Munich…. the beer capital of the world!!!
We are still in Munich and having a blast!! We even decided to stay an extra day because we liked it so much…. not just because of the beer… but for other reasons too!! Our days have been spent exploring the city and learning about the history in this amazing town. Tuesday we spent a good bit of the day in the Deutches Museum here in Munich. They have this amazing mining exhibit that seriously feels like you are in an actual mine… it was a little creepy how realistic it was actually. Besides that exhibit there are about a million others. There were quite a few of the exhibits that were not translated to English which was actually lucky for us. If all of the exhibits had been translated you could spend about a week in there still without seeing everything!!! After the museum I walked around the city some more. As many of you know Futbol (american soccer) is HUGE over here and people get sooooo riled up about it. Well….. apparently Florence, Italy and Munich were playing that night. One of the main squares in Munich (Marien Platz) was a sea of purple with all of the Italian fans. I of course did not mind one bit being stuck in the middle of a bunch of Italian guys…… what sane girl would? It was just a little scary when I was trying to cross through them and got caught in the middle when they broke into song and started jumping up and down. It is all about the experience right?
Yesterday we decided to do the tour of Dachau (the first concentration camp). Everyone says you should see one even though it is not exactly a fun experience. The weather was actually fitting for what you would think a concentration camp atmosphere would be (cold, damp, and gloomy). That being said the tour was not as depressing as I thought it would be. Our tour guide did a really great job explaining to us what happened and teaching us more about learning from their mistakes than dwelling on what actually happened. It is always important to remember the people that died there and try to never let something like that happen again. After the tour of Dachau we came back and met up with some of the people in the room. We all ended up going out to eat and having a great time just hanging out. There are so many awesome people that travel around and they have such cool stories!! I can’t believe we have only been traveling a week and have already met so many amazing people and been to some truely amazing places.
posted Thursday October 2024