MandB’s african adventure – Tanzania 10

Hello lovely everyone.Here is our last installment from Keeeenya!

Had a day at the Ewaso River with Jethwa boys and girl and Tom.Lots of catfish were caught!




The next day we headed back to Lake Naivasha for some camping and a lovely day walking round Crater Lake Nature Reserve.




That evening was Colm D’Olier’s24th bday party.Sundowners and singing by the lake, followed by yummy bbq and lots and lots of gin.




We drove to Lake Baringo for a couple of hot hot hot nights and days. Didn’t manage much more than doing our washing and lazing by the next door pool.Cooking on open fire was perhaps not our best idea (mega hot evenings)!Staggy tried a bit of fishing, but not a sausage.


Eventually got round to visiting Matt’s old school; The Banda.He was in his element, and spent all our daily budget on second hand sports kit (very retro)…

Had a great night out in Gilgil, with long lost buddies Katie Davis and Mike Aung (teachers at Banda’s rival school). The next day their school Pembrokeplayed hockey against Banda, and despite Katie’s dodgy ref-ing, Banda wiped the floor with them….spot Matt’s retro tracksuit top!…

The next night, had a big farewell evening in Nairobi… so hungover the next morning that we had to delay our departure til the next day!(Also, had to stick around to watch Jonny the God Wilkinson.)

On way to Dar we stopped off for a couple of nights at Kari and Tim’s house in Mtwapa (on the coast).Had chilled day by their pool (with Ross, Kari’s bro and Chilli their three legged dog) and lovely pizza and icecream dinner out…

The next day we crossed the border into Tanzania, and are now in Dar Es Salaam, waiting for Bonnie’s Ma and AuntyMindyto arrive… only 2 hrs 40 mins to go!!V V excited.

New tel no. if anyone is bored at work and wants to text (still lovin the international texting) is +255 786 877 411.

Lots and lots of love


Posted from Tanzania:

posted Saturday February xxxx


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