MandB’s african adventure – Namibia 1

Comments for m_and_b:you have 31 comments

Jan Lombard
I was born and bred in Namibia but now living in Bloemfontein,(sorry) Looked like u had the best times there. U cannot have the same anywhere else in the world. Pity there is lots of people that thinks going to Seyshelles or Mauritius or Hawai is better, they just did not had THE experience. Your site just got me serious homesick

08 Nov 2007
I want to go to dubai soon, I will stay in Dhow palace hotel, Im happy that you enjoyed there. I hope me tooo.

15 Sep 2007
Dear Matt & Bonnie,
It was wonderful following your adventures all through since we met in Dar Es Salaam / Kipepeo. And reading your last blog gave me goose pimples and almost some tears. It must be quite different when this blasting and breathtaking journey suddenly comes to an end and you are thrown back into “reality”. However, I am certain that you have brought home a heart full of African emotions and loads of new ideas for the coming years. Please let us know, when you open up your backpacker’s lodge in GB, or go on another travel – we would love to join you again… Coming through Germany one day – do not miss to visit us! H&K, Nane* & Florian

27 Aug 2007
Gerry Ashworth
Hi bothI am so envious of you all, what a wonderful time you are having, a trip of a life time. It has been so intersting catching up on your travels, I have sending them on to a work colleague who is off to Africa at the end of the month to work in a wildlife sanctuary….Hope you are all wellBye for nowGerry xxxxx

07 Aug 2007
Gerry Ashworth
Hi bothI am so envious of you all, what a wonderful time you are having, a trip of a life time. It has been so intersting catching up on your travels, I have sending them on to a work colleague who is off to Africa at the end of the month to work in a wildlife sanctuary….Hope you are all wellBye for nowGerry xxxxx

07 Aug 2007
Wonderful pictures and congratulations on the anniversary, can’t beleive it is 12 months!
Looking forward to meeting up at the next family gathering.Love and best wishes.

22 Jul 2007
Graham Boyles

18 Jul 2007
Just had to send another one.. sorry! Wow, Matt congrats on i the fishin… BRUTES MAN and the CROCS.. WAHT!! wHat ayieeeeeee bwana u are i kazi! Miss u!!

21 Jun 2007
Hey my fine feathered friends! WOW I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS! I am gutted I cannot come join u again! Bots, Chobe, Okovango all look amazing and to see that Elephant being munched… wHat!!
Slaggy – hair cut you ape! Bonza hot as ever! Enjoy Namibia and try not to lose wee dave stagg in a dune! Love to all, miss you! Sam xx

21 Jun 2007
Russ Elliott
love the blog, great stories and photos. Looking forward to catching up when you return to UK. Love and best wishes Russ

20 Jun 2007
Jo Spicer
Well be de hokey, ye do seem to be havin a right good time of it now!! Hey you guys and holy cow!! Those photos are just fantastic, even of your paltry haul in Shakawe Fishing Lodge – I’m sure Bonnie’s been telling you for years Matt that size isn’t everything!! Like I need an excuse, but I think you may have cemented another trip to the dark continent for me next year. By the looks of things you’re both keeping well. Enjoy Namibia and looking forward to the next installment. Much love, Jo

19 Jun 2007
Christiane & Florian
Dear Matt & Bonnie,
We would love to tell you how much we love your travel blogs and how much we enjoy your adventurous stories. Gives us a pieces of Africa every few weeks. Thanks a lot for that! Enjoy Namibia, wonderful space of earth (Christiane was working there in 2004/2005).
Looking very much forward to seeing/reading your next blog.
Take care, Christiane & Florian (we met in Dar Es Salaam at the Kipepeo Camp Site)

19 Jun 2007
Sam and Stu
Hello White Water Rafter Explorers !!!Thrilled that you had such a great time with our wedding pressie and the photos are just great. You two look you are having such an amazing time I am soooo jealous !!Matt not sure I am loving the David Bellamy look but it did make me laugh out loud on the first day back from our holiday in Peru so thank you !Loads of love to you bothSam and Stu xxxP.S. I am clearly getting old as it has taken me 3 attempts to work out what Mark from Derbyshire was asking for !!!!

11 Jun 2007
Mark Derbyshire
Hi guys, u dont no me, but i may no glenton coombes from my school days at st andrews school turi, near molo kenya. he has a younger brother called murray. if its the same guy and u happen to ave his contact details is it possible i cud ave them or cud u pass on my e mail to him, ta. hope u continue 2 ave a great time, dead jealous.

11 Jun 2007
hi guys! looking forward to seeing you when you’re back in aug! these photos are just amazing – but the best thing by far is matt’s facial hair. love you lots c xxxxxx

10 Jun 2007
Matt n Bonza, well I finally made it back to Dublin…. My reputable tour leader and his fantastic leak proof tent managed to get me back home safe n sound. Miss you guys, had a ball, and Jo says HI!!!
Will be in touch, thanks for sarahs details. lover!!

17 May 2007
I was in Zambia at Easter and loved it. I was visiting my step sister and we had a week full of little adventures. the falls were amazing and (not surprisingly) very wet!!
lovely to see your pictures and hear the tales
Rach x

11 May 2007
Baboon 1
Matt and Bonnie, if you had bought the argos super-tents, there is no way that dog would have got through. I suppose you live and learn and were not with a reputable tour operator! Keep it up, enjoying the blog.

09 May 2007
Hi Matt and Bonnie! Sorry I havent been in contact! Bloody rubbish! Your trip looks and sounds amasing! We are heading to South Africa next jan so looking at some of these Photos is getting me very excited! Hope your honeymoon is going well, not too many arguements! Very Very jealous! Stuck in Eng doing dissertations! boring! Family is all good, Lucy is home, so the arguments start!!!! She had a wicked time in South America as you can imagin! Take care guys lots of love and happy traveling Emxx

20 Jan 2007
Cheers guys – great photies as usual! Looks like you’re having a fab time…jealous bla bla and all the rest of it!
Take care, Phezantine

17 Jan 2007
Eliz Atkinson
hello Katy and Anthony and Happy New Year to everyone! Is that you, Katy in the picture that has appeared on my screen?
Mum Dad richard and Sarah xxxx

31 Dec 2006
Sam and Stu
Hello Strangers !!!

Can’t believe I haven’t logged onto the blog for such a long time….but hey there is crime to fight in not so sunny Surrey….HONEST ! The photos are amazing and you look like you are having the time of your life. What an amazing memory this is going to be. Life is good this end almost Christmas so it is the usual old b*llocks of the shops being rammed to capacity and people buying more food than can possible eat…wish you were here…NOT…in fact wish we were there. News on the work front if you didn’t know already is that Kirsty is expecting baby number two which we were all thrilled about that. Apart from that it is the same old same old !

Loads of love to you both and we will have mulled wine for you over Christmas. Have a very happy Christmas and a great New Year !

Loads of love

Sam and Stu

19 Dec 2006
Sam and Stu
Hello Strangers !!!

Can’t believe I haven’t logged onto the blog for such a long time….but hey there is crime to fight in not so sunny Surrey….HONEST ! The photos are amazing and you look like you are having the time of your life. What an amazing memory this is going to be. Life is good this end almost Christmas so it is the usual old b*llocks of the shops being rammed to capacity and people buying more food than can possible eat…wish you were here…NOT…in fact wish we were there. News on the work front if you didn’t know already is that Kirsty is expecting baby number two which we were all thrilled about that. Apart from that it is the same old same old !

Loads of love to you both and we will have mulled wine for you over Christmas. Have a very happy Christmas and a great New Year !

Loads of love

Sam and Stu

19 Dec 2006
chris /martina
Hey Guys, Looking good!! You guys look as though you are having the time of your lives. It is cold,wet and dark in UK (no change there then) Martina and I will not be able to get to the coast for new year which is upsetting. we will call you at the coast on a phone (prob Jethwa’s) Love your blog page, wish I had done a simular trip.
Loads of love and keep safe Chris and martina XXXXXXXXXX

04 Nov 2006
Hey guys,

Looks like fun. Where are you now…. Ive just sailed down from Mozambique and will be in Durban for the next couple of days. Lost my phone on a big night out in Tofu so lost your details. Drop me an email on [email protected] as leaving the boat coz the skippers a cnut.

Gay Si

06 Oct 2006
Gerry Ashworth
Oh my God, those pictures are amazing. Not sure if I would go down the skinny caves, I would get stuck!!!

Love to Bonnie and Matt

18 Sep 2006
Hi Guys, Looks like your having fun!!!! Enjoy and keep safe.
Love Chris

08 Sep 2006
Big Willy
watcha sam looks amazing ..too cool bwana you guys really enjoy and we are waiting for you in kenya , love jay

29 Aug 2006
This is wicked, great to see that you’re having loads of fun! Erm looking like we have Kenya almost sorted for everyone (22-26 of us!!!). Looks like Diani not Malindi but will keep ya posted.
See ya soon, Joanna the wench says hi!

29 Aug 2006
Judi Stagg
What great photos. It all looks amazing and you both look great. Will look forward to the next update. Thanks for sharing your honeymoon.

Lots of love, Judi and Howard

29 Aug 2006
Sam (of Sam&Stu xx)
Oi you two….stop having my holiday from last year…it is making me jealous !!!!

Sam xxx

29 Aug 2006
18 Oct 2011 – start of travelblog



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