
Well………. about time Jason. I hope you had to properly kneel and beg before Claire said ‘yes’. Just kidding… you two are a match made in ‘New Zelanad’. Fantastic news and we are soooooooooooo happy for you guys. You should have seen me when I first opened the blog to see little Amy on top and was thinking to myself……’that was quick’ LOL. I am going to have a drink tonight to celebrate this big occasion (any excuse really). Enjoy the rest of your stay and see you soon.

11 Feb 2024
Sinead Scullion
That is wonderful news – congratulations! Sorry I jave missed your calls CLaire – send me a number and I will easily call you back. Talk soon, Sinead xx

11 Feb 2024
Oh wow! How very romantic ? Congratulations, Claire and Jason!

11 Feb 2024
Peter Hicks
Dear Both, Conratulations, May you be as Happy as we have and are being.Heard from Cherry about your Dear Granmother. Who we thought of with great affection as we do with all the Fang Clan.

11 Feb 2024
So good you had time with Jason’s gran a few months ago and can cherish those memories of her. Congratulations for your engagement, I am delighted for both of you! You are a great team together! The birds on Pakiti Island must have enjoyed the romantic moment! Enjoy the rest of your stay in NZ!

11 Feb 2024
Roger Brown
Congratulations Jason and Claire. Sounds like it was a pretty special and memorable place to get engaged!

11 Feb 2024
I assume the proposal had something to do with the high altitude and lack of oxygen to the brain…still he can’t take it back now. Delighted for you both and looking forward to welcoming jase to the family when you get back. Lots of love Brian and family.

11 Feb 2024
Naushad Ali
Sorry to hear about Jasons gran but congratulation to you both!! Jason – what took u so long!!! All the best and hopefully c u soon – Naush XX

11 Feb 2024
At last a response from Ros in the Borders. Your blog has been fantastic and sorry for tardiness. Ron is laid up with high temperature and feeling grim but the PC of the Skyline trip of the 4 of you cheered him up. Jenny sends her love too and we have NZ on our list once the Oz trip is paid off!

05 Feb 2024
Had typed a big reply for your blog, and didn’t do it right so I have lost it, basically, I am jealous, I cannot bear to speak to you both, it all looks too relaxing, weather mince, blizzards and 80mph winds, meningitis hit Lanarkshire, glad you are away from all that fish chat and nice looking steak there!!! Fed up, skint, got SAD, also got visa bill, ugh, let me know when you want work as I will prostitute myself for you, other than that have some more fun and wind me up some more!!! Only kidding, missing you loads, get yer asses back here!

31 Jan 2024
Peter Hicks
Fascinating Blogs. Please come back to Britain. The weather is atrocious here as well. We have the photo of you Cherry and Michael on our Rogues Gallery now. Much love to you all Gwen & Peter & Jady.

31 Jan 2024
Gillian Foo
Glad to see that Claire was able to recover from the very frigid waters with a nice blood-red steak (and Jason–lamb?), and both of you with big goblets of red wine. Quite the life—we should try to replicate it here. However, you guys are looking a little thinner in this blog compared to the previous several—working too hard? Any chance you might stop by over in this old New World? Let me know your travel plans. Will you stop by to visit Porps again? Love, A. Gilli

30 Jan 2024
Brilliant to see that you guys are still having a cracking bit of time out there. We’ve really missed you loads on our recent trip to the Borders and are looking forward to seeing you soon (if you’ll ever come back). Oh.. and all that talk about water is making me want to nip to the loo now! enjoy the rest of the journey and keep the nice pics coming. take care.

30 Jan 2024
Sooooo jealous. As always it looks like you are having a fabulous time! xx

16 Jan 2024
Roger Brown
Glad to hear from you. Hope you are both well.
There has been a wee development at the practice which I will keep you briefed on relating to Liz still being unwell and off work.

15 Jan 2024
Brian Marshall
NZ looks better with every blog. Glad you’re both having such a great time and not missing us too much! Brian, Tina Elise and Mikey.

15 Jan 2024
Fiona Rowe
Happy New Year to you both, looks like you are having a fabulous time together and still managing to fit work in!
We have had some snow which as you know is always worse for us country folk! Not enough yet to have to say at home…. it may still happen.
Keep sending the photos of places that we can only dream of.Love Fi and all at the practice

07 Jan 2024
Roger Brown
Happy new year to you both. Looking forward to the next installment.
Roger Brown

07 Jan 2024
Peter Hicks
dear Claire &Jason.Interesting Blog . Just as well you are not in pracrice here at the moment as a lot of Hospital wartds are closing due to very contagious vomiting and sickness bug. We are fine at the moment!Please give our love to Michael & Cherry & keep lots for yourselves G&P& Jady

05 Jan 2024
Hey you guys! That looks totally fab! So impressed with your sky dive- I wanted to do that when I was out there and then ended up that the weather put a halt to it! Take care, hope you have the most lovely Christmas and New Year. I’ve landed a most disappointing 4 12hr day stretch spanning the entirity of Christmas- gutted. Off New Year though, so thats good! Chat soon, lots of love xxx

21 Dec 2007
rebecca williams
Wonderful you did the skydive! I did one at fox glacier which I will never forget! we are in the middle of a wonderful winter wonderland here…everything white with frost and very beautiful. have a lovely xmas, you two, and I hope 2024 is full of joy and adventure for you both. love rebecca

20 Dec 2007
The skydiving looked like great fun but it must have been a bit scary just before you jumped!! Well, its freezing in Glasgow so you’re lucky to still be in the sunshine…The shops are crazy at the moment with people doing last minute shopping. I’m going home on Friday so looking forward to that. I hope you both have a lovely Christmas there and New Year. Take care.
Aine x

19 Dec 2007
Peter Hicks
Your Sky diving was very impressive and very brave. More than we could do! Love Gwen & Peter

19 Dec 2007
Peter Hicks
Enjoying your Blog. Can’t say Wish you were here. It’s bitter but no snow as yet! Happy Christmas and all you wish yourselves in the New Year. Love Auntie Gwen & Uncle Peter

19 Dec 2007
James Walkington
Hi – looks like you are having a great time still. You seem to have very similar photos as on our blogs in new zealand, including the same jump partner! Nice to know he is still alive after another year of jumping! Best wishes – hope you both have great Xmas. James and Anne

19 Dec 2007
mauren hogg
Gosh What small prawns!!!I dont think.I want to know what was in two empty ice buckets pre photograph.Can I please direct you to SIGN 74 the management of harmful drinking!!!!Worried you are both turning into adrenalin junkies .What a fabulous experience you are both having and how good to share your journey.All is quiet here in comparison –although it is freezing.Have a wonderful Christmas and continued good fortune in 2024love Maureen x

19 Dec 2007
Roger Brown
Glad to see you are still exploiting the wonderful scenery and wine of NZ. We have a very good alcohol de-tox team here in Helensburgh, so let us know if you will be needing their services on your return.
Have a blast.
Roger (and family)

13 Dec 2007
Looks like you’re having a brilliant time. All that wine and sunshine-a perfect combination!It was snowing here yesterday can you believe. Take care.Aine x

09 Dec 2007
Niall Campbell
hello J et C
sooooooooooo sorry that I’ve been quiet to say the least. loving your blog and its great to hear that you are both having such a fantastic time. Im sitting at home having a Gin, david is heading off tomorrow to sunny spain without me it has to be said.Its work im told…
im looking forward to hearing more news ill email you directly. settling into teviot practice although geoff continues to poach my expertise form time to time!! ive even managed to get him interested inmy crazy nursing home idea although i feel he thinks im a little too artisitc to be at all serious! well my friends anon… N&D

04 Dec 2007
Peter Hicks
Thanks , Do wish I could send the wonderful photos to our son and daughter in law, Could you put them on the Blog for them.? What a handy place to breakdown. Love auntie Gwen & Uncle Peter

03 Dec 2007
Fiona Forsyth
Oh my does it look fantastic! All that wine, and not one mention of fish, I am really enjoying this journey of yours. Weather here – ach, you know Scotland in the winter, jumping from semi mild (11 degrees) to around minus 4, and in between, the fantastic dreichness and drizzle! Safi had a wee boy, doing good, so just waiting on Faye now and Noush now! Speak to you soon. Take care.

03 Dec 2007
Great to see what’s happening in NZ. Have a blast you guys. Best wishes,

26 Nov 2007
Hi Jase and Claire,It looks glorious over there. Great photography by the way (I bet Jase took all the arty shots).It’s freezing over here. There’s ice on puddles that hasn’t thawed all day. I’ve just stuffed a car rug up along the patio doors to keep the icy blast out. Brrr.It sounds like you’ve settled into life and work over there. Keep enjoying yourselves too!All the best,

23 Nov 2007
HI there Claire and Jason,
Looks like you guys are continuing to have a fab time – it all just looks so beautiful. Today the skies above Glasgow are also clear but bloody baltic – enjoy the NZ climate while you can (at least you had the wit to arrive as it comes in to summer – I went to Oz during their winter – not so smart really!
Life here is good – unlike Fiona however, i have absolutely NO crimbo shopping yet – tell her to get in touch with me – i need some sensible advice!!

23 Nov 2007
It looks amazing there – beautiful scenery!! I hope you’re enjoying all that sunshine it’s getting colder by the day here! Take care.
Aine x

22 Nov 2007
Fiona Forsyth
Hey dudes, loving all this fish chat, managing not to barf but only just!!! Gawd it looks amazing there, do they do donuts??? Hope you are settling into the working pattern, only news I have is that Santosh and wife had a BOY – how cool? Oh, Claire – CRIMBO SHOPPING ALL DONE – yipee, hooray for the internet by the way, only have to go to ONE shop, amazing eh? And if my usual standards are kept up, I will avoid food shopping too, so no messing with mad people except at work. Anyway, enuff about me, you two take care, speak to you soon babe. XXX

21 Nov 2007
Auntie G
Hello Jason and Claire:NZ looks wonderful and I am really enjoying your travel blog. The big question I have, however,is whether—with all this sightseeing, food and wine—-there is any medicine (both interesting and routine) being practiced over there! Thanksgiving tomorrow in America. Matt’s back. We are doing okay. Auntie L in Silver Spring with Nick et al. Have yet to meet up. Keep blogging.Love to both of you. Auntie G

21 Nov 2007
Peter Hicks
Not quite sure if we are getting through. Keeping in touch with Cherry. Photos lovely John & Viv would love to hear from yoiu. They were stationed at Taranaki for a few years as Vets

21 Nov 2007
Fiona Rowe
Glad to see you taking some excercise! I notice that you either have a hat on or your hair tied back…. the haircut is still not being seen??
Beautiful photos, the sea and sky are an amazing colour. I’m off to Krakow next weekend… slightly different temp as you know only too well!! Everyone sends their lovexxx

21 Nov 2007
Claire, Jase,All looks glorious…apart from those weird looking black fish! ewwww! Reminds me of the reverse of uncooked prawns.Ja

21 Nov 2007
Brian Marshall
Place looks truly amazing …i’m on the next flight out…could one of you pick me up at the airport. ? Brian

21 Nov 2007
Wow – looks so beautiful. Am dead jealous and that – drove to work through heavy fog today. It’s just not fair! x

21 Nov 2007
Good luck, so glad you’re enjoying it all so much. Keep the news coming, really enjoying being part of your travels.

20 Nov 2007
Peter Hicks
Dear Jason & Claire, Thanks for photos . Your patients are very lucky to have such good Doctors. Hurry back to Hellensborough. I was stationed there for a time protecting the Convoys on the Clyde. Lovely place and very hospitable people.. Good luck and our lve Gwen & Peter

13 Nov 2007
Good luck with the work – least you are well rested after all that lovely holidaying! x

12 Nov 2007
i love your hat claire!

12 Nov 2007
Fiona Forsyth
Hey you two, good to talk to you yesterday, altho you are probably bankrupt by now! Looks fantastic, I trust that the food would suit me more here, what is the fascination with all things from the sea? Doesn’t the world appreciate pollution? Anyway, trying to gear myself for an A&E shift today, you will already have finished your Monday by now. It’s minus 4 just now, but going to be a lovely sunny day, is the weather okay there? Take care and I will phone you soon. XXX

12 Nov 2007
Peter Hicks

Dear Jason & Clare, Thanks for Photos and blog. Do hope you manage to see John and Viv when you are settled. Love Peter and Gwen</p> <p>07 Nov 2007<br />James</p> <p><title />Hi Claire – looks great – makes me sad that this time last year we were returning from our round the world trip! – Now am working again.<br /> You should go and visit our stomping ground at Palmerston North – not actually a tourist destination but it does have the largest windfarm in teh southern hemisphere! Take care and look after yourselves.<br /> James</p> <p>06 Nov 2007<br />Brian Marshall</p> <p><title />Hi guys, NZ looks gorgeous. Nice to see you both back working! Tell Pat his godson hasn’t had a birthday or christmas present in about 20 years and pass on my address. Wedding went well…my best man speech was a belter. Love B</p> <p>06 Nov 2007<br />Laura</p> <p><title />J<br /> Sitting in leris on a cold dark night.niall giving me shoulder massage!!!Bronwen is gorgeous .Niall now has two horses and two houses and is settling into Hawick.Leri is heading back down to London until the first week of December.But not before the little girl has her jags tomorrow.Niall has told me to pass on tidings of great trip around antipodean islands and reckons he is going to be the next partner in Hawick or at least the next cornet!!!Shifts going in BECS if you want to pop home!!!Hello to Claire.</p> <p>05 Nov 2007<br />Jen</p> <p><title />Aw happy memories of NZ! Am so jealous! Please drink some lovely NZ wines at the weekend and think of me…I’m thinking of starting a Lanarkshire/ Glasgow ‘I didn’t Travel blog’ to rival yours, which will involve pictures of me standing beside ASDA, going on an off-licence tour, and stunning pictures of herds of police outside Parkhead in their natural habitat…</p> <p>05 Nov 2007<br />Fiona Forsyth</p> <p><title />Hey babe, glad yer both okay, I hate to tell you, but Scotland has actually been quite warm, albeit not that sunny! Traffic still crap, in fact the M8 is now the official cemetery, cos I reckon at least 4 killed last week and the chaos ricocheted as never before. Oh, and why did I decide to do A&E??? Saturday was fine, but Sunday – UGH, now back doing normal GP stuff. Anyway, NAY GOSS AT ALL, how sad is that??? Oh, actually, Jenni got a salaried in her training practice, Saf going off on mat leave in December but taking hols before, so I am covering a few of them for her, eh, and, well, eh, THAT’S ALL FOLKS!!! Take care, hope the work goes okay for you both, speak soon. Fiona XXX</p> <p>05 Nov 2007<br />Fiona Rowe</p> <p><title />Hi Claire, It’s so good to be able to keep in touch this way. Thanks for taking the time to do it. NZ looks beatiful and yes you may have on a jacket but I’m sure it’s still warmer than here. we had our training visit in Friday… thankful it’s over. overall good result. Why can’t we see a photo of the new haircut?? Surely it’s not that bad!<br /> Will be in touch again soon. If your standard of work when you were with us is anything to go by you will be a star!! Love Fiona R</p> <p>05 Nov 2007<br />corinna and clem<br />jase and claire, thanks for sharing your holidays with us! looks amazing! and great to see recent pictures of the two of you, makes us miss the borders even more than ever…<br />keep us updated, hope to find time to update you with some recent pictures from here, lots of love from bavaria corinna and clem</p> <p>30 Oct 2007<br />Aine<br />Great to see you having such a fantastic time. The paragliding must have been brilliant Claire! It all sounds amazing! Take care. Aine x</p> <p>25 Oct 2007<br />lorna<br />Hi both of you, all sounds great as usual! By the way trhanks so much for card – was so surprised (and excited) to get an envelope w malaysian stamps on – I want to keep it! – v thoughtful and well remembered!</p> <p>25 Oct 2007<br />peter hicks<br />Thanks for Blog. Too old to understand how to deal with them, but the phhots were excellent. Very exciting for you both. Continue to enjoy the holiday and our love to you and to Rosalinde. Uncle Peter and Auntie Gwen.</p> <p>25 Oct 2007<br />Gillian Foo<br />Claire and Jase:I’m really enjoying your travel blog with all the pictures.Regret I missed the trip to Tanjung Tualang and those prawns. Claire–are you missing some clothing? If so, i believe I have an item with me from the laundry in Ipoh! Trust the transition to NZ goes smoothly. Keep in touch. Love, Aunty G.</p> <p>25 Oct 2007<br />rebecca williams<br />phase one of trip sounds and looks amazing. How wonderful to see photos of Jason’s granny! Crisp frosty mornings here now, but cloudless blue skies and sunshine lovely and trees stunning! But days getting shorter….aaah. Safe journey to NZ…straight into summer! lucky you! love Rebecca</p> <p>24 Oct 2007<br />laura<br />Hi GuysYou both look great despite other comments!!Will admit to jealousy and am now owndering if I should have booked something other than the upcoming trip to Iceland!!!Anyway safe travels to NZ.<br />Laura</p> <p>24 Oct 2007<br />Geoff<br />For once words fail me!Can you believe?</p> <p>24 Oct 2007<br />Fiona XXX<br />Man Claire, this is just too much jealousy pouring out of me here!!! It was around minus 3 this morning in Lanark, what can I say??? Still the schools are back thus traffic is shocking, don’t they know that I am on the road with a place to go??? There is absolutely nothing so far that you have described that I would eat, I moving over there as soon as I can, might be the only way to lose some weight, otherwise it sounds fab, take care you two, wishing I was there or you were here!</p> <p>24 Oct 2007<br />John<br />Great to see the two of you having such a good time. Parascending – I’ve always wanted to do that Claire and am very envious! Hope you had a smooth landing! The food looks amazing. Their lobsters must be huge. It’s chilly over here but at least we’re seeing some sun. Keep enjoying the weather and that scenery. Best wishes, John</p> <p>24 Oct 2007<br />Jason (Version 1)<br />Great blog guys. Glad to see you’re both enjoying it. Good time to be out of the UK, weather has turned more winter stylee.All fine with us. Got our planning application approved for the loft conversion. Its one of Lornas mates 30th next week and Im DJ’ing and the theme is WATER! Not sure what to go as – surf dude?….Take care</p> <p>24 Oct 2007<br />Brian<br />Claire …think you’re starting to put on a bit of weight!!! Bx</p> <p>24 Oct 2007<br />Fiona Forsyth<br />Hey dudes, man alive it looks fantastic, I am just a tiny bit jealous of your adventure. Hope you got my e-mail, especially if you are sitting on the beach so much!!! Nowt much to report from yesterday, but keep the blogs coming, it’s almost as if I am there with you. Love Fiona XXX</p> <p>23 Oct 2007<br />maureen<br />Hi Claire<br />We are basking in Autumn sunshine in sunny Blantyre!!!can you believe?Photos are amazing!What a fabulous experience.Just think though you could have been here doing the flu clinic on saturday!!!Know which I would choose.Take care –enjoy<br />love from maureen and all at Blantyre</p> <p>23 Oct 2007<br />Anne<br />Hi Claire, finally I am getting your blog updates!! Don’t know what was making my email block them before… it all looks fab, glad you’re having a good time!! Will put some of my photos from our last night out onto facebook today so have a check later.<br />Take care, and say hi to Jason from me too xx</p> <p>22 Oct 2007<br />Brian Marshall<br />Yes you’re very shiny! Gld you’re both having such a wonderful time. Lots of love and keep in touch. Brian & Family.</p> <p>22 Oct 2007<br />Wojtek & Gosia<br />Hi Claire and Jason. The cave fabulous and photos amazing. We are really impressed. It all looks like you are having a lovely time.<br />Look after yourselves</p> <p>21 Oct 2007<br />jennifer laird<br />HI Claire, impressive photos, I am most jealous. Can’t help but notice that you have a wine glass in your hand in most of the pictures. That’s my girl! Can’t believe all that food for 13quid. Keep up the good work. Love Jen xx (PS 19 days til I go to Oz) (PPS did you get that book?) J</p> <p>21 Oct 2007<br />Ali & May<br />Claire, can you imagine Jason lasting to 103″” Just kidding and great to see that you are enjoying every minute of it. You both look a bit puffier but I think this is just the humidity! isn’t it” We already miss talking to you but will hopefully get in touch soon. Look after yourselves.</p> <p>20 Oct 2007<br />Vikas<br />The food looks mouthwatering….!!Sanjana and Vikas</p> <p>20 Oct 2007<br />biz<br />Hey McCarthy It all looks great if you settle there then i’ll come out and be your maid ! I don’t mind getting up early and to the wet market for all the food first thing !<br />take care love to both you & Jase Biz xx</p> <p>20 Oct 2007<br />Simi<br />Claire hun, what can I say? Still looks as if you’re having an amazing time! I’ll be in touch ASAP with longer email on facebook- havent had proper time yet! Doing 10K tomorrow! Eek. Chat soon, muchos love xxx</p> <p>20 Oct 2007<br />Geoff<br />Hi Jason et Claire,You lucky guys- looks grrrrreat!Will try and get the address down to OMP (OF EXCELLENCE!)so’s to make them ENVIOUS too.Weather here is sub-tropical .Didya know one of the managing engineers on the Twin Towers Construction was from—HAWICK!!</p> <p>16 Oct 2007<br />Naush<br />Looks fantastic – Have a great time!!</p> <p>15 Oct 2007<br />John<br />Hi Claire and Jase,It looks like you’re having a lot of fun. Trust Jase to have a bird on both arms! You’d better watch him Claire. ;o)Glad you’ve found your family well Jase – your Gran is unstoppable.Look after yourselves,<br />John</p> <p>11 Oct 2007<br />Sinead<br />heh there – good updates – looks like loads of fun! You watch out with that Celtic skin Claire – while I have always been a fan of the ‘pale and interesting’ look, lobster red (my usual on holiday) is not so good!<br />Keep us updated and sorry to miss you before you went – work and weddings keeping me out of any kind of social loop for a while.<br />Talk soon, Sinead xx</p> <p>11 Oct 2007<br />Aine O’ Boyle<br />Hi Claire and jason, It looks like you’re having a brilliant time! The photos are fantastic. Its great to hear how you’re getting on. Take care. Aine x</p> <p>11 Oct 2007<br />Rhona<br />Hi Claire,<br />Those photos look amazing. Keep in touch.<br />Rhona x</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Lisa<br />Wow – looks good so far! Can’t wait till the next update!</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Fiona Forsyth<br />Hey Bablicious, LOOKING GOOD!!! I am missing you loads already, I guess it’s cos yer just no at the end of the phone man. Looks like yer having a good time, take care and speak to you soon. XXX</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Fiona Forsyth<br />Hey Bablicious, LOOKING GOOD!!! I am missing you loads already, I guess it’s cos yer just no at the end of the phone man. Looks like yer having a good time, take care and speak to you soon. XXX</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Fiona Forsyth<br />Hey Bablicious, LOOKING GOOD!!! I am missing you loads already, I guess it’s cos yer just no at the end of the phone man. Looks like yer having a good time, take care and speak to you soon. XXX</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />rebecca williams<br />wow, I am impressed with this! looks like you are having an amazing time! wonderful! Rebecca</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Ali & May<br />Hey guys. great to see that you are enjoying it. Jason, you look great amongst the birds!! and if worried about losing your bodily charm from all the food and getting the urge to exercise then just do what I do: just lie on the sofa until this urge passes you by. wish we were with you and our offer to join you guys still stands. Just provide the tickets and leave the rest to us.</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Chris Fang<br />Strange. I set up this google desktop and got RSS feeds, including your travel blog. No idea how it finds them. We had a good relaxing trip to Budapest. Interesting comment above about the family looking friendly. How did jase get his ass bit? I bet he was giving her advice on how do dress her kennel. Bronwyn is well scary, she can stare me out easy. HOw is that big softie olga?</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Vik & Sanjana<br />Hey guys…nice pics….looks like you are being pampered in Malaysia…Hope you enjoy your stay in NZ as well…</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />lorna<br />Hi Claire and J2 (!) – sounds fantastic – guess what I am doing while i read your blog – excel spreadsheet for metformin audit – yawn!!!!! So v jealous of your excitement. Food sounds good, hope it is helping you bear the humidity. Family look v friendly. Keep the blog updates coming, much more fun than long texty emails.</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Fiona Rowe<br />Claire, photos are fab. Looks and sounds like you are having a ball! The food sounds amazing…. more recipies?? This is a great way for all of us here in Blantyre to keep in touch. love Fiona and all at Blantyrexxx</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Simi<br />Claire, those pics are fabby! Sounds like you’re having a fantastic time. I hadn’t really realised you were taking an elongated route to NZ- very cool. Stay in touch, lots of love xxx</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Brian Marshall<br />Claire/ Jason, looks and sounds great. Keep in touch. Brian, Tina, Elise and Mikey.</p> <p>10 Oct 2007<br />Dad<br />Love the photos! Eat up, you’re at your Granny’s</p> <p>09 Oct 2007<br />Ja<br />Wow Claire, love the blog. We are heading to Arran tomorrow. Not quite so glamorous! However, there have been shark sightings which sounds good! Keep em comin dude. Lovin the foreign chat.Ja</p> <p>09 Oct 2007<br />18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog</p> </div> <p><a href="">source</a></p> </div> <section class="wp-block-template-part"> <footer class="wp-block-group post-meta-full is-style-no-padding has-global-padding is-layout-constrained wp-block-group-is-layout-constrained"> <div class="wp-block-group is-style-rounded-border has-global-padding is-layout-constrained wp-block-group-is-layout-constrained is-style-rounded-border--3"> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Posted</h3> <div class="wp-block-post-date"><time datetime="2024-05-12T16:07:14+00:00">May 12, 2024</time></div> <div class="taxonomy-category wp-block-post-terms"><a href="" rel="tag">new</a></div> </div> </footer> </section> <section class="wp-block-template-part"> <footer class="wp-block-group post-navigation has-global-padding is-layout-constrained wp-block-group-is-layout-constrained"> <nav aria-label="Posts" class="wp-block-group is-content-justification-space-between is-nowrap 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