European Adventure 14 October xxxx – Czech Republic 11



I arrived safely in Berlin after a quite stressful plane trip.   I was supposed to have a 4 hr layover in JFK airport but it actually ended up being about 30 minutes because air traffic going into JFK was insane.  We actually had to land in Norfolk, VA to refuel the plane!! 

After arriving in Berlin we found our way to Circus Hostel using public transportation ( a bus then the Underground).  It was definitely an experience but we got there safely.  When we arrived at the hostel it was a relief.  It was seriously more like a hotel than a hostel.  The rooms were really nice and clean and our roommates were amazing.  We stayed in an 8 bed co-ed dorm so it was really fun!!  After checking in we walked around the city for awhile to explore.  Definitely a really amazing city but does have a distinct smell because public urination is NOT illegal!!!  The first night was spent at bars and listening to Karaoke at the bar attached to our hostel. 

The second day we decided to do a bike tour of berlin with 6 of our roommates.  We rode beach cruisers around the city and in the streets for part of the time.  Seeing all the sights on a bike and then spending some time at the famous Biergartens are always fun!!  After 5 hours of riding around we decided to walk to the area of Berlin that has some of the Berlin wall still standing.  It was truely amazing!!  The night still was not over at that point though.  We went back to the Hostel to get dinner and freshen up then went on the Pub Crawl.  Definitely an interesting night!!! 

This morning we decided to come to Prague so that’s where we are now.  We took a 5 hr train ride from Berlin to Prague and then found our hostel.  It is also an amazing hostel.  Well, all for now.  My computer timer is blinking!! 

Posted from Czech Republic:

posted Friday October xxxx


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