Oliver Wakefield – Ollie – India 7

02 Jan xxxx

Finally got round to writing this blog thingy for all you peeps athome. Not really sure of what to write so il gues ill just start bysaying where i have been so far. well, i flew in to Delhi on the 13th then headed up to kashmir whichwas far to cold. I then went back to delhi and to Jaipur to meet MD.from Jaipur i went to Bikener, then to Jaisalmer where i am now. Its very nice but there are shitloads of tourists which means loads ofhassle to do anything and really expensive. Some of the people i am meeting are great, on newyears eve i went to afancy reataurant and ate with an american couple. When thy left i fellin with a bunch of army officers who had there own booze in a jeep so ihad a very cheap night and i never got charged for my meal which iscool. I then danced the night away with loads of drunk indian men andnot one women stayed. It was a bit scary actually!! I leave tommorrowfor Jhodpur where i hope to meet the american couple again. For now illjust put up a load of random photos from my trip but in the future illtry and tie the right photo in with the right blog

Posted from India:

posted Wednesday January xxxx


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