Juliet Ju’s Latin American Adventure – Argentina 20

 So with a satisfied belly I signed up for a trekking tour through the Quebrada de Los Conchas for that afternoon and organised that I could be dropped at the bus stop to catch the bus on to Salta after the tour. The trekking was incredible!! I will let the photos speak for themselves! Seriously breathtaking!! Nature is incredible. We were in a great group. Two guys and two girls from BA, a brother and sister, German speaking, from South Africa, two Germans and two Swiss. Some parts the trekking were pretty full on. I was definitely feeling it and I kept feeling more and more ill. On the last trek into the Devils throat I just crashed when we got to the top. Yes I know pretty silly to go trekking when you have tonsillitis but I really wanted to do it! Anyway I was soon left under a tree to wait for the bus to come to take me to Salta. When it finally came it was definitely not the luxury bus I had enjoyed to Tucuman. But I was too tired to care. I grabbed my sleeping bag and slept through the whole ride.

I hadnt booked any accommodation when I arrived in Salta at 10.30 at night. I was mobbed by a group of touts trying to send me to their hostel. There was one girl who was super lovely so I decided to go with hers. When I arrived though the hostel was freezing and all the bathrooms were dirty. I decided to try somewhere else. I had two names in mind. I decided to try the closest one first. As I began the long walk with all of my heavy things I began to realise that I needed to go to the toilet. When I arrived at the street of the first place I was absolutely busting and bags were feeling so so heavy. However, I could not find the hostel. There was no number 569 on the street. I was very close to crying. I then kept walking to the next place and I couldnt seem to find that one either. Now I actually was crying. I stopped a man in the street and asked him. He thought I was an absolute crazy person but showed me the way to the hostel. As I arrived at the door I dropped my bags and ran to the toilet…just in time!! The hostel turned out to be really nice. I was the only girl staying here last night so the girl at the front desk showed me a room of three separate beds in which no one else was staying. So basically I have a had a private room for the cost of a dorm in an actual bed rather than a bunk. So in the end I was super happy.

I have woken up today feeling even more ill than before so it is lovely to have a private room to veg out in. I have decided to take it really easy today to try and recover a little bit. Sickness and travelling just really dont go well together!! So I am going to rest up today and then check the place out and maybe do a cycling tour tomorrow. Hope everything is well at home xoxo



Posted from Argentina:

posted Thursday October 2024



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