Jess is a Wanderer – Helicopter Ride

Jess is a Wanderer was continuing down the West Coast from Hokitika to Queenstown when we stumbled across the town of Whataroa. Pulling over to have breakfast, we found ourselves at a helicopter landing pad. Moments after eating, we’d booked onto a trip and were waiting for the pilot to return.

I wouldn’t normally part with such a significant amount of money so spontaneously but this seemed like to much of a good opportunity to pass up. With almost perfect weather, not long to wait before we could fly and my sister being alongside – I decided to go for it. We flew with Glacier Country Scenic Helicopters and couldn’t fault them.

The pilot – Steve – did a good commentary as we flew over various peaks and he allowed time for great photos over Mount Cook. Our whole trip lasted around fifty minutes and even included landing on Franz Josef Glacier.

I can’t explain the beautiful views, the purity of the snow, the untouched natural beauty… literally, I’m still a bit overwhelmed thinking about it a week later!



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