It’s Grece for me!! – USA 1

So the adventure should have begun today, but that didnt happen after all the flight was canceled do to maintenance.  They called the other passengers in advance so they got to go to another airport to make the flight, they were just about to call me when I showed up.  I have reservations for tomorrow so hopefully I will get there soon.



Posted from USA:

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Oops! It was Frankfurt, not Berlin.
Anyway, two days exploring some of Athens and ever restless Dawn was ready to move on. She boarded a bus, made friends with another passenger, Ingrid, and the two of them explored Delphi together.
Dawn then returned to Athens and boarded an overnight ferry for Ikaria where she hoped to hook up with a volunteer work project she had applied for but not yet received official acceptance for. Undaunted, Dawn found her way to the village of Raches, made inquires at a cafe, and with the help of several villagers, made contact with one of the project leaders. The text message I received read “They took me!” So, for the last two weeks, Dawn and a small international group have been restoring/building a mountain trail and doing what sounds like terracing some hillside fields. Next on to Mykonos with new friends and then diving.
I’m sure Dawn will fill in details and tell you her stories as soon as she can. In the meantime, the adventure continues…

26 Jul xxxx
Hello Dawn and everyone! Obviously Dawn hasn’t found a computer to make an entry on her travel blog, so I thought I’d leave a comment to update those of you who take a look.
After that initial delay, Dawn got out of Norfolk and all the way to Berlin without a hitch. The flight across the Atlantic was more than a bit uncomfortable thanks to a stray elbow rammed into her side and a air sick miserable child! On the ground in Berlin, Lufthansana seemed to think that Dawn’s reservation had been cancelled; a couple foot races back and forth between their counter and US Airway’s and everything was straightened out and Dawn was in flight for Athens. After picking up her backpack, Dawn successfully negotiated Athens’ subway and bus systems and made her way to the hostel! So, the adventure had begun…

26 Jul xxxx
Hi Dawn, Glad you are on this trip. Should be terrific. I look forward to your blog. Mona

17 Jul xxxx
Hey Dawn! Update when you can! I hope things are going great.

06 Jul xxxx
Hey Dawn. The “Long Way Around” seems to work for you! Now that you’ve actually made it there – hope you have a great adventure. Love you always.

05 Jul xxxx
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog

posted Tuesday July xxxx


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