After many hours of waiting and flying and waiting and flying, we finally landed in England this morning around 7:55. Now it was about 2 am back home but we were determined to stay awake and keep busy. First we waited in an amazingly quiet but loooong immigration line, were allowed into the country, collected our very heavy bags and found the line to stand in to buy a bus ticket to Victoria station in London. We missed our first bus, waited a half hour for the next one, it arrived but with a broken door. Another 15 minutes, the new bus shows up we get on. So our first three hours in London were spent at the airport and on a bus, then onto tube where we took one wrong train and then corrected it quickly. Kind of a hectic start to our first day. On top of that, Ryan is still sick; his ears popped so bad on the plane that he was barely able to sleep. No amount of gum-chewing or yawning could release the pressure in his right ear. We’ve been hanging out in the hostel waiting for our room to be ready for us so we can ditch our bags and maybe take a quick nap before heading out and doing some exploring. We’re just going to try to stay awake until 10pm and then crash. Hopefully exhaustion will aid my sleep as I left Smushy home at the last minute.

We made it everybody! We did. We are frazzled for sure but we are here. Pics to follow. Love CR & Ryan
Posted from UK:

posted Sunday May 2006



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