Emily – Cadiz! – Spain 4

image1.jpg fictions.co.uk  The first day with Jenny.  She is one of my best friends here!


image10.jpg fictions.co.uk A view of the beautiful buildings from another building

image12.jpg fictions.co.uk  Jon, Michael, Jenny and me on the second night.

image13.jpg fictions.co.ukimage14.jpg fictions.co.ukimage15.jpg fictions.co.ukimage16.jpg fictions.co.ukimage17.jpg fictions.co.uk These are all pictures of the house. My room, the balcony from the outside, the dining/living room

image11.jpg fictions.co.uk La playa de Santa Maria, where I spend most of my time

image18.jpg fictions.co.uk  La cocina (the kitchen)

image19.jpg fictions.co.ukimage20.jpg fictions.co.uk Mis padres in Cadizimage21.jpg fictions.co.uk My sister Vanessa, Mike and I

image22.jpg fictions.co.uk Mi hermana (sister) y yo (me)image23.jpg fictions.co.ukVanessa y yoimage6.jpg fictions.co.uk

image24.jpg fictions.co.uk Jenny, Vannessa y yoimage25.jpg fictions.co.uk Jenny, me and some random people we met!

image26.jpg fictions.co.uk Vanessas friends; Maribel, Raquel, Claudia

image3.jpg fictions.co.uk 5 different host moms; this was our first night here and we went out to dinner. My mom is on the far right. My moms name is Mari and my dads name is Manuel, pronounced (Manolo)

image4.jpg fictions.co.uk Us 5 out to dinner with our host moms

image5.jpg fictions.co.ukimage6.jpg fictions.co.ukimage7.jpg fictions.co.uk You can see how narrow the streets are in this photo. Can you believe cars drive down them?!image8.jpg fictions.co.uk A random street. Most of the streets looks like this

image9.jpg fictions.co.uk Another view of the dining room. Our apartment has one bathroom, one kitchen, one dining room, and 3 bedrooms.  Most of the time there are only 5 of us, but sometimes there are 6!  Its a small little place but its home to me here!

Posted from Spain:

posted Sunday September 2007



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