CRT+RPK=RTW – Fiji 1

Comments for crtandrpk:you have 150 comments
Happy Anniversary xxxx!

27 May xxxx
Cuz Mike
Welcome back kids!Up in Minny in 2 wks for Vikes/Panthers

07 Sep 2006
ARE YOU HOME YET?????????????????????????????


05 Sep 2006
Rockstar SN update: Ryan; your namesake got the boot last night. Think he was trying to hard to be a “rockstar”. Could smell the desperation. Storm and Dilana were the other two on the block. Okay. That’s all I got. I got a kid screamin’ “uuuuice!” (juice) at me and the littlest one just let out a mighty roar. safe travels!

01 Sep 2006
Erin the Farm
OK, here’s the plan – one of you cause a “disturbance” at breakfast, and while the authorities are distracted, the other one can fill a knapsack (or in a pinch, a bunch of empty ramen noodle wrappers) with breakfast food to be enjoyed later. This works best if it’s a buffet style breakfast, but if not, just grab stuff off of other diners’ plates.

I think I saw Rachel Ray do this on TV one time.

: )

Miss you guys to pieces, can’t wait for you to get back!

01 Sep 2006
One of my cousins went scuba-diving in Fiji on a layover from Australia. His comment, “You have to remember, Fiji is a third-world country.”

31 Aug 2006
One of my cousins went scuba-diving in Fiji on a layover from Australia. His comment, “You have to remember, Fiji is a third-world country.”

31 Aug 2006
You aren’t getting my email! Rats!!! But no matter, because we can talk it all through once you’ve come HOME!!!!!

The wide world is wonderful …. but perhaps there really is no place like home?? I hope that’s the truth!

So much love.


28 Aug 2006
Rockstar Supernova ROCKS!! Gee, all of a sudden you guys don’t seem so far away. :>) p.s. glad to read the socks have come in handy. it warms my lil’ ol’ heart to know your toesies are staying toasty (or somewhat so). safe travels ~ love, Tina

28 Aug 2006
fists of yuri
can you guys grab the hightops at 300 and 301? Great! And please stab your tickets.

28 Aug 2006
Dark, cold, wet. Who would’ve thought THAT would be one of your favorite parts? Time to warm up on the beach! We can’t wait to see you next week.

28 Aug 2006
Oh lordy. I’m faint! I don’t understand the need to jump from a plane. Not at all. But I have to tell you that Tallen has now joined the ranks of crazy jumpers. Y’all can compare pictures while I close my eyes and rub my temples!

25 Aug 2006
Cousins, yours is, hands down, the bestest travel blog ever. I’ve loved taking this adventure with you and can’t wait to get the animated version when you get home. I’ve laughed til I cried (and peed, too). I’m so happy for you both! One hand-me-down piece of advice from world traveler friends who said when you get to Fiji (that is your last stop, right?) go to a place that’s pronounced wa-kai-aaa because the snorkling parallels that of the great barrier reef. Love you both and congratulations newlyweds. Woo hoo! -erin

23 Aug 2006
Hi, you two,
Gret entry, CRT, and I’m somewhat relieved to know that from the sounds of things you won’t stay “down under’ forever…come home! We’re ready to reclaim you as mere travelers and not ex-patriates! Minnesota will perhaps never have looked so good!

22 Aug 2006
Casey and Lindsay
We miss you. I have spent the last hour reading your blogs. I am so happy you guys are doing well. I thought by now you would have decided never to come back! Take care and enjoy the rest of the trip. Maybe when you get back the Twins will be in the playoffs! Bet you wouldn’t have expected that when you left.

21 Aug 2006
Hey, please come home. Enough already! Saw my O baby today and yesterday and Friday…and Dilly Bar and H&H.. Heather’s first day of law school is tomorrow. YIKES! Go get ’em!!

21 Aug 2006

You do need a haircut!

19 Aug 2006
Seals! More than two?!! In their natural habitat! Not at Como Zoo?! That did it. I am officially jealous. Love reading about your adventures, but can’t wait to see you guys again. Miss you ~ Tina, Don, Erik, and wee baby Noah

19 Aug 2006
You’re a dummy Ryan. We tried to hike up to a glacier when I was in Alaska with my brother and my friend Jimmy. We got about half a mile away when we heard a really loud “crack!”. At least I heard it – Jimmy and my bro thought I was kidding at first. Then the avalanche (ice-a-lanche?) started. We ran. We lived. And that was a long way away.

You’re a dummy Ryan. Don’t pet the glaciers. ?

Miss you!

17 Aug 2006
Ben M.
Hey Ryan– I have a friend who studies the elusive giant squid, and she lives on the south island. Let me know if you want to go visit a 40 foot squid…probably just as freaky as skydiving.
Cubs won 4 in a row. On to St. Louis!

17 Aug 2006
Wednesday night …
Enjoyed your long, long, long Australia blog, especially all of the excitement in the Internet cafe!
There are 42,000+ at the Metrodome tonight, and the Twins have just taken the lead over Cleveland in the 8th. It will be a big weekend in baseball. Yankees-Red Sox 5-game series at the same time the White Sox will be at the Dome for 3 games.
At Custer I have a soccer game Friday so the fall sports are almost here, just about the only good thing about the job these days.
I wrote you an e-mail a day or two ago about missing Dylan; it is indeed way too quiet. Even Maggie and Oliver are quiet tonight!
I look forward to reading about New Zealand.
— Dad

17 Aug 2006
Have fun in NZ… lemme know if you bump into any Parlanes (my mom’s family name)… Still super jealous… Still love you both… Still can’t wait for you to come home. Drove by your house the other day – it’s still there!

16 Aug 2006
You don’t know me, I discovered your blog in Parker’s Midweek Update, and I’m living vicariously through your travels; but I do know someone who lives in Byron Bay and, after reading your blog I was wishing I’d thought to forward contact information. Then last night I had a long involved dream where I was in Australia with you. For what it’s worth, Mia Weickmann, 42 Jacaranda Drive, Byron Bay, NSW 2481, Australia;

15 Aug 2006
Holl Doll
Vikes lost, but the 4th-stringers were playing. ? We’re still reading and enjoying, so don’t you worry about us. Can’t wait to see you guys back.
Olive and I are going to see Auntie H & Dilly Bar this weekend. Yippee!

15 Aug 2006
Here’s your comment!

They cleaned up Como Zoo! I was there last weekend and it was pretty nice. I loved the Conservatory too, and the Japanese Garden. Now I’m fantasizing about a yard like their garden…

Vikings play their first pre-season game tonight, too. I’ve got four tickets and would’ve invited you if you were here. But you’re not, so I’m taking others instead ?

See you soon!

14 Aug 2006
Hi, there,
Australia….seems like the place to be…glad you’re having a great time, still…Dylan and Heather are gone today…so quiet. Think of her tomorrow as she sits in her first day of law school!

14 Aug 2006
De Welch Knudson
Thinking of both of you so checked your interesting blog once again…we spent six weeks in Australia years ago, and at the end of the journey, I didn’t want to go home! Fraser Island sounds like a real fun place–except for the snakes…all is well in SD…anxious to see Heather after she gets settled into her apartment in Vermillion…just came in from a swim…Dave and Mark are in Chicago for chess!

12 Aug 2006
Good to hear from you guys again. I was wondering how Australia was going thus far. If you havent heard yet, Holly and Nathan have some NEWS for ya, but i’ll let them tell you themselves. But it is definitely some seriously GOOD NEWS.
The %$@*!&$@3 Sturgis Rally starts next week and I’m less than thrilled. 500,000 of the loudest, smelliest people in the free world have to come to my town to make it noisier and smellier. Can’t wait. Plus, i get to oogle half-naked, overweight, over-the-hill women for a solid week. Yay. I always want to be on vacation during the first week in August. I hear Australia is nice. =)
Can’t wait to hear about the whales. Take care of yourselves.



01 Aug 2006
Nice to hear from you two! Glad you’re enjoying Australia!

If you think driving is hard there, just wait until you get back home and have to go back to the other side of the road. The first time I got into my truck, I turned left out of my driveway… directly into oncoming traffic. Oops.

Can’t wait to hear more! Miss you guys, and am looking forward to seeing you again.

30 Jul 2006
scott k.
great comments on thailand! have to get there sometime. funny to think of a swimming and less-eating-challenged knoxie.

RPK, thank god for the pirates so that the cubs aren’t the WORST team in the NL. ? it’s a race for last though.

can’t wait to hear about australia!!!!

23 Jul 2006
scott k.
ok, i resorted to reading the blog at work between patients. this has been more effective than checking in every week or so from home. don’t tell my boss. ?

the stories are great, even the gory (is the spelled right?) ones.

the cubs suck and the A’s rock (contrary to the one and only matchup we’ve seen in person–do you think about days like that while you’re away from home?–first day at wrigley…good times). just check the standings.

dusty johnson and his wife (jac) have been married 6 years today (7/21)…think about THAT, you newlyweds!

21 Jul 2006
scott k.
how can i be the first to comment on this entry???? well, that is one incredible story about a train “wreck”. almost beyond belief really.

i’m glad to see more comments about the “beautiful game” though. you really think you’ll still be a fan in, say…6 months?

21 Jul 2006
scott k.
ok, i know i haven’t posted a comment in a LONG time, but that page is perhaps the funniest one so far…paris…walking north. i think it’s so funny b/c dawn would be the same way. you can almost count on the simple truth that 180 degrees the other way would be a better choice than what she thinks. sorry, CRT, but that rule might work for you as well???

p.s. not enough comments on futbol!!!!

21 Jul 2006
Hot off the press — Eitel info!!

Name: Noah James Eitel
Weight: 7 Pounds, 12 Ounces
Length: 20 Inches
Date and Time: July 20th at 8:10am

Mother and Baby are doing fine, and Don needs a drink.

Debbie’s around. I’ll let her know you’re wondering about her health!!

Sheesh …. I own you mail. Bad Sally!


20 Jul 2006
My girlfriend and I have been musing the same length and breadth of your trip– thanks for the inspiration/peer pressure. This’ll be the first thing I check every morning here at cubicle no. 1439.

I’m still working on Gilbert Arenas. He’s thinking about it.

P.S. Steve Nash cut his hair. Ugly to wus transformation complete.

20 Jul 2006
Ry/Crystal: Enjoyed the elephant photos De sent to Granny; I was at her house last weekend while in Pierre for Joe Wilson-Nikki Grandpre wedding. When I left the church at 8 p.m., temp gauge on dashboard read 118. When I left Ramkota/reception at 11:30 p.m., it was still 95! I think I sent e-mail about the dogs. You’d love them, but you’ll have to come to Rapid City to see them! Busy at work. Won’t leave Rapid/Custer again till 50-yr. class reunion in Onida Aug. 11. Time flies, but I’ll bet the rest of the class all look old! Stay safe. I’m anxious to hear about Australia when you get there. Love, Dad

20 Jul 2006
Ok, I’ll be the one to call your bluff. These blogs have gone too majestically far to be true. I think you’ve holled yourselves up in your house, making ends meet with some envelope stuffing, work-from-home scam while concocting fantastic stories to screw with your friends and loved ones. This, I believe, is your sick idea of a honeymoon, which I think I would have to respect.
If it is true, however, I’ll refer to Ryan’s comment from Italy about feeling “a little insignificant” while surrounded by history and beauty and liking it. I felt the same way during my RV trip to Alaska while camping along the AlCan in the middle of the Northern Rockies. (RV Camping = turning the engine off and grabbing a beer).

Wishing you many more humbling experiences,
Tony Brown

18 Jul 2006
Read about the tsunami this morning in the paper–hopefully the areas you are in will not have that happen–safe travel blessings for both of you while you are in the pacific.
BTW, RPK, you missed THE worst inning in Cubs history save the playoff nightmare back in 2003. Mets had two grand slam home runs plus two other HR’s in the same inning–it was ugly and I sat there watching the whole ugly mess…good thing you are in Thailand missing their mess-ups!

17 Jul 2006
De Welch Knudson
Your blog entries are so interesting, and it’s also nice to know that you are still alive and having a great time! Since I love to travel, I really look forward to your updates. Stay safe, and keep smiling! I’ll check your blog again in a few days. I just printed out this one about Thailand and the elephants and will send it to Mom before she takes off for a bus trip to MN later this week. Thailand would have been so much more interesting for her!! ? Carson is walking!!!

17 Jul 2006
Hi guys…great pictures! Dilly Bar thinks the elephant is sorta funny. Miss you both & am looking forward to your return in another month or so! I’ll be in class in less than 30 days, if everything pans out. Write again soon!

16 Jul 2006
I love the pictures…Yeahhh digital camera! Keep ’em coming! Am going to see Fiddler this afternoon at the BHP…was 111 here yesterday, a record! Yuk, maybe Minnesota wouldn’t be so hot?? The political state of affairs is tragic and continues to deteriorate. Wonder what it would be like to live in a blue state?? Be safe. Write again if you can. Love to you both!

16 Jul 2006
. . . .

That’s my brother. This is the guy who can remember what he was wearing 20 years ago on his 10th birthday, can remember where he was July 4th, 1985, etc etc. It’s hilarious =)

Rambo’s love interest? Ryan was 12 when Rambo II came out. Cracks me up. =)

Elephants sure sound like fun to play around with. Spiders? Not so much. =)

take care guys =)



16 Jul 2006
Sounds like you two are doing it right! “The people are so nice and smile all the time, even when they’re trying to hustle you out of a few bucks.” – That pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it? In Thailand, even the hustlers are nice to you ?

I miss you guys, but I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying one of my favorite places on earth!

14 Jul 2006
Glad to hear you made it out of Egypt safely. =)
I was nervous about that place more so that any other (for you). Well, now that you’re out of the %#!@@#@! Middle East, you can run around half-nude all you like, filthy godless American devils that you are. =D
By the way, if you see Kim Jong Il anywhere over in the Far East, kick him in the nards once for me.
Look forward to reading more about your travels, soon so keep em coming. =)



11 Jul 2006
Okay, from now on I am calling you Auntie Mame. What an amazing trip you’re having. Thank you for the lovely, descriptive travelogue. It’s wonderful — almost like being there with you — without the hugs. And now I’m sad.


11 Jul 2006
Hey guys – quick note before bed –

Ben Wallace goes to the Bulls, Ry. 4 years 60 mil i think or something very close.

Anywho, say hey to the Sphinx for me =)

04 Jul 2006
Pink Ouzo …. reminded me of sugar cube vaccines they gave when I was a kid. that made me erp too. Hope you’re both feeling better. MISS YOU LIKE MAD.

Email sent.


30 Jun 2006
The NBA Draft was last night. There were so many trades it’s hard to figure out where everyone went, but to the best of my knowledge, the T-Wolves got a hell of a good guard out of Villanova by the name of Randy Foye. They also got a 6-10 center out of (and ask around while you’re there) Greece! =) His name is Loukas Mavrokefalidis. I had to spell-check that 3 times to make sure i got it right.
Let’s see. That’s about as interesting as it gets out here in west river. I’ll send some more news as it happens to your email(s). Take care of yourselves. love, jck

29 Jun 2006
Went to the twins/Cubs game last Saturday night (where the twins swept them 3-0. Rather sad game). I think the number of us Cub fans were dead even with the number of twin fans. At least we could all commeserate together…
Enjoy Egypt!

29 Jun 2006
Hi, there,
Thanks for the call today rpk. sorry I couldn’t talk longer but it so nice to hear your voice. can’t believe you’re where you are..and tomorrow Athens…holy cow! Love you. Be safe.

29 Jun 2006
you guys are so funny! i laugh my butt off every time i read your blog; i can just hear you both talking & saying ‘poop deck’ & the other various catchphrases you come up with. i’m so glad you’re still having fun!!

28 Jun 2006
Now I really am green with envy. Here comes the part of the trip that will blow your minds, I bet. Greece….where it all started thousands of years ago. Missing you two and hoping that everything goes splendidly in the island that gave us Spartacus and Zorba.

27 Jun 2006
Hi, RPK and CRT: I’m getting caught up on your blogs. Here at home we’ve had great weather, high of no more than 80 for a week, so it’s been great. Holly/Nathan/Olivia were here at our house Wed.-Sun. while here for his sister’s wedding. Their moving van still had not delivered their stuff to their place in Rochester. It finally did Saturday, and the landlord let the movers in; never mind Holly’s floor plan on which they insisted before the move. They put stuff just wherever, and it was still there when they got back Sunday night. Holly started work today (Monday); haven’t talked to her yet. Heather’s first day at the Firehouse was today; she was hostess. Dylan is doing fine; we thought he was getting sick with a high temp Sunday afternoon but Tylenol snapped him out of it; probably teething. Otherwise he’s marvelously funny. Your mother went to Pierre/Blunt for the Blunt all-school reunion; De had a ticket for me, but I couldn’t go because there was nobody else here to watch Dylan Sat. night while Heather worked. I’ve played for church last 2 Sundays. Work in Custer is busy even without school activities. Sports update: Oregon St. wins College World Series tonight, beating North Carolina (hey hey!) in 2-out-of-3 championship series. Twins beat Dodgers; let me think, the sweep over Red Sox made it 4 in a row, sweep at Pittsburgh 7 in a row, 2 of 3 at Houston 9 out of 10 (including beating R. Clemens in his comeback game), sweep of the Cubs 12 out of 13, beat Dodgers tonight 13 out of last 14! 2 more vs. Dodgers, then 3 vs. Milwaukee, 3 at K.C., 3 at Texas before all-star break. Guess I’ll head to bed. Have fun and be safe! — Dad

27 Jun 2006
Teener Bean
I am sooooo jealous! I eat my plain ol’ Kemps ice cream every night and think of you two enjoying THE best ice cream (and everything else) EVER! Love reading about your escapades, and glad to know you are safe. Love – Tina, Don, and Erik (yes, I’m still preggers & HUGE!)

26 Jun 2006
We all miss you guys. Keep the blogs coming. Love it. By the way, MN is still here. It has been a great summer so far. Stay in touch!
Love- Casey and Lindsay

25 Jun 2006
I’m addicted!! I’m addicted to RPK+CRT reports! Come back! I need another update STAT!


P.S. We’ll miss you in the backyard on the 4th of July.

23 Jun 2006
Im glad that you ended up enjoying Florence! Now Ive been there, Venice, Stockholm, and Copenhagen, and Aårhus. Florence is still my favorite but Stockholm was GORGEOUS! Go there next time you get married ?

22 Jun 2006
Ask one of those Swiss (Suisse? I don’t know) Guards if you can go down into the Vatican Secret Libraries and read about Jesus’ pretty little wifie – Mary Magdalene. See if you can get thrown into Jesus Jail. =)

OK, so that’s the anti-Christian in me coming out, but who cares. Rome would be the place outside of Scotland that I would enjoy most I think. Sounds like I am right per your description of it. Maybe I could even eat some of the food! Dunno though – I’d sure miss McDonald’s =P

Say hi to King Tut on your next stop. Love you guys. Take care. =)

21 Jun 2006
m.c. potsticker
Good to see you guys are still zipping along after the train trauma. Life at work is still the same, except upper management is now passing out thorazine drips before every shift. Oh, and I have now full implemented “Roller Skates Bates” into my persona. The left hemisphere of my brain is “bartender yuri” while the right side is the aforementioned alter ego, constantly trying to rat out the left side of my brain.

Take care guys

yuri roller bartender skates bates

20 Jun 2006
Nate N.
Enjoy Rome. Remember to cover your shoulders CRT and cover your knees RPK when you go to the Vatican. Oh, and while you’re coving your natural self, be sure to check out the statues of the hot naked angels.

Angel T&A = OK
Human knees = Bad

20 Jun 2006
Venice …. the city of Castrati.

Wish I’d been there. The waitress may not have lived to scream another day. Shame on her.


19 Jun 2006
So glad to hear from you and know you’re doing okay despite the horror on the train. and the trip continues to be so fun to experience through your entries. The sun is not as bright as it was a week ago. O is gone. Dylan is so fun and so busy. Right now he’s filling his lawn mower with ‘gas’…so smart. I gassed the lawn mower a day or two ago and he’s doing the same. I told Heather, no haircuts for my dilly bar till he’s two! We’ll see how that goes! Be safe, have fun. love to you both.

19 Jun 2006
Sorry about Venice…I had a friend go over to Italy last year and he said he HATED Venice and would never go back. Positano is the place to go if you dare go back.

18 Jun 2006
Holy crap you guys. Talk about the trip of a lifetime… I hope things continue to look up for you, enjoy Rome and make good memories. We’re in Rochester now! Love you guys–

18 Jun 2006
Hi guys…hope you are either so busy you can’t find time to blog or there’s a problem with posting one. Just thinking of you both & hoping the trip is still going wonderfully! Dilly Bar still says both your names & I started buying the same fudge graham cookies you had at your house during our stay…he loves them, and it gives us a reason to talk about you guys. ?

18 Jun 2006
What happened to our team? We got slaughtered! I watched it on my DVR last night, pretty disappointing.

Saw Erin’s comment above, I must’ve read the same magazine – there’s tons of prostitutes working overtime just for you!

Hope you two are doing awesome!

13 Jun 2006
You must watch USA! The first match is tomorrow .
Best wishes

11 Jun 2006
I read on my In Flight magazine that there will be 40,000 prostitutes traveling to Germany for this World Cup celebrations as well!

11 Jun 2006
Wow I’m so jealous! How fun to take in the World Cup & meet real football fans! I’m glad you guys aren’t wussing out on trying all the new things & seeing sights. Keep it up. We miss you & I can’t wait to hear stories when you get back that are too long to type. love you guys

10 Jun 2006
Brandon Marilee
Yay!!! Married and eating! I don’t think there is anything better sounding in the world.
However, you are making my day job seem even more like Hades. But it’s like I’m looking out the window. I’m trapped, but there is a world out there.
AND… your writing is charming. You sound elated and lovely. Just as you were here.

09 Jun 2006
Erin and NIck
I didnt know you were going to Munich! I want to go to Munich and see you there! Every day I talk to nick for free over the internet and we read your blog! Things are well here in Denmark, and from what i hear the Big Bowl is surviving without us.
I cant believe you said TTFN,
Erin (and nick, too, he says hi)

09 Jun 2006
Jess Frohling
I’m jealous. I love cheese. Sounds like a great time. Much love being sent your way.

09 Jun 2006
Linda Sue
Only a POUND of cheese in Paris? you WERE busy! I would send you to say hello to Napoleon for me (he’s inside 7 coffins at the Musee Armee) but that will need to wait. So glad to hear about the “still in love” part because if you weren’t and you are in Paris when you write that, it may be the end of the world. You pretty much love the human race when you are in Paris. Safe travels.

09 Jun 2006
Jackie J
Did we pass?

08 Jun 2006
Crystal and Ryan:

Congratulations on your wedding. For many years I thought I would be present at Crystal’s wedding and in a cyberspace sort of way I was. Thanks!

However, I am somewhat concerned that you find yourself less than a week later living in a trailer park. It takes others of us years to accomplish that task:)

Ryan, I’ve never met you but I hope that sometime at the end of this trip that changes. After seeing the world you will be ready for Kentucky!

All the best for a wonderful trip and a happy life!


08 Jun 2006
Patrick Morgan
DUDE!!! Patrick Morgan here, and I’m so envious of you two. I think your decision to make this trip is fantastic, especially considering Michelle and I are thinking that your gig is much better than our huge wedding shindig in September. Take care of each other, and I’ll keep checking back! Peace, love and GO VIKES!

07 Jun 2006
I love Deadwood! I can’t believe they killed off one of my favorites though… ?

07 Jun 2006
You crazy beautiful kids make me so jealous and happy. I just read your journey-to-date like watching all of Deadwood in one sitting (but without the syphillus and dying) okay, maybe not Deadwood, but something equally cool that you can’t wait to hear the rest of. I miss you both, and I hope every day is more exciting than the last. Love each other hugely and soak it all in so we can squeeze you out when we see you again. Big love from home, from Matt and Carolyn.

07 Jun 2006
and then eat another waffle for me! we miss you two greatly! hopefully, ryan, everyone will speak english for the rest of the trip, right? can…you…tell…me…how to…get to…the…American Embassy! ha ha! don’t worry though, I’m sure you two will be wonderful ambassadors of our fucked up country.

05 Jun 2006

05 Jun 2006
Cousin Eddie
I’m laughing out loud about now, Ryan. Your travel blog has been a pleasure to read. Congrats to both of you!

Stay safe and best of travels.

05 Jun 2006
Hi: It’s Sunday night here. It’s been a hot, sticky weekend. I didn’t get much work done, which is fine, although I did take in 4 Custer soccer games at the state tournament. Also got to see a lot of Pierre folks out to follow their teams. Actually I spent more weekend time with Dylan and Olivia than anybody. I bravely took them (without female adult help) to Storybook Island Saturday morning. 45 seconds past the front gate, Olivia announced, “E-pa, I have to go poopie.” So we found the restrooms, and I took her into the men’s room. Dylan loved the slides, and especially the merry-go-round. They both rode on the train. We then went to McDonald’s to get them fed before nap time, only to learn McDonald’s doesn’t take checks, not even local checks. So we loaded up again, went to Safeway to cash a check, back to McDonald’s. By that time Dylan had conked out, so I parked directly in front of one of the windows, left the car and the A.C. running, and Olivia and I ate quickly while keeping an eye on Dylan and the car. That was the big adventure of the weekend. — Update on sports: Cubs took 2 of 3 from Cardinals this weekend. Pujols is lost for maybe 6 weeks to injury. NBA finals will be Miami vs. Dallas starting Thursday.
Glad to hear you’re enjoying Europe. I think, if I ever got there, I wouldn’t want to leave for a long time. But you two have years left to return there! Judy Rapp says she is reading your blogs on a regular basis.
Have a good week! We love you.
— Dad

05 Jun 2006
Hi crt and rpk,
A beautiful day in the Black Hills. It started early…dyland olivia were overnight guests and up early this morning for a day spent outside mostly in the 85 degree sun. It was warm early so I turned on the sprinker and the kids shed pajamas. Turned around for a second to find O in her birthday suit romping with all the freedom of a naked 4 year old! Dylan, diaper clad, trailed “Eva” all day in the late spring glory that early June brought to Ima’s backyard. H &H were here all day and He went to work and Ho and O went home a while ago. Dylan is ready for bed in his new jammies compliments of his Ima… He’s a dolly and I can only imagine how quiet my world is soon to be…Yesterday was O’s last day at daycare and Miss Andrea was sad to see one of her 4 year charges leave her care. Your trip sounds so wonderful and am so glad you’re taking in the quaint side of European living…miss you and hope you’re having the time of your life!

03 Jun 2006
Wow, that place sounds great! And cheap, too! I love reading your daily stories and miss you two a lot. I’ve got some good news brewing here, but I’ll wait and email you when I know more. Glad you are well, and I’m longing for the sandwiches you wrote about a few days ago… I built some of those with fresh bread, prosciutto, and cheese when I was there and my mouth is watering now just thinking about it.

02 Jun 2006
Still missing you on this end — but the trip sounds like its absolutely wonderful!

I’m making a list of things to tell you when you come home. ?

Love you — lots and lots.


02 Jun 2006
Good one, Holls. Congrats to the newlyweds…so glad you are still enjoying your trip. A great big “heeeeyyyyyyy” to crt from the Moose. :)Miss you guys!

02 Jun 2006
Hiiiiiiiiiiii! OK, that’s my only Amsterdam joke. Congrats to big brother and the newest member of the family. Love you guys. Now go explore! xoxo

02 Jun 2006
I sure hop you thought of Peter while you were at the Anne Frank House!

Congrats, and have lots of fun.

01 Jun 2006
scott k.
happy one week anniversary!!!

good work on your thrifty meals. ? and crt, i can’t WAIT to see that new scarf.

01 Jun 2006
And Rembrandt’s house too! The Rijk Museum is really big, but there’s cool stuff there too. I loved Anne Frank’s house, but sobering is right. I needed some drinks after that.

Glad you’re having fun! Enjoy the RLD for me! ?

01 Jun 2006
Check out the Van Gogh Museum while you’re there, if you still have time. It’s awesome. Smoke ’em if you got ’em, team! ?

01 Jun 2006
Nathan N
Which hostel are you staying at? We stayed at the Muddy Pig while we were there. It was an interesting experience. Everyone got along really well. (If you are at the Muddy Pig, take a look at the coasters wedged into the ceiling by the bar – one of them is mine.)

The Anne Frank house just pissed me off more than anything. Mean people suck.

I know exactly what you’re talking about with the language thing (just wait until France!). After three days in Amsterdam I actually started to dream in Dutch, even though I have no idea what the words meant.

01 Jun 2006
Jane Hammill
Hi kids,
I am so happy for you 2. You sound like you are having a GREAT TRIP! I am just sitting here in Lakeville living through you 2. I really hope you are taking alot of pics.
Oh crazy thing, did you know that the “NEW” Omen is opening 6-6-06? That is just creepy. And on that note I will say good night and sweet dreams, Kisses and hugs,

01 Jun 2006
Your ferry ride brings back memories of a crazy one I had about 10 years ago. I swear the boat would leave the water over each wave, and you couldn’t stand without holding on to something really tightly! Glad you made it across the channel.

I laughed at your English story! Miss you guys, but glad you’re getting by and having a great time.

Love ya!

31 May 2006
Jen D
Good to hear from you both again. Memorial day was pretty hot, but now it has cooled off a bit. I took Dave to the twins game on Sunday, his first of the year. I’m 4 in 1 right now, we’ll see if i can keep bringing them a little luck. Miss you!!

31 May 2006
Hey –
Sorry it took me so long to comment. Linds and I just got back from NYC. We had a great time. I am loving these blogs. Keep them coming. We all miss you guys and I am so glad to hear the stories. By the way Ryan – Twins still suck. They really blew it last night against the Angels. Not pretty. Gremlin opens “Petrified Forest” this weekend. Is that Ahman Green autograph making it through the trip??
Miss you guys – Casey

30 May 2006
Hey, where are you and are you all right?

30 May 2006
Nathan N.
Congratulations on the wedding. Your ceremony sounded magical.

So … when’s the honeymoon?

29 May 2006
Sounds great, but where are the pictures?

28 May 2006
Hi, you two,
I’m at the Ramkota in Pierre checking out the blog while Dylan sleeps. O is at the ranch this weekend but I think the girls might be making their way to the Capital City later today. D is asking for his mama so if she comes out he’ll be a happy camper. Speaking of camping, how goes it for our favorite backpackers? It’s terribly hot and humid in Pierre…makes me wonder about moving further east from the mountain-like climate in them thar Hills! H&H are going to Minnesota about the same time, sounds like…I’m going to have to get a personal trainer to advise me in getting a new life! Hope all continues to go well. When’s the party in September? Be glad to see you then…imagine you’re on your way to Amsterdam today. Travel safely!

28 May 2006
Erin K Happ
I’m in COPENHAGEN you fools, not Amsterdam! Supposedly we’re meeting in Amsterdam next weekend and a kid on my bus today said he found airfare for like 50 euro so I havent given up hope! We need to visit Anne’s house together and maybe do some other not so wholesome stuff. Congrats on your wedding! I’m not a bad shot i could try to take a photo or two later perhaps. Nick’s mom said the tulips are amazing in Am. right now. look for those i guess…

28 May 2006
Hello! The ceremony sounds magical, mist or no mist. We are enjoying your messages. I stopped to visit Nancy Woster briefly at the state ‘A’ track meet in Spearfish Friday; she happened to ask about my kids, of course. She asked, Are the boys married yet? I said as a matter of fact Ryan is getting married today in Scotland. She was impressed with that story! I was up there all day Friday and out here at Tech for the B-A-AA finals today. What a fun two days! Pierre Governors are state boys track champions, first time since 1947. Man, what a team they are! I was there to photo the Custer kids; we had 3 throwers as state champs, 2 girls, 1 boy. Your mother is in Pierre this long weekend with Dylan; I’m not sure if Olivia is with her or not. Sure hot here last 2 days. Don’t bother checking on the Cubs’ scores. NBA? Miami leads Detroit 2-1 in East finals; Phoenix-Dallas 1-1 in West finals. Did you hear new Twins ballpark approved? Gov. Pawlenty signed the bill at the Dome Friday night; open for the 2010 season in the Warehouse District near Target Center. Also approved U. of M. on-campus football stadium. You don’t have time to read much more than this. Have a great 2nd week. Take care of your health, you two! Love, Dad

28 May 2006
Jen D
Congratulations !!

Well, it’s finally good weather here, the stadium bill passed, Liriano started yesterday: went 5 innings struck out 6, and we won 3-1 (vs. seattle). Matt LeCroy (now a Nationals 3rd string catcher) got pulled thursday after overthrowing 2nd base like 2 or 3 times, poor Matty.

wish you well

27 May 2006
fab four
We are all up at the cabin. wish you were hear. congrats on the wedding again…. it sounds like you guys are having fun.

love ya
jenna, voni, molly and lauren

27 May 2006
I miss you guys! Wish I could be there with you (last night at 1 am).


PS – update from home, Gabe had to have emergency surgery to remove his appendix. I heard from him last night going into the operation, and am expecting to hear more today. I’ll post when I know something, but he got to the hospital on time and should be OK.

26 May 2006
Who loves you? I do. Thinking of you all day today. Going to Pierre for the weekend. Taking Dilly Bar. O is going to the ranch. What wonderful memories you’re making.

26 May 2006
Best Wishes

26 May 2006
Congratulations, my darlings. Fred and I send all our love and best wishes.



26 May 2006
Scott K.
DUDES!!!!!! this has been so great, catching up on all your entries in one night. now i’ll be somewhat out of the loop again for a couple days while we’re in CO and entertaining company. but i’ll probably check more the next couple of days so i don’t have to wait for wedding news.

if there is any way for you to call me, even if it’s 4am for me, to tell me about the “ceremony”, don’t hesitate. we’ll have our cell with us all weekend too…605-645-0731. ALL my thoughts are with you both right now (even though you’re sleeping?). when you wake up, it’s your wedding day!!! tears again…good luck, or break a leg, or cheers, or i love you, or whatever you say when all you can do is make a blog entry. i miss you terribly.

26 May 2006
Scott K.
DUDES!!!! PDT in Scotland? SWEET.

all i can think about is that tomorrow is your wedding day (with the time change it’s maybe TODAY!!!)!!!!!!! here come the tears. seriously, i’m wiping my damn eyes now while i type. thank goodness there are no toasts required of me.


26 May 2006
Scott K.
DUDES!!!!! just reading all of this for the first time…had to comment before i get to the end…been v. busy with trip to pierre for graduation and then to billings (middle of the week) to see dawn’s bro. back now (thurs pm) but gone again tomorrow to ft. collins, then when we get home monday, we’re entertaining company (father in law) for three days. it’s like my own tiny little trip “around the world”. not.

so, what’s the deal with newton’s tomb??? THANKS for the try!

rpk, hope you’re feeling better, but if you’re not…nobody cares anyway. you’re on the trip of a lifetime. my sympathy only goes so far, and since “we boys”, you get even less, as you can imagine. ?

26 May 2006
Hello, my loves,
Will be thinking of you tomorrow at 3…but whose 3:00…it’s ten hours earlier so I’m going to get up this morning at 1:00 and be “with” you in spirit. YOur comments are great. Feel like I’m there with you. What do Europeans do without MLBaseball? Is there anyway to communicate with you other than this blog which the whole world reads?! Got some other stuff to talk with you about…can you call tomorrow on wedding day?

26 May 2006
Mike Knudson
Congrats on the soon to be wedding! Hope you guys have a blast on vacation!

Cousin Mike

25 May 2006
Well, now that you know who has been victorious in all our national sporting events and the gray-haired guy won American Idol…. The REAL NEWS I know at least one of you has been dying to know….(drum-roll)…. Harold won Top Chef! Suck on that Tiffani. (The name is even more trailor-park with an “i”).

25 May 2006
Erin the Farm
Wait wait wait, hold on, first things first here. What you really need to know is…. Taylor Hicks won American Idol. Congratulations Taylor. Now you’re up to speed on everything of importance in the US of A. : )

When Chris and I arrived in Ireland, there was a couple standing at the baggage claim, and Chris thought the guy looked familiar. We noticed that he had the University of Missouri logo tattooed on his leg (yeah, I know). So Chris surmised that they had been at Mizzou together and struck up a little conversation with him, and the four of us chatted while we were waiting for our bags. It was pleasant enough, and we said our goodbyes. But then, we kept seeing them all over Ireland – like everywhere we went, they were there. And it became obvious that they were noticing us too, but very consciously trying to avoid us – you know, dodging eye contact, crossing the street, veering off in the other direction, etc. So then of course it became a game for me, and I would wave at them with a big corney grin whenever we saw them. And sure enough, they were on the same dang flight home that we were on too.

Keep having fun the both of you! I love your blog, I get nothing done at work because I am continually checking for new posts.

25 May 2006
Hey guys,

You’ve probably looked it up already Ry, but the T-Wolves will pick 6th in the draft this year, Phoenix won tonight against Dallas to go up 1-0 in the Western Conference Finals, and Miami beat Detroit to go up 1-0 in the East.

That’s so weird about the Phi-Delt! Small friggin world…

I have no idea about the Cubsor Twins because baseball blows. =P

Oh Bonds did tie Babe Ruth, but if I was as juiced as he is, I could hit 714 home runs myself.

One thing I wanted to mention while you were in Scotland – I’m not sure where Roslin, Scotland is from there, but it is the site of Rosslyn Chapel. It is where Dan Brown puts the hiding place of the Holy Grail in “The Da Vinci Code.” It’s supposedly getting a lot of visitors now due to the popularity of the movie and the book. Just an interesting place I’d want to stop if I were there. =)

Talk to ya soon.



25 May 2006
first time a year and a half ago at two in the morning and she was smiling while shaking the remnants of the windshield out of her hair, her comment was “Do you think I’ll get struck by lightning before I get in the house?” I thought, “What a girl…” and certainly much more than what I could ever hope for one of the loves of my life…CRT don’t ever go away…Stopped to see my O tonight. Am trying to brace myself for the move…don’t know for sure how I’m going to make the adjustment but if we’re survivors, right?? And Friday and everyday I’m thinking of you and loving you and wishing you joy and adventure and more…love you…Happy Wedding DAy on Friday! A party awaits you on your return!

25 May 2006
Okay, here goes. Ima on line. This is not my cup of tea or pint as you might say! First let me say how wonderful it is that you have made this all happen. So few get to do what you’re doing and to do it when you’re young and smitten…got to be the best of all worlds…also thanks for keeping us posted. Told my friend Peggy tonight that I hoped the novelty wouldn’t wear off. I have been sort of “off” work for a couple of weeks trying to do some much needed home and garden projects but every day or so duty calls and I call or go in just to make sure that they’re not getting along too well without me. And wedding day approaches. I think I’ve been so caught up in this small world I live in that the significance of all that has passed me by so allow me to say that I’ll be thinking of you all day and probably every day that you’re away. When I saw CRT for the

25 May 2006
Once you get back to the states, if you miss the Pastie, you can always go to Butte MT where they are on every menu. And the meat isnt grey (unless you go to the M&M and well, everything there is grey and brown).
Cheers to the London leg!

24 May 2006
Yea! I love London and the touristy stuff is fun once in awhile. Glad ya had a pastie and most english meat looks gray, cause they boil everything.

24 May 2006
Hey, maybe you guys can get motorcycles in Thailand or something too. They’re for rent there for pretty cheap, and they’re so small that they hardly use any gas. They’re really more like cute little scooters than motorcycles I guess…

Have fun on the train, miss you guys!

24 May 2006
De Welch Knudson
We are wishing you a fabulous trip and hope this will be the first of many such adventures! Hope you will be sharing some digital photos with us too.

De and Dave Knudson

24 May 2006
whoopeee! i’m glad you guys are having a great time so far! too bad about smushy, crt. i’ll keep an eye on it once i get up there in a few weeks! ? thanks for keeping us posted on your adventure. how fun!

24 May 2006
Oh, please do at least some wrong side driving on the trip, even if it’s “left side of the road in a place they drive on the right”. That’s good readin’!

24 May 2006
Hey guys. Life goes on here! I’m counting down to my last day of work at the hospital next week and studying more and more. Boards are in early June sometime, then we’ll move about June 16 or so.
Olivia says hi and talks about our new house often. She’s excited to have company there in her new room and new house and new everything. So are we.
We’re thinking of you as you make your way to Friday. Congratulations on working so hard to make this trip happen and to committing yourselves to doing this “Amazing Race” with each other. We love you both and wish you the best. (Not only with the bird flu, either). Take good care and continue to have fun. — Holl Doll, Nathan, O-babe

24 May 2006
Hi guys!!!!

I finally found the note I wrote myself with the web address of the travel blog. I wrote it while driving home from a particularly long day of work, in the dark, on my steering wheel, while talking on the phone. So, even when I found it, I couldn’t read it. =)
I’m so jealous!! Ya’ll sound like you’re having a heckuva time. (Had to throw in a ya’ll to make you homesick) =)

I’ll have to look up the time zone difference so I can keep track of what time it is wherever in the world you are. I know it’s 7 hours later in Iceland than it is here – although I don’t know how close that timezone is to England’s. I know about Iceland’s timezone because a friend of mine from an online game I play is stationed there. Anyway, it’s probably about 2 am or so where you are. You must have had a fun day on the train looking at the sights. Can’t tell ya how much I’d like to see Scotland.

ALSO – was REALLY looking forward to the driving stories from the wrong side of the road! I had a picture in my mind of the two of you thumbing a ride to Scotland after hitting a Scottish Sheep with your Fiesta!! =)

Allison says hi and says, “Wel of course they’re having fun! They’re somewhere other than here!” Well ok, that’s me talking for her, but still…. =)

I have a smily face addiction. Can’t type anything anymore without one every few sentences. I’m seeking help. 8-p

What else can I tell ya? Nothing new around here. Allison has been without her Lexapro (anti-depressant) and Ambien (sleep-aid medication) for 4 days and I have locked my office door. It’s quite dangerous in these here parts. I’m considering a concealed weapons permit just for safety reasons. =P

I have to take her to poker night down at the Firehouse in a few minutes, so I’ll go for now and check back soon. Have a great time! =)



24 May 2006
carson lee
green with envy. i want pictures. you guys are starting in the one place that i know for sure i would love. enjoy it and each other. throw caution to the wind…reasonably of course. ryan, get over that fucking cold so you can get shitty with the scottish. drink one for me


23 May 2006
Dianna Knox
Ryan and CRT, I’m trying to figure out how to do this…can you hear me now?

23 May 2006
Linda Sue
How can I be homesick for a place that isn’t home? But I remember feeling exactly the same way you describe – as we walked to Kensington Park the first morning we arrived, a school bus filled with identical little schoolgirls pulled up, they all clasped hands and ran off chattering – Tim said “Did someone arrange for perfect British people to just show up for us?” Keep describing – it makes me happy and even longing for beans for breakfast!

23 May 2006
Ry and Crystal: Just read your first 7 reports. Fascinating reading. But I hope you are well now, Ryan. Your mother doesn’t need to hear you’re sick way over there somewhere. … Still no word on who won the Powerball purchased in Pierre. … Very hot today, still muggy and warm tonight past 10 p.m. Dylan is staying here tonight (Monday) since Heather and Holly went to “The DaVinci Code.” As for me, I’m ready for the school year to be over. Too many nights in Custer this month of May, and we have enough copy and photos for the Chronicle backed up to last all summer. I won six (maybe it was 7) awards in the SD Newspaper Assn 2005 contest, announced Saturday. 2nd best sports column, 3rd best feature story, 3rd best sports photo, stuff like that. Graduation in Custer Saturday, had a good time gorging myself at 8 receptions afterwards, reminiscent of the good old days of eating my way across Pierre to 25 receptions in one weekend. You don’t have time to read this, so I’ll quit. Be safe and have a wonderful time. Rather than copy your blogs in the Midweek Update, I’ll refer people to the site’s address each week.

23 May 2006
Great updates. Ryan, has your ear popped yet? I’ll try to keep the poker gang informed.

23 May 2006
Enjoying the updates, keep them coming. Sound like a great adventure.
Love ya

22 May 2006
Debbie T
Hooray for London and Love Birds. I’m so insanely jealous and excited for you… mostly excited though! Enjoy every moment. Take a ton of photos. Send UPS packages home w/ the loads of stuff you may aquire if you need to… once in a lifetime experience, make the most of it! Love you both and take care of each other.

22 May 2006
Tiffany Rose
I am so glad to hear you made it… I tried to catch you before you went to the airport on Saturday, but instead I got the voicemail telling me that you would be globetrotting the next 3 months. I was so sad I didn’t catch you ? This blog seems like a fine way to keep in touch though. Miss you already

22 May 2006
Brandon Marilee
You guys really cut back and made everything work. I’m really inspired by your diligence!!!

22 May 2006
If none of that works, you could try sticking gum in your ears. It might not equalize them, but it’ll look really funny.

Glad you guys made it!

22 May 2006
From the American Academy of Otolaryngology:

“If Your Ears Will Not Unblock:
Even after landing you can continue the pressure equalizing techniques, and you may find DECONGESTANTS and NASAL SPRAYS to be helpful.”

22 May 2006
Glad to hear from you. Get well and have fun. Keep the updates coming..

22 May 2006
Glad to hear you arrived safely. Frazzled is OK, just enjoy.
Looking for ward to more updates & pictures.
Love ya

21 May 2006
Jen D
good to hear you landed safely. keep the updates coming.

lots of love

21 May 2006
Hope the plane ride went smoothly. Enjoy and I love you both!

20 May 2006
Crystal & Ryan: What a great way to do it! I wondered what had become of you when a couple graduation announcements were returned. Googled you and found you acting. Tried to keep you on the story list for recent trips to Bulgaria and now I will get to read your travel log. So, oh hell yes! Enjoy and do keep us posted. For the entire Braxton-Brown clan, Opes

20 May 2006
Next to having kid #2, reading of your RTW adventures will be the highlight of my summer. :>) Have fun embracing the world!

20 May 2006
erin again
Ok thats really now what time it is. Its 11:47. add six hours people

20 May 2006
yay! i like this blog thingy, I’ll keep lookin. HAVE FUN!!! Your bravery is my inspiration because i’m still scared for my trip!

20 May 2006
Oh lord, I miss you dreadfully already. Have the best time. Sending letters from your *ministers* for Scotland. Read them and laugh… but then re-read them and cry.

Fred and I love you both. Lots and lots.


20 May 2006
All of the sacrifice will totally be worth it! I’m really happy for you guys. Enjoy every minute of it, take lots of pictures, and come home to tell us all about it.

19 May 2006
Updated: 8:44 p.m. CT May 12, 2006 – Reuters, LONDON:
More than 60 percent of Britons use items such as screwdrivers, scissors and earrings to remove food from between their teeth, according to a survey on Friday. The National Dental Survey found that when it comes to oral hygiene, people use whatever is close to hand to pick their teeth. More than 60 percent questioned by the British Dental Health Foundation said they used makeshift items, which included knives, keys, needles and forks.

The survey also found that another 23 percent of people choose to leave food stuck between their teeth, increasing the risk of gum disease and bad breath, the foundation, which promotes oral health, said in a statement.

– You know when I asked you to post pictures of your trip? Well, after reading this, I take it back!

Have a wonderful summer!

18 May 2006
But this one is blank, what’s up with that? I’m so excited for you two to get out of here! I added you to my morning home-page, so I’ll be following your travels the whole time you’re gone. Can’t wait to hear about it!


15 May 2006
rpk here……..
so we have an itinerary. we know mostly where we’re going and when. there are certain places we fly into and then out of 2 weeks later with nothing scheduled in-between (see THAILAND). but a huge chunk of the RTW is more or less set in stone. here’s the routefor those of you who haven’t already heard it a million times:
london, edinburgh, back to london, amsterdam, brussels, paris, munich (we arrive on the day the World Cup begins…..ROCK), vienna, venice, florence, rome, naples, Greece (shaky as to where exactly), cairo, bangkok, sydney, cairns, somehow back to sydney, south island NZ, north island NZ, Fiji, los angeles, home
bring it on world, i’m ready to see what you got

13 May 2006
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog


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