Patsy’s Travel Adventures – Germany 2

Greetings from Brandenburg, Germany! This town is about 50 miles or so west of Berlin….more than a thousand years old. Very Medieval……small cobblestone streets and all. We are staying in a small boutique hotel here we ran across….did not have a reservation for tonight.

Tomorrow we head toward Hannover for a 3-day stay and to meet some of Anna Maes long lost relatives.

The Berlin tour was amazing….got photos of remains of Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie…Brndenburg Gate, Jewish Memorial and much more. The city is such a paradoxical place….with theold buildings standing right next to ultra contemporary ones.

One of the most amazing things about this whole trip is the architecture…so beautiful and different.

Will check in another day when the opportunity arises! We are doing well…enjoying wandering around. We have not been lost yet….just had a few times we were not sure where to turn!!


Patsy & Anna Mae

Posted from Germany:

posted Thursday June xxxx


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