Jess is a Wanderer Visits Shine Falls

Jess is a Wanderer set out in search of Shine Falls – Hawke’s Bay’s largest waterfall at 58m tall. A two-hour round trip will lead you to the falls and back again. Well worth the tramping for the beautiful view that awaits.

Leaving Napier, you soon find yourself in the mountainous wilderness with no phone reception and some very windy roads. There are some lovely lakes to see and great mountainous views. You might even spot some local wildlife! Eventually – around 30km away, down some country lanes, single-track bridges and even a gravel track, you arrive at the car park for Shine Falls.

  Crossing farmland at first and then into the bush, the track is easy – unless it’s been raining and then you’ll be slipping and sliding in the mud! It’s a muggy trek given the ‘rainforesty’ conditions but the view at the end is quite spectacular. The waterfall is powerful and the wind and mist will help to cool you down after the hike. A must-see if you’re in Hawke’s Bay!



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