Hi everyone! I have arrived safely here in Turin, Italy. I spent the day with a neat lady from Leeds, England. We had breakfast together and walked for 9 hours! We visited the local market (with hundreds of wonderful fruits & veggies), several churches & piazzas, & saw where the Shroud of Turin is kept…actually saw a copy of it! What a sacred & inspiring experience… to see the face of Christ & the marks of blood from the crown of thorns, and the hundreds of marks from the scourging. Wait till I tell you about the numerous blood tests that were done on the shroud! Ann & I just stood there in awe. Turin is a beautiful city…smaller than Rome, with few tourists, clean & impressive in many ways. Tomorrow I am going to the 2007
Olympic Museum & back to the market for more fruit! There is a beautiful prommenade along the Po River on the return to Ostello Torino where I am staying. The weather has been great here with snow visible in the distant & beautiful mountains. I will leave here Weds. 3/21 and go by train to Salzburg, Austria…probably stay 2 or 3 nights then head west into Switzerland & stay in Interlaken 2 or 3 nights. Weather here is unusually warm, but many skiers are still heading to the nearby Alps. I am looking forward to the train ride from Salzburg to Interlaken which is said to be the most beautiful train ride on earth! This mountain girl may never come home, at that point in time!! Must close. I hope you are all doing good. I tell everyone here about you…so, if your ears are tingly, you now know why… Italy is a-buzz with stories about you all! Take care. Love you all! MamaDonna
posted Monday March 2007
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