Here it is, the clubbing scene that i have mentioned a couple of times in my previous blogs. I figured we have been out on a number of occasions, so why not give the night life of china it’s very own blog.
The photos that you will see throughout this are a compilation of the many nights that we have had out since being here. The first club we ventured to was a place called “Feeling 57” (believe me this far from the wierdest name that come up in this blog). We started the night with some pre-drinks in Felicity’s room, we even had some of the locals meet us up there and got them started also. From here we all jumped into a number of cabs (each with a local so that getting lost wasn’t an option). We arived at the club and went straight in, no line cuing here. The place was pretty huge inside and had many many tables set up all around the floor. The deal was, in order to get drinks, you had to be at a table. Here there would be a waiter on call who would go up to the bar and grab the drinks we ordered (you couldn’t just go to the bar and grab a drink). So we kicked the night off in style and ordered a bottle of Chivas Regal between the 12 or so of us that were there. It wasn’t long after this that we found ourselves up dancing on a podium that was situated next to the bar. It was then not long after this that we found ourselves up dancing on the bar itself. If this was to be done in Australia, i have no doubts that it would have been followed by a quick and assisted exit. But not in China, instead we reached rock star status and everyone in the club had their eyes on us (possibly thinking that we were a bunch of out of control western freaks, but hey, we were havin a blast). If this wasn’t enough, shortly after one of the bar tender had the bar lit up on fire using somespirits, doyou think this stopped us dancing on it, nah!After putting on a show we thought it was time to get around the club and meet some locals. Everyonein the clubwas so accepting and friendly, buyingus drinks, giving us shots, and even giving us someof their food.However, nonight out isa real success without casualities, and this night was no exception. Myself and Chris (guy from melbourne) both came down like a ton of bricks. For the next three days i suffered from the most severe stomach cramps i have ever experienced in my life; my diagnosis – food poisoning. I would have admitted drunken disorderly, but i have never experienced a three day hangover or anything so intense . The morning after clubbing, i was told by Mitch and Camilla that they had gone back out once everyone got home and stumbled across a place called “O Dear Fun World.” Unfortunately they had no luck getting in as they were told that everything was closing around this time. Good effort anyway, and full marks.
(“Feeling 57” – Bar top dancing)
(“Feeling 57” – The bar lit up)
Our next destination was a week or so later, while on a break down in Beihai. The clubs name remains a mistery to me. The night began with some ten pin bowling at a local hotel (with alley inside) in Beihai. There was a few drinks had here and plenty fun and laughter. There was some tight contests going on during the event, but at the end of the night it was Ian who prevailed the victor overall (highest score of the two games). A group of us then headed upstairs to have some dinner and prepare our stomachs for it’s next battering (you’d think a bunch of acupuncturists would know better). We then headed from here to a club that was written down for us by one of hotel clerks, so that we could show the taxi driver where we wanted to go. Once we arrived, the same deal applied, get a table and order a bottle of drink. This time we also decided to try out some cocktails and do some shots. It wasn’t long before we were on our way, and shore enough back up on the nearest podium for some serious dancing. Being the only westerners in the club, we once again stuck out like sore thumbs and shore enough had the whole place watching our every movement. So we decided to take this and run with it, back up on the bar we got, and again nobody had a care in the world that we were doing it. This time around i decided to steer clear of eating anything, just to make sure. The night ended up being a load of fun once again, but this time without severe casulaities (there was one passout once we got home – not me – yay).
(On the bar again. This time in Beihai)
(“Feeling 57” – The view from bar dancing)
Next on the list was “City Club,” which i think occurred the weekend following Beihai (so hard to keep up). All the clubs have the same set up, with the tables laid out around the club and unless you have one, you can’t get any drinks. This club was much smaller than the previous ones, but the atmosphere was still really awesome. Here they put on many stage shows throughout the nightconsisting of singers anddancers.In true aussie style, we offered each of the singers a drink as they worked their stuff on stage.This night we were even able to get one of our doctors out on the town with us. The guy is an absolute champ and it turns out, he likes to have a night on the town probably more than us. All in allwe hadyet another great night, full of many laughshighpoints.
(“City Club” – Chris’s drink order. Was actually on fire)
(“City Club” – One of the dancers)
(“City Club” – Another dancer)
(“City Club” – One of the singers. Mitch, Chris & Ian’s head)
(“City Club” – Camilla & Myself enjoy a beverage)
(“City Club” – Dr. Peter giving two thumbs up)
Now last, but certainly not least, is the night out we had for Aurelia’s 21st. This being a huge deal, the group got together and organised a night that i’m sure will be etched in her memory for ever. We started by having dinner at the “Red Star Cafe,” a place where you can get some pretty descent western food. From here we headed out to a karaoke bar, as some of the girls had been out to one in the previous weeks and said that Aurelia absolutely loved it. There was some terrible singing but also a lot of laughs had. We then headed out to some nearby clubs to party into the night. It was at this stage that people began to feel the effects of some heavy partying, and maybe the drinking also (and no family, it wasn’t me). However, many of the crew managed to stick it out and make sure that the night kept keeping on. A top night really and Aurelia, i hope you enjoyed yourself!
(At karaoke getting ready for some serious patying)
(Phebe and some cool photography – not by me)
(Mitch, Aurelia and Phebe)
(Aurelia all smiles)
I’d just like to end this blog by saying that we are still going to classes, i promise. I know this looks like a lot of partying, and kinda is really, we have maintained our studies also ? So until my next ‘little’ blog, ciao everyone and you’ll here from me soon.
Posted from China:
posted Monday September 2006