MaryAnne Take Me Out to the Ballgame – USA 42


May 9, 2024


We had no A/C last night, and let me tell you sleeping in the humidity is no picnic! For some reason the A/C keeps blowing a circuit in the house, so Patrick is going to have someone come by today and take a look at it. If nothing can be done to help, well find an RV park somewhere and rent a car. I dont want them blowing up their house just so we can have A/C! They have an older home (60 years old) with all the cool architectural features that come with a craftsman style house, including the original hard wood floors. The house is small, but the lot is huge! Theyve got great space in the backyard with a patio thats perfect for entertaining or just kicking back with your morning coffee. Lots of trees, grass and flowers. Its so nice back there!


Today we did the sight-seeing thing around the greater Miami area with Patrick. There are so many high rise condos here! Its amazing to think all those people live in such a small area. Miami is such an eclectic mixture of people, cultures and lifestyles. Like any large metro area, Miami has it little cities of like people claiming a chunk of the territory. I really want to try some Cuban food while Im here. Ive never had it and look forward to getting me some! We ate lunch at a pizza place that Pat had wanted to try, and lemme tell ya, I am glad we did! Ive been a huge supporter of Giannis Pizza in Monterey, and Pyzanos Pizza in Castro Valley, but the stuff yesterday was the best Ive ever had! Now Ive had pizza in NYC and Chicago, and it was great, but this stuff was fantastic! Its cold fired and they say on the menu that it comes well done which means the crust is burnt on the edges, and I love that! The toppings were fresh, the sauce was really tasty and the crust was thin and crisp! Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmmm! We also had wings, which were also cold fired, and had a coating with rosemary and garlic. Ill be trying to re-create those someday! (I realize that I talk alt about food, but I love to eat and cant imagine traveling through the country and not sampling the local fair!)


As we drove around we saw places where peoples back yards were on canals, with boats tied up to the docks. I was quite surprised the first time I saw it. I expected to see an alley, or even another street. We stopped a local watering hole and sat by the water sipping drinks. 2 boats pulled up alongside and the passengers got out and came in for dinner. How cool is that? No need for a car if youre going someplace on the water. I could get used to traveling like that! We didnt make it over to South Beach, but I assume its probably like Pebble Beach on steroids, full of beautiful people wearing practically nothing, prancing around showing off their stuff. Ive never been into the look at me scene, so I have no desire to go there unless it becomes part of the tour.


We finally also got some rain today. There was a brief thunder shower that moved through, though it was enough to flood a few parking lots. Pat says its the first rain theyve had in quite some time. Afterwards the sun came back out and it was beautiful again. The humidity was worse for a while, but we were inside and it wasnt so bad. The guy came over and rigged the electricity so we could have A/C tonight. Yea! I really didnt want to go to a park. Im having fun hanging out here. Megan and Pat have 2 great dogs. One is a German shepherd and the other is an English bull mastiff. I love those dogs! Her name is Ila and shes adorable! Shes about 180 pounds of pure puppy! Id love to have one but the hubs says no way, theyre too big. Hes a cat person, so any dog would be undesirable. Well see


Im hoping tomorrow we can do some more sightseeing. I had wanted to head down to the Keys, but we wont have time on this trip. It just gives us another reason to come back again. Maybe next time we can get to the Caribbean too. That would be awesome!

Posted from USA:

posted Saturday May 2024



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