MaryAnne Take Me Out to the Ballgame – USA 11

June 24, 2024


We went to the Detroit game today with Linda and Chrissy. What a great field! The entrance is by far the most impressive of all the parks weve been too! I love all the big cats standing guard over the park like gargoyles.


Our seats were behind home plate in the second section. The park is newer, and was one of the first retro parks built after Camden Yards in Baltimore.


 Rick says its the park that AT&T (or whatever the hell its called this year) in San Francisco was modeled after. The Lions stadium, Ford Field, is right next door.


The park is open and airy,


and has a great view of downtown in center field, with the GM HQ building dominating the skyline behind the GM fountain,


which blasts water and lights up after a Detroit home run.

 There are even tigers on guard on the scoreboard! They have a little amusement park behind the home plate area with a ferris wheel! The trees were even trimmed in the shape of baseball players!


Before the game there was a 40th anniversary tribute to the 1968 Championship Tiger team.


Those players honored on the field included: Willie Horton, Denny McLain, Dick McAuliffe, Hall of Famer Al Kaline, Jim Price, Gates Brown, Wayne Comer, Bill Freehan, John Hiller, Mickey Lolich, Tom Matchick, Daryl Patterson, Mickey Stanley, Dick Tracewski, Jon Warden, Don Wert, Hal Naragon and Bill Behm. What a great tribute. The fans went nuts! At the time of their championship season, the city was still recovering from the deadly race riots during the previous year. Willie Horton said he knew God had brought them together to heal the city and apparently it worked. Detroit began to prosper once again. The governor was there too, and thanked them for giving the city a reason to smile again. Its amazing to see how baseball really helped build this nation. It seems every city where there is a team has been revitalized at one time or another by them. No wonder its the official national past time. This trip has really shown me why!  

The hot dogs at the park were great! Definitely in the top 3 now! After the sun went down, the eyes of the tigers on the scoreboard glowed an eerie green.

It was so cool! And even though they lost to St Louis, 8-4, we had a blast!

Posted from USA:

posted Thursday July 2024



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