Dominiques Mexican Adventure – Mexico 10

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I have not posted an entry sooner. I have been really busy and I have not had much time off. The fight was good, but long. Everyone here is really nice, however I miss everyone back home! The mini club is not open yet so we are doing training. There is so much to know and learn. The weather has been so crumby ? It is so windy and overcast. It rained all day yesterdayand my hair is just a mess! I am still tyring to figure out how to post pictures, but I don’t have internet in my room, I have to use the G.O. computers and since there are only two of those for all 130 G.O.’s there isn’t always time. Next time I will post some pictures. I miss you all very much! Take care! Love Dominique.

Posted from Mexico:

posted Monday December 2006


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