Just call me Miss !!! loving it 3 rd week of teaching and i am really enjoying it! not loving the grammer, were we ever taught about tenses etc???? using my brain for the first time in years it seems and enjoying it! got lots to do before next thursday and we will be passed or failed! not doing a lot else really the weather is still horrible – lots of rain then really humid – i have been bitten to pieces and had enough of ting tongs to last me a life time! i dream of ordering steak with a pepper sauce and red wine! instead of rice and beer!!!!
I look forward to not itching from mozzies! i now see a geco and welcome them into my room to eat the other things that fly!! god knows what will happen in Zambia!
well i have just taught a lesson and now i am going for more rice! can you believe all this rice and no weight loss – proving it must be medical! well hope you are all cooler than me and eating nice food and drinking lots of wine!
take care x
posted Tuesday May 2007