European Adventure 14 October 2024 – France 5


It’s Been awhile!!!

Sorry for the long delay in blogging.  A LOT has happened!!!  We have now left Germany and are in PARIS!!!!  Hmmmm….. where to begin?? 

We traveled to Bonn, Germany after Munich to visit a couple of Matts friends….. who were awesome I might add!!!  While in Bonn we partook in the basic Grad School lifestyle I guess you would say…. at least on the weekends.  We went out at 6pm in the evening and stayed out until 7am….. yes, I said 7am!!!  I don’t think I could do that every weekend but it was fun to experience!!  While in Bonn I also got to meet up with Jens for an afternoon and then David (another friend in Germany) later that evening!!!  It was really nice to be able to relax during the day and not have to use a map everywhere we went. 

After Bonn we were going to go straight to Paris but the train was completely booked so we went to Heidelburg for a couple days instead.  Heidelburg is an awesome city as well.  We went to the Castle for Matts birthday and just wondered around the city for awhile as well.  The weather hasn’t been that great the past few days so we did as much as we could given the weather (cold and rainy). 

After Heidelburg we decided to come to Paris.  We got here yesterday afternoon and took the Metro to the Eiffel Tower just to see it.  It was already dark but it was lit up with blue lights.  When you round that corner from the Metro toward the Eiffel Tower and see it first time it definitely takes your breath away!!!  It is such an amazing structure!!  We walked around the Eiffel Tower for awhile and got to see the light show that it puts on too….. pretty much just sparking lights on the whole thing.  I did get a video of it so I’ll have to post it online when I get a chance!!!  Today we went to the Louvre and it was amazing!!!  A little overwhelming because there are so many amazing masterpieces in one place but it was definitely worth the money.  We actually did the audio tour so it made it a little more interesting rather than just walking around aimlessly.  I don’t know a TON about art work so I’m sure I wouldn’t have gotten much from the museum without the audio tour so I’m glad I was enriched by the lovely modern technology.  : )  This afternoon we walked around some more and actually walked to Notre Dame which was also amazing.  We happened to be there during a Mass but we couldn’t understand a word of it.  I caught some of the major words like Amen but that’s about it.  They could have been saying anything in there but it was still cool to see something actually going on there. 

Ok, I must go for now.  Internet is still expensive.  I’m still not used to paying for it!!!!  We’ll be in Paris a few more days so there will be much more posting I hope!!!  After Paris we are thinking Madrid but I’ll fill you in if the plan changes!!!  :  )  We are good at this planning thing….. or not… it makes it more fun that way though!!!

Posted from France:

posted Thursday October 2024



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