Kellen – A Golden Experience – Australia 2

24 Feb 2024

Valentine’s Day Hearts, Diamonds, Spades and Bowling Clubs


February 14th was an interesting day.  I was trying to do something that would impress the gf, but not break the bank.  I had several ideas: Plan A- horseback riding on the beach.  The problem with Plan A was that even though the experience would be priceless, the experience would cost over $100.  So that was out.  I looked at some other things until I finally settled on a very good Plan B.  Plan B was going to be bushwalking in the rainforest at Lamington National Park.  We were going to walk along trails and then have a picnic lunch by a waterfall.  This was the plan until the day approached.  The problem with this pan is it was about an hours drive away, and the taxi fare would be over $100.  Thus, I moved on to Plan C.  We were going to head down to Coolangotta, and just walk along the pristine beaches there.  This was a good plan until the weather pulled the rug out from under me and decided to rain.  Fortunately for me, Emily went along with my far inferior Plan D anyways.  I suspect it was because of the huge bouquet of a dozen red roses I placed in her room before I went off to my first class.  Anyways, Plan D consisted of us going to the movies and watching Fools Gold which was filmed on the Gold Coast here.  After that we had a splendid meal back at our place with spaghetti, French bread, sparkling grape juice, and what might have been candlelight.  I think this V-Day will go in the books as an A for effort, but a little short on results.  The most important thing that came out of Valentines Day was that I still had a girlfriend, which meant I didnt screw things up too bad.  


Fast forward.  As I havent written for a while I actually forgot everything that happened from V-Day up til about Thursday of this week.  Bizarre.  Im sure I did stuff.  And I know it was exciting, buthmmm Well, just assume it was awesome.  I probably went to the beach, I might have done some boxing, Im sure we watched some movies, there was some reading by the pool, lots of eating, possibly Frisbee, and heaps of other fun things.


Thursday February 24th opened up a whole new world for me.  I entered into a poker tournament.  It was the real deal.  It was just me and seventy other players all vying for the title of best poker player in this small local community bowlers club.  The tourney was held out in Mermaid Beach.  As the buses here are terrible, the only way to get out there is to take two buses: one to PacFair and then connect on one down to Mermaid.  I found out about the tourney at 6:21, and it started at 7:00.  Taking a bus would take me at least an hour.  So I did the only thing I could do.  I ran.  I ran three miles out to Mermaid, and arrived at 6:43.  I did a 5 minute cool down to try to stop sweating, and put my shirt back on.  Then I walked calmly inside.  The place looked like a bowlers club.  Not a bowling club, which would have lanes and fun stuff.  This place was a bowlers club, as in lawn bowling.  I guess its similar to Bocce Ball, but I dont know.  Anyways, I got signed in and began to participate in my first sanctioned Texas Hold Em poker tourney ever.  To say that I was nervous would have been an understatement.  There were heaps of players, and I wasnt sure how I would stack up.  Two minutes into the tourney the first victims were already claimed.  I loosened up a bit after that.  Hey, at least I wasnt the first one out.  Still, I didnt play very good poker.  My mind must have still been starved for oxygen after my sprint out to the tourney, since I caught myself doing very dumb things with my chips.  After watching my own painful play for about forty-five minutes, I mercifully put myself all in, and bowed out gracefully.  Still, next Thursday, I will be back, and I will advance at least past the first round.  The best part about the tourney is that its completely free!  Awesome!


This weekend was pretty lazy.  Friday and Saturday, I mostly just relaxed on the beach or at the pool reading.  It was a very good way to spend a weekend.  Sunday was the Quicksilver and Roxy Pro, which was amazing!  That however, is another post.


Posted from Australia:

posted Sunday February 2024



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