MaryAnne Take Me Out to the Ballgame – USA 2

30 Jul 2024

July 9 & 10, 2024


July 9, 2024

We decided to go out sightseeing today. OK we went out to stalk Prince. I looked up an alleged address for his house, and went searching. Minneapolis and its surrounding areas are beautiful, and not at all what I expected. The houses were all so huge! I guess with all those multiple birth children one needs something that big, but all the developments were like that. (I looked up one on the internet when we got back home 6 bedroom, 5 baths, finished basement – $325K! Unbelievable!) After 3 hours of searching, and getting lost numerous times, we abandoned the mission. We found the alleged general area, but failed to find the house, or the studio for that matter. Just as well, he probably wasnt home for visitors anyway. My friend, Karen, (Chicago) is a huge Prince fan, so I was going to send her a pic of the house. Ill just send her the link I found. Shell get a better view with Google Earth anyway.

As we meandered back to the campground, we stumbled on a casino, so we stopped by. They didnt have any Let It Ride tables, so I was immediately bored. We played the slots for a bit, but I cant stand shoveling money into those things. And especially since theyre electronic and dispense tickets instead of coins. Half the fun is listening to them hit the bucket. Im not much of a gambler anyway. We made it back to the RV ahead of yet another, yet not as thunderous storm. We were paid a visit by a right neighborly fellow also from California. He was in town for the rally and is a full time RVer. I love talking to these guys. Theyre chalked full of helpful tidbits for us amateurs. Thats right, I dont consider us veterans yet. We still have not dry-camped (no hook ups at all) and no self-respecting RVer would do so either.

We both have been experiencing a little back discomfort, so we found a Gonstead chiropractor and got adjustments. For those not in the know, this is a specific method of chiropractic medicine, founded by a guy named Gonstead. We have a great doctor (shout out to Dr. Aaron Gaily) in Monterey, and he told us how to find doctors on the road. With our specific treatment plans in hand, any Gonstead doc can treat us the same as Dr. Gaily. Its a marvelous system, and has relieved the back pain Rick has been experiencing for over 20 years. This is even after having back surgery, which made it worse at times. Since seeing Dr. Gaily, Ricks spine has been corrected and rehabilitated. Just ask him, hes a walking testimonial!  This doc was great too. She was so friendly and genuinely interested in our travels. She even treated us together in the same room. Another day of adventure has come to a close.



July 10, 2024


We stayed in all day today due to Bad Storm #18 or 19! I was sitting at the table, drinking coffee and looking out the window, when I noticed the horizon was growing, and getting blacker. I mentioned it to Rick and within 10 minutes the sky was black, the wind was hurricane gale force strength, and the rain was coming down horizontally! The RV was shaking back and forth and tree branches were flying past. Someones toys went blowing by, and then an older couple went running past enroute to the storm shelter. Of course I freaked and asked if we had missed the sirens, since the wind was deafening at times. I had the bag packed and ready to go! Boy Scouts arent the only ones who are always prepared, I dare say. We watched the weather reports all day, and I am so exhausted I am sure Ill sleep through the storms tonight. Its Ricks turn to stay awake!

Posted from USA:

posted Wednesday July 2024



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