European Invasion – Belgium 0

My first taste of Europe– a smoked salmon baguette with lettuce, sliced carrots, and red onions. Not my favorite find, but it was one of the few items on the menu which I understood.


On Saturday the 20th, I joined my art teacher and a group of students in a 6-hour walking tour of the city of Brussels. I should have been wearing my ankle brace because the 19th century cobblestone streets weren’t very kind. Here are some of the sightings…

image13.jpg really cool old building #1

image14.jpg really cool old building #2

image18.jpg The King’s Palace; only where office and meetings are held, not actually his residence

image20.jpg The Museum of Musical Instruments, also a really cool old building

image16.jpg remains of former city wall image17.jpg

image15.jpg really cool old building #3

image12.jpg beautiful labyrinth and view

image28.jpg the Coudenberg, with museums and a chapel

image26.jpg really cool old building #4

image27.jpg Chapelle Church

image21.jpg image22.jpg image23.jpg image24.jpg image25.jpg

image19.jpg You know this guy. His official name is Le Mannekin Pis. Usually, he’s wearing only his birthday suit, but the town likes to dress him up from time to time (all his clothes are exhibited in a museum).

image11.jpg alleyway next to Le Mannekin Pis

Posted from Belgium:

Comments for fraserle:you have 5 comments

hey laura! this is great! im glad you did something liekethis so keep us posted…you need more piiiiiicturess!!!!! ? im soo curious to see everything you see! i like your view, thats a pretty shot! LOVE YOU MISS YOU!

05 Feb xxxx
We got it, Laura!! Looks wonderful and we will eagerly await your updates!!Have fun and be safe!!
Angels be with you!!

30 Jan xxxx
so is the le mannkin pis peeing when he is not clothed?

29 Jan xxxx

21 Jan xxxx

21 Jan xxxx
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog

posted Sunday January xxxx


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