European Adventure 14 October 2024 – USA 12


Well, the backpack is packed and ready!!  It may be almost as tall as I am but it has everything I need for the next month and a half….. well, hopefully!!  Europe beware, I’m coming!!!  We’ll be traveling to Germany, France, and Spain…. plus anywhere else we just happen to want to go.  Our main form of transportation will be the trains once we are over there and I can’t wait!!   ?  Tomorrow I start my journey from Charlotte, NC to Berlin, Germany and then the fun really starts!!  I’ll meet up with Matt at the airport there (a friend I met while on Sapelo island for the summer).  From the airport we’ll make our way to the Circus Hostel in Berlin.  A place named the circus hostel could be nothing but fun right?  I AM a little wary of the name because of my slight phobia of clowns….. but it had really good reviews in all my trusty guidebooks.  We’ll just have to see what happens!!!  Let the journey begin!!!!  

Posted from USA:

posted Tuesday October 2024



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