Costa Rice in our sights
It’s a whole month before we take to the air, but the trip is confirmed and started as far as I’m concerned. I really like the approach and preparations and plans part…the anticipations. I like Trish being really excited too. She gets excited when there’s birds in the yard! And man there’s going to be some birds in the yard at Bosque del Cabo. Check it out on their website, and then we’ll be at a tent camp on the beach at Corcovado, A look at these websites is even entertaining. We’ll be spending about 2 1/2 weeks away with about half spent at each place. I’ll be bloggin on the path to the big rainforest adventure…but they’ll be no sleeping with the snakes I hope. Trish doesn’t like ’em. Ha! jeff
Posted from USA:
does not exist
posted Sunday December 2007