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September 25th, 2005 Phuket Roundup Posted by La Idler in Have Blog Will Travel
Phew! what I fantastically hectic week and a half!
I went on a little getaway for 4 days to Phuket last week, where I had a ball of a time with the Other, save for a few island wide power outages on our second or third night there, which was truly horrific considering that you are airconless in a hotel room, while it was raining and its steamy and you just feel uncomfortable and damp.
Still, we had a fantastic time and couldnt have picked a better time to go when it was low season and there werent as many tourists as usual. Still there is always Patong for all the touristy bits and underbelly goings-on of the Phuket nightlife.
I have never gone to Phuket before, so I dont know what it was like pre-tsunami, but judging from what I saw, everything looks normal. You wouldnt even know a tsunami hit Phuket last December if not for the bits of destroyed buildings you see here and there and of course the commemorative t-shirts sold by street vendors along the beaches. In fact, while we were there, the annual Phuket Surfing Contest was going on, so it looks as if everything is back to normal, with lots of smiles and friendly locals.
We hired a jeep (800 Baht per day) there for 2 days as driving would help us get around faster and we could go places that normal tourists wouldnt have gone to. But may I remark that the jeep was quite nasty as it leaked water and the windshield wiper on the passenger side came off while we were on our way back to the resort! Luckily it was still on the bonnet and I simply wound the window down, stretched my hand out to grasp the end of the wiper, all while we were going 100km/hour on the highway!
Right more about the trip later. I got my photos sorted so if you care to have a look, you may do so here.
0 Comments August 10th, 2005 Travel Forum Rant Posted by La Idler in Have Blog Will Travel
originally uploaded by La Idler
Ive been checking out Lonely Planets forum (Thorntree) these days because I will be going on a little getaway really soon with someone special and something struck me and that is many travellers on the forum are just too lazy to do their homework! I know that this is none of my business, but its just a gripe that I have when there are loads of information to read out there and a few forum posters have come up with very helpful and insightful FAQs, yet you get people skipping their research and asking the same old questions like what to do, where to stay, etc. For goodness sake, it is your holiday! You decide what you want to do and where you want to stay do your research!
It just goes to show one thing some people are lazy arses! I feel strongly that the travel experience is not only encompassed when one arrives at ones destination, but getting there as well. Nothing beats the feeling of anticipation better than doing some research, getting things done your way, i.e., personalised to suit your needs. Secondly, I dont get these people who want the sky for a dime. You know people who want to visit a particular country, say Thailand for instance, and they want the modern stuff, but are not willing to pay more than 500 Baht for it. Or how some people want to visit Bangkok, but not go anywhere too touristy (erm, wake up your idea Bangkok damn touristy one!) Then there are those that want loads of fun, yet want something out of a holistic retreat resort. Its so difficult with these people!
I say, do your research, get the best deals (seriously, finding the best deals arent all that difficult), pack your bags and leave. Just enjoy yourself and not get too worried about the place not living up to your expectations because expectations only limit you.
Ok rant over.
Comments Off May 17th, 2005 On Leave Posted by La Idler in Site News, Have Blog Will Travel
As you can tell, Ive been rather quiet lately because Ive been distracted by non-idling duties these few days.
Well, things are going to stay very much the same for the next week or two, as I embark on a much needed vacation.
Last year, I was in the US of A for a month and this year, Ill be visiting the UK for um, a week. Yeah not much, but Im sure itll be loads of fun!
Anyway, postings could be few and far between, but Ill try to say hi now and then.
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21 Jan 2007
21 Jan 2007
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posted Sunday January 2007