haiyan 9 October xxxx – Singapore 1


Arrived at Singapore airport early morning by 6:00am. Didn’t sleep well last night therefor felt a bit tired after arrival.

How does Singapore feel like? lots of trees around the whole city. Pretty hot day as 25 degree 10:00am.

Took part in a Singapore Tour which is free for the departure passenger.  It was a bit boried then we thought. But we were able to take photos.

Will upload those pic later on.

No rush time. Got few free time. Nothing to do except went shopping and kept walking. Good for body ha?

Finally standing in front of one free computer (15minuts countdown) to say something.

We are all fine.

Will departure 16:55(China time).

Started miss a bit? Not really.

How are things going on with your guys? Have had fun in the early morning?

1 minute left. Got to go.

Hope talk to you soon.


Posted from Singapore:
posted Friday October xxxx


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