May 11, 2024
Happy Mothers Day! We had so much fun today I hardly know where to begin! Megans parents, her brother Ryan and his family and friend Jen and her family came over for a BBQ. Between the kids running around and the pack of dogs, Id forgotten how fun it is to have all that chaos swirling about! There were about 20 people altogether in Pat and Megans little house. A true family gathering! The men folk have adopted the RV as their space, and named it the tree house. I had to stop them from putting a sign in the window that said No Girls Allowed! At least we knew where to find them all. Let me introduce them to you. Megan and Kelsey,
Sarah (holding her baby girl, whose name I cant spell and forgot to ask) flanked by Aidan, Olivia (she belongs to Sergio and Jen) and Ella (Aidan and Ella belong to her Sarah and Ryan), Debbie and Pat (in the background),
Ryan and Sergio,
Molly (Megans Mom) and Jen,
and Suki and Ila (its so hard to get a dog to pose!)
I missed getting a Megans father, Richard, who, I might add, is quite the handsome man! (Its OK, I already confessed that to Molly!) We also celebrated Debs birthday. Happy Bday, again Deb!
The day started with Pat giving us the South end tour, through downtown Miami and South Beach. Its so cool that all those high rise buildings are right on the water. What fabulous views those people have. And South Beach was as I thought, Santa Cruz on steroids. Lots of trendy little shops and restaurants with sidewalk seating. If thats the land of the beautiful people, then SoCal has nothing to worry about! I didnt see too many who fit the bill. Albeit it was Sunday morning and muggy as hell!
And speaking of the weather, its been hot and humid since we got here. It rained a couple of times (much needed Im told) but the aftermath humidity was oppressive! Its beautiful and all here, but how can anyone live in this humidity? Egad! I can see why theres a hair salon on every corner! My poor husband has been miserable since we got here, and I dont think hes been out of range of an A/C unit, with the exception of the first night. He does not do well in heat. (And speaking of heat, Ila is in heat and the poor thing has her stuff all hanging out and swollen. I may never complain about my time of the month again after watching what she was going through! At least mines not out there for all the world to see!)
We got back and started cooking. I wont talk about all the food we had other than to say that Patrick threw down on the grill! We were all so stuffed after dessert, which is so lovely when the humidity is like 1000% outside! But was a great day, and one of the best Mothers Days I can remember! Ryan, Sarah, Jen and Sergio will be vacationing in Rhode Island when we come through. Were hoping to all get together again there. I sure hope it works out!
Did I mention I love mastiffs?
posted Tuesday May 2024