Karen – Hotspots of Barcelona – Spain 3

 See all the hotspots of Barcelona Most tourists coming to Barcelona want to see all the famous attractions they know. Many of these tourists miss out some of the most stunning attractions simply because they dont know about them. We will describe some of the attractions of Barcelona.To start with the famous Sagrada Familia. The Sagrada Familia is a peculiar building in the so-called neocatalan style.  Whimsically formed towers and ornaments. The building is still not finished and it takes so long that the finished parts already are stricken and have to be renovated. Many people think that the building will never be completed.  The designer of the Sagrada Familia was Antoni Gaud, the deviser of more edifices in Barcelona for example Casa Battlo and Parc Guell. The original plan was to build a classic neogotisch church but after one year in 1883 Gaudi changed the plans and began to build a church in his own eccentric way. The Sagrada Familia is the last work of Gaud, he consecrated the last years of his live on this.  He had an accident with a tram, he died and he is buried in the crypt of the church.  The church still doesnt have an interior and only 8 of the planned 18 towers are completed. The Sagrada Familia is without doubt worlds most visited construction site, millions of people are visiting every year. If you want you can go inside in the months October until march its daily opened from 09.00 until 18.00, in the other months until 20.00.  Entre: 7,00La rambla, La rambla is doubtless the most famous street in Barcelona. La rambla is 1,5 kilometers starting on Placa de Catalunya and finishing at the harbour. Placa de Catalunya is a big prosperous and green square in the middle of the centre. La rambla had got a lot of side streets. The reception of BCN Loft is located in one of those little streets parallel of the rambla, this street is called Carrer de Roca. These little side streets are perfect if you want to find cheap restaurants en Spanish shops. Hostelcenter is located on la rambla close to the Mc.Donalds on number 64, 1st floor.

Parc Guell, This famous park was originally part of a commercially unsuccessful housing site. It was inspired by the English garden city movement; hence the original English name Park. The intention was to exploit the fresh air (well away from smoky factories) and beautiful views from the site. In the event only two houses were built, neither designed by Gaudi. One was intended to be a show house, but on being completed in 1904 was put up for sale, and as no buyers came forward. Gaudi, at Gell’s suggestion, bought it with his savings and moved in with his family and his father in 1906. It has since been converted into a municipal garden. The entrance to the Park is free. The buildings are very original and remarkable with fantastically shaped roofs, they fit in well with the nice gardens of the park. The focal point of the park is the main terrace designed by gaudi. Some things are lost since the turbulence of war and some buildings are rebuild after vandalism but most of the buildings are intact. The views from the highest place in park is amazing. Stadium Camp Nou, The official name of the amazing football stadium of FC Barcelona was Nou Estadi del Futbal Club Barcelona. In 2000 the club members voted and Camp Nou was from then on the new name.  Camp Nou has the name for one of the most impressive stadiums in the world. Tourists from all over the world come to see the stadium. In the stadium are the offices of the management and the football museum located. This museum is named after the old-club president Josep Lluis Nunez. The museum is with the Picasso-museum the most visited museum in Catalonia. Its definitely a must see.If you want to see these attractions and more in a few days its almost impossible, there are tours you can do. For example the tourist bus, its a very popular service in Barcelona. The tourist bus is a hop-on-hop-off bus tour. You can buy the tickets at hostelcenter and at the tourist information office. Commentary is given in 7 different languages. Its perfect for elderly people or those who want to minimize the walking. An other tour is the football stadium tour, we recommend you to book this tour in advance of arriving because its often fully booked. If you are a football fan this is the tour for you, its fascinating! For the people who like to walk there are walking tours drawn up. Barcelona is a pleasant city to walk around, wide open boulevards and much area has been pedestrianized. Also bike tours are available and very popular. Hostelcenter gives you more information about tours or visiting the attractions of Barcelona.

If you are looking for affordable accommodation you can always contact BCNloft.com Apartments Barcelona and you will find rooms, apartments and vacation rentals in the city center next to la Rambla.


Posted from Spain:

posted Sunday November 2007



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