Happy Katie – UK 1

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September 02, 2005Texas waterfall


On our trip to Austin in a few weeks, we’re going to be hitting the Hamilton Pool Preserve – a place I’ve only just recently learned about.

There is something about waterfalls that is particularly soothing tome – I remember spending part of a summer in Colorado and getting tospend hours hiking on my own up in the mountains.  The farther up Igot, the more mini and big waterfalls I found – so beautiful andcalming.  Even just looking at pictures of them brings back that cooland quiet feeling.

Hopefully we’ll get to do some hiking, swimming and picnickingaround Hamilton pool – 6th Street hangovers permitting.  Muchosexcitamentos, mi chico guapo!

November 29, 2004Home again

Iknow you’ve been crying yourself to sleep every night since I’ve beenout of town.  But I’m back now, so stop being such a sissy.

Amsterdam was, in a word, COMPLETELYANDABSOLUTELYWONDERFUL.  Thesooner we get back, the better.  I have muchos photos (400+, which wasless than anticipated) and they’ll be up and posted sometime this week.

The next few days will bring some serious re-adjusting.  I so lovethe European life – so relaxed, so beautiful, so properly prioritized. I really think that I will call that area of the world my home in a fewyears.  It just fits so perfectly. 

Nick is halfway home right now – he was bumped from our flight lastnight and was ‘forced’ to stay at a nice hotel and have a few moreprecious Amsterdam hours.  Poor him, right”

November 10, 2004If you need me, I’ll be eating

Found magazine now has a new sister publication out – Dirty Found.  It’s the naughty version (giggle).

I discovered a new individually packaged sugary crack substitute in my office vending machine yesterday – Skittles bubble gum.  It’s really good.  Like really really chewy skittle-y tasting, if you didn’t already guess.

Almost one week until Amsterdam!!!!!!!!!!  I cannot cannot cannot wait to gorge myself on cheese and ginger pancakes at the Pancake Bakery. Dutch pancakes remain one of my earliest and fondest food memories -they make ’em sweet (with brown sugar and syrup, among many otheringredient possibilities) and not so sweet (with sausage, cheeses,veggies, etc.).  Either way, they are often the size of small pizzasand will most likely make me wonder why I still live in the States.  Here’s a recipe.

I’m also going to eat a lot of French bread and fresh cheese, Indianfood and falafel (b/c it’s so dirt cheap and full of awesome-ness). The final food goals, if it kills me and even if I have to go toBelgium to do it, find a bakery that will give me fresh marzipan andeat mussels.  Lots of them.  Yum.

I’m plotting the rest of our meals here before we go.  No word on whether I’ll surender myself to the herring.  It still scares me.

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Sweet like candy – the Health Museum gets Unwrapped

Oh photobooth, where art thou”

Airing a Houston company’s dirty laundry…

Honky-Tonk Hod Rod Festival this Saturday!

Katy Freeway closure updates and hilariously cute freeway graphics

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