Laurie’s Semester in Spain – Spain 4

15 de eneroEstoy aqui. I arrived yesterday completely exhausted. My luggage was lost along the way (although it’s not surprising since I had 4 flights to get here). I felt completely overwhelmed yesterday not only by the new atmosphere but by the other students…many are fluent, bilingual, have been to other Spanish-speaking countries, and know someone else here. After some orientation, I was ready to crash. Today is going much better. My luggage should arrive today sometime. We have had orientation time to get to know Barcelona and the culture here and I am confident that I am going to absolutely love this city. I went for a walk before lunch with a few other students and found even the streets which here are considered plain, are fascinating and beautiful. I can’t wait to see more of the city and am anxious to become oriented. Today we take the metro to the downtown campus to start our orientation class of conversation and history/art history.

Posted from Spain:

posted Monday January xxxx


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