31 Jan 2024
Jan 31st 2024I’m off to India this Sunday. Still finishing packing and trying to keep weight down to a max of 30 lbs. It’s so strange to write on apublic web site instead of to a specific individual or to a private journal where I suppose the content could be a little different. Thisis the first update so I’ll keep it short until I can see if I can find it later and read it. I’ll see if I can figure out how to down loan my photos.
I’m sitting in Gaye’s little barn conversion, English Cottage, with the roaring sound of wind outside and occasionally seeping inside through secret little places in the old windows and doors. Although the interior is new much of the building materials are older or made from other older building materials to keep the integrity of the building to it’s approximate origination date of 100 years ago? I’ll have to verify that. Also the wind moves the clouds over this island like I’ve never seen before, it’s beautiful to watch. It’s like watching a movie in fast forward compared to the gentle California weather. Oh yes!, and I have an entirely new collection of warm winter clothing I have never needed other than when for snow skiing. So I’m looking to some warm weather in India and this is suppose to be a good tie to go. Ill be there from February 3rd through March 15th, then back to the UK. More exciting news later.
Posted from UK:
does not exist
posted Thursday January 2024