Lynda’s Big Adventure – Ecuador 0

Comments for lyndacorcoran:you have 24 comments

lynda corcoran
Hi Lynda,Have a nice day from Joliette (Quebec) Canada

02 Nov 2024
I just googled my friend Tulio Picinini who I have lost contact with, and your travelblog came up, so I hoped you will send me his e-mail adress.

31 Mar 2024
Lynda Corcoran
Hi Lynda,Your web is wonderful and amazing for me, I explain you why. My name is Lynda Corcoran and I’m leaving now in Joliette (in Quebec Province, Canada) and working in Musée d’art de Joliette as Registrar, what’s a surprise for me to see your website! Hope you enjoy it like me. My middle name is Nelly. Bye

20 Jan 2024
Lynda Corcoran
Hi Lynda Corcoran
WOW girlie what a trip,I was having a fiddle on the internet and googled my name which is the same as yours gee whiz I would of traded me for you for a while!I live in USA though I am a Brit.USA is where I ended up Was fun reading your blog and looking at your pics.lynda Corcoran (hey whats your middle name?)

01 Oct 2007
hei lynda
I start my trip to south america in january. probably I can ask you some things about my trip?
Please write me an email to [email protected] regards

08 Aug 2007
Eimear Hurley
Hi Lynda, it’s your S.A. buddy here. Can’t resist commenting that our friendship started by ‘hill walking and then drinking pints and talking sh..e’. I am really enjoying taking this trip with you. I would really love to have been with you to join in the air bourne pic it is really ‘free spirit’ stuff. All your pics and indeed your written thoughts are so good. Lynda the travel correspondent. Well it is 2 weeks to the Edinburgh Marathon and the hard stuff is done. I am really looking forward to my first trip to ‘Billy Connolly’ country and will look forward to your joining me in the Phoenix Park for race series, on your return. All the best till then. Hugs Eimear.

11 May 2007
Dee London
Hi there Lynda,what a magnificent trip you have had – the photos are spectacular and that one of you mid-air is particularly joyous! I am very jealous of you here in cloudy London, but you have made me very excited about our trip to Vietnam in August – I am remembering all the nice furniture you picked up there and I think you raved about the food!! Hope the rest of the trip stays as eye-opening and awesome as it seems to have been up to now…Dee

06 May 2007
hi there lynda, love all your news, info and photos. I start my trip next week, cant wait the pacific here I come. Will send details soon. Was in Dublin the other week and felt strange not to see you there. Will send contact details soon Much love phil XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

24 Apr 2007
Mr C. á Paree
Hi Linda, Wow, the photos are amazing! the salt plains look stunning, I can understand the disorientation just even from photos, but hey, you should get yourself a bowler hat, you know its such a good look!. Love and big hugs to you and stay happy and safe!

19 Apr 2007
Hi Lynda,
thanks and good to hear you laughed but like it’s not enough.
Have you been to Africa before?If not then you had better. Your message is fascinating but you might yet be more fascinated if you visited Africa for example Uganda you won’t believe especially when doing mountain hiking on the Rwenzoris and Elgon.
But anyway keep up the updates because some of us love that. Bye and hope to hear from you once again.
Kind Regards!!!!

11 Apr 2007
Fr. Frank
Hi Lynda: I have read all your facinating adventures, and seen all the fabulous photos as you move around South America. You shoulden’t be laughing at the hats the native women wear! Youm should see some of the hats they wear here at times!, many of them supplied, no doubt, by Dunnes Stores(better prices). So, the Salar salt plains made you disorentated! You coudl always claim that is what made you steal the blankets, if you are ever charged! I’m glad you diden’t try the Death Road on a bycycle.(Not that your were afraid, but you might have got disorientated on the way down!) And what’s that you say about work. Do come home soon: we miss you! – and Bertie needs your vote!

08 Apr 2007
Hello, fello wanderer. Those pics are very impressive I recognise the style from you previous travel pics. Hope all’s well. I take it you are getting my brief mails. You are putting my travelogs to shame. I prefer to talk in pics (well that’s the lazy way anyway). Love Lins

20 Feb 2007
Lynda we miss you please come to Paris for pain du chocolat and fine wine leave the hitching boots at home. love the photoies so happy for you to be so happy and seeing such wonderful sights. phil

16 Feb 2007
Hi Lynda, those photos are amazing!!! You must been having a great time down south!!! I miss you so much… sorry for not been regular with the e-mail thing, but I’m quite busy since I got back from Argentina. And as you know Carnival is about to begin so I must have every thing done to enjoy it!!! You’ll hear from me after Carnival… see you Túlio Picinini.

15 Feb 2007
Hi Lynda,Looks like you’re having a ball though that trekkin and harsh winds sound like hard work by my standards! The photos are cool (literally)..Hard to believe youre away a month already!!Take care!!Teri

05 Feb 2007
Hi Lynda, here is Valentina from your home…I am so glad to see your fotos that show you with such a big smile!The places that you are visiting are wonderful and I am sure that you will miss them when you’ll be back home..but..don’t forget that we miss you as well!!!!I am still working and doing a lot of overtime, but it’s a nice environment, so I have to say that I am having a great fun too. At home everything is alright, everything is the same as you left…Have a nice time..te abrazo muy fuerte!!Valentina

04 Feb 2007
Lynda, photos are brill, I’m very envious I’ve always wanted to go to Patagonia, after reading that Bruce Chatwin book. But uhh! it all sounds very physically taxing there. When do you blog on the bit about the cocktails and sunbathing? I think we should be told! we are all still reading so keep it going. Lots of love and hugs, stay safe and happy – Ciaran

03 Feb 2007
Fr. Frank
Hi Lynda, you sure seem to be having an exciting time, and are enjoying yourself very much. Thanks for all the news. Not much to report from me here in Wilton.Thinking of you, and keeping you in my prayers; with all those winds and heights, you need to be careful.

02 Feb 2007
Lynda, great, great pictures, Hope you are well and enjoying it all, it looks amazing! Is it Patagonia? Keep it going! Loadsa love and Big Hugs to you as always! Ciaran

30 Jan 2007
Bonjour you jet setter, get to see that we will be able to follow your adventures through the info highway, we want pics toooooo…. love phil

17 Jan 2007
Lynda, Mr Ciaran in the “Big Croissant” here, the big adventure sounds
brill!, I envy you with all that sun and sunrise clubbing, Thank God you
are doing the blog, I’ll follow it avidly!!!!!
Los Grandos Mucho Huggos to you (sorry theres no Spanish translator on
this comment box)

17 Jan 2007
Hey love, so glad to hear from you and you seem to have a great time.
Oz is going well, enjoying the beaches and really warm weather now,
I started working with agency so it’s cool to meet other people and we
got a really nice place.
All good.
Envoy yr trip and be safe.

17 Jan 2007
Glad you are having a ball! Will be in touch soon.

16 Jan 2007
deirdre m
hi lynda, great to hear about your travels. you describe BA very
well. make me want to visit there asap! i speak spanish already, so no
homework for me! having a ball here in Western Australia. holidaying
in the sun, exploring natural wonders of wind-sculpted deserts and
rich coral reefs with an international jet-set of ‘backpackers’!
un beso, deirdre molloy.

16 Jan 2007
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog



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