Denise MacDonald Habitat for Humanity Cumpana 8 September 2024 – Romania 5


I may be back online for a moment so I will tell you what  is happening.  There is so much to tell so I will just get to the highlights.

The houses are mostly finished…we are laying the floors today.  The families ar very excited and grateful to have this opportunity for a safe home.  Secondly, we are to be paraded through toen by the “Lady Mayor: at the festival this morning.  This is quite a feather in her cap to have giving the land to Habitat and she wants to show the village what Habitat can do.,  Then off to the worksite.

Ok, here is the most exciting bit.  We have found Sevdin’s birthparents is a village close to towm and we are trying to arrange a meeting this afternoon.  Sevdins familt live in a wooden shack in the forest on the outskirts of town.  She has seven siblings.  I am scared…how will things go?  We have a policeman coming with us, I think, becase entering a gypys camp unescorted might mot be a safe idea.  I will log on later to tell you. 

Got to go now before the signal dies.  These few words cannot convey this feeling.


Posted from Romania:

posted Saturday October 2024



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